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55287360 No.55287360 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55287369
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I cook most of my meals and usually only eat out once a week.

>> No.55287391

what do you cook

>> No.55287392

I can't cook so I eat out.

>> No.55287402

Tonight I cooked a bunch of ground beef, mixed in taco seasoning, put it all in a bowl with iceberg lettuce, cherry tomatos, cheese, a taco shell crushed up, and salsa. Super easy and I have leftovers for whole week.

>> No.55287406


>> No.55287407
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I made pesto pasta with chicken, red onions, those little tomatoes, and feta. It was bretty good.

>> No.55287410


>> No.55287415

>soggy taco shell all week

>> No.55287419
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I eat whatever my mom makes.

>> No.55287443
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Live at home chads, get in here.

>> No.55287485

classic zoomer

>> No.55287533

i only cook b/c i am convinced i don't trust food prepared by others, i am also a schizo.

>> No.55287556


>> No.55287584

Cook 99% of the time. Most restaurants cook with seed oils, I prefer cooking with beef tallow because I am alpha chad

>> No.55288026

I heat up the taco shells separately and add in at the time of eating

>> No.55289195

only retards eat out

>> No.55289403

>I browned ground beef and poured in Sazon
Wow you are really talented

>> No.55289410

I cook most of the time. Tonight I had pulled pork sandwiches and last night I had kielbasa and cabbage

>> No.55289418

I eat out your mom and then give her my cook if you know what I mean, financially speaking

>> No.55289421

I pulled your mom's pork

>> No.55289426

That's MY pork

>> No.55289431


my job provides 3 meals a day. In the weekends I often eat out.

>> No.55289441

Doesn't matter, lights are off I'm pulling the pork and going full ham

>> No.55289643
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I cook, I never eat out because I want to save as much as possible to try new shit, now I am using TRX0X0 to see if this allows me to do the opposite of this, I want to have a month where I only eat out

>> No.55289741

I only eat out pussy. That is all.

>> No.55290280

>I can't cook
Are you disabled, bro?

>> No.55290334

I cook, sometimes order

>> No.55291032

me to, 27

>> No.55292098

I never said I was a talented cook?

>> No.55292342

you motherfuckers need to get laid

>> No.55292355

The tranny mod is an abusing schizo deleting threads and banning people for no reason.
Please report this piece of shit at https://www.4channel.org/feedback

>> No.55292926

Used to order food every 2-3 days. I'd order multiple meals so I could save on delivery and have stuff to eat later. Was spending $1.1k/month on food for just me.
It was basically throwing money away and I was getting fat, all the calories in ordered food were always 50%+ more than I expected them to be just based on raw ingredients.
So I'm trying to break the habit, ordering more in bulk from costco, mostly unprocessed food and cooking everything myself, and even then it's still expensive but not as bad, should be able to cut my food spending by more than half, at the cost of spending 2 dozen hours cooking, basically paying myself $20/hr to cook.

I'm a leaf and food is really bizarre at grocery stores compared to costco.
2 dozens eggs are somehow $13 at costco while other stores sell them for $9, but with costco the best before date is a month away while with other stores it's a week or 2 away.
Similar with meat, more expensive but best before is a week from now, while with stores they'll have meat on the shelf where the best before date is the next day.
Even fruit, I get any from a grocery store and it's half rotten 2-3 days later, while with costco I can leave it for a week and it's still just as fresh and good to go.
I don't know how grocery stores have been able to get away with selling such close to expired food for so long, like where does the fresh shit even go? Do they just leave it in a warehouse for a few weeks before deciding that they can sell it? Do they sell it somewhere else first then let the peons comb over the leftovers?

>> No.55293135
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don’t listen to the other anons
this is very based. i love even the shittiest tex mex
this is what i prepped for the week:
>porchetta, and chicken drumsticks made with the leftover rub
>fettuccini with a simple sauce made with fresh tomatoes, garlic, homemade red wine, balsamic vinegar, and basil i grew in my window
then when i run out of leftovers i will have shawarma from the business close by

>> No.55293177


>> No.55293305

how do normal people afford to eat in this country, on top of the unaffordable housing? i make close to $70/hr and i still find food here unaffordable. i buy a good cut of beef (rib) like once a year

>> No.55293537

I've wondered that as well but minimum wage is $15.50/hour in Ontario, that's $2.4k/month if you work full time. Your take home would probably be ~$2.1k
In my area I imagine it would cost someone
$90 for bus transportation
$800 for a room with 2 other roommates if you're lucky
$80 utilities/internet split 3 way
$60 phone bill
$15 renters insurance
$500 food and cook bare essentialls
That's $1545/month for a pretty minimal cost of living.
It would be a shitty existence, no car, multiple roommates, no eating out, but it's possible.

>> No.55293595

I'm broke and make rice based meals. sometimes I put salsa and cut up sausage with the rice, other times I will put rice in a bowl of ramen noodles, add ham, then flavor further with hot sauce.
Life is rice.

>> No.55293824

>Most restaurants cook with seed oils

where did you uneducated retards get the idea that 'seed oils' are somehow bad?