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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55283423 No.55283423 [Reply] [Original]

Today the grocery bill was $500. Now granted, Mom insisted on buying pointless luxuries like premium deli meat, locally caught salmon and name brand potato chips. Regardless, it seems abundantly clear to me that we're now at a point where food is patently unaffordable to a certain subset of the population, and a liability for those with certain cravings. There is no logical reason for a box of single-layer Oreo's to cost $6.59. It is absurd to imagine paying $15/lb for standard ground beef. It's not that this is too expensive for people like me, it's that we can plainly see they're raising the cost of what amounts to cattle feed and expecting no one to notice. I've been noticing for the past three years and enough is enough. This goes beyond greed, it's an infringement on human rights and exploitation of those who aren't capable of recognizing the problem. Something genuinely needs to be done before things get out of hand. I'm not paying $6 for a cheese empanada, or $23.99 for Tuna steaks. This is absurd.

>> No.55283436

Stop noticing things and buy the g_yslop

>> No.55283471
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>Mom insisted on buying pointless luxuries
Here's the problem

If a man shopped instead I guarantee it's $250

>> No.55283481

Accept the new normal, 1.2 mil homes and 6$ Oreo’s are a good thing and if you don’t agree you’re a nazi

>> No.55283504

I'm unironically not sure what the point of contributing to the system is anymore. How do I benefit in any meaningful way from participating in society?

>> No.55283507

sorry goy but food inflation is only +0.1% for the month and +5.8% year on year. you must be hallucinating. you might want to book an appointment with a doctor, and rest easy knowing that medical care services are up only 1.0% month on month -- but you must also remember that we tend to OVERSTATE inflation!


>> No.55283534
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Brown rice
Canned beans

That's all you need

>> No.55283543

Yes but it's not all my parents need. They're almost 60 years old, I can't exactly ween them off of Diet Coke and Lays at that age.

>> No.55283551
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i've cut way down on fake goyslop foods so it doesn't impact me so much anymore, but it truly is insane that a bag of fucking store brand potato chips is like $4-5 these days -- unless there's a sale, but sales and coupons are becoming rarer by the day. even staple foods like non-goyslop brands of chicken breast are $4/pound. (no, i don't care about $3/pound store brand chicken breast that is woody and is 30% brine by mass.)

>> No.55283575

You got pics of your mom?

>> No.55283590
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i'm 34 years old and grew up solidly middle class. my mom autistically adhered to her monthly budget yet we still had enough money to eat ground beef fairly often. today i second guess buying ground beef because of how expensive it is. i make $100k/year. they've been lying about inflation for years and our purchasing power has taken an absolute nosedive over the past 10-15 years.

>> No.55284271

Biden just tweeted that inflation is down and prices are going down and the economy is going up and jobs are great and everything is fucking great and you're obviously lying because Biden wouldn't lie to us because he's great.

>> No.55284282

chat gpt frogbot thread

>> No.55284345

its going to get worse. thats why i keep telling you faggots to prepare for food riots and stock up on food

>> No.55284347

i make 80k and I go to the foodbank. I'm not wasting investment money of food. fuck that.

>> No.55284364
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hey faggot the prices on all that shit are going UP

>> No.55284403

have sex chud

>> No.55284421
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The next step should be allowing agrarian economies (sub Saharan Africa, my ancestral homeland) to export their surplus (young populations with large fertile soil). Sub Saharan Africa will be the next China but will export food.
>inb4 n word and assorted racism
Think about it. Cheap currencies and young population with large swath of growing land.

>> No.55284441

Niggers haven't been able to master agriculture their entire genetic exsistance, what's changed?

>> No.55284448

This, let’s see yo mommas thick ass and wide hips OP.

>> No.55284471

Cope. They had their own independent Neolithic (yams, oil palm, watermelon, okra, pearl millet, etc). Most of those countries are net exporters of food and are barley mechanical or commercial in nature (mostly subsistence). They can do

>> No.55284479

you a leaf bro? $300 a week for my family. was thinking we just eat potatoes and soup

>> No.55284598

What I don't understand is how these companies continue making a profit

I can't imagine mexican workers paying 6 dollars for a bag of Doritos

What is it literally all food stamps?

>> No.55284621

Cool but that's still like 2x the price of just 3 years ago

>> No.55284639

Yo. Carmelize them onions in a cast iron pan as low and slow as possible for as long as possible and mix it with those potatoes. Poor man's steak.

>> No.55284734

its what people will pay. simple as.

i have noticed that processed foods continue to price skyrocket but most essentials are steady or rising much less dramatically. eggs are even down, finally.

>> No.55284788
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>20lb bag of rice - $11
>3 Bags of 12 Chicken Quarters $23
>2 dozen eggs $4
>2 loves of bread $6
> seasoning $10
>random off brand 12 pack soda $8
>2 packs of cheap bacon $15

Nigger I literally just fed myself for a month for under $75

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.55284955

Those aren't store brand though

>> No.55284994

will try that. I tried those korean glazed potatoes. so good

>> No.55285056

a month?

2 dozen eggs would last me 4 days. plus are you only eating half a loaf of bread per week? what the hell is going on here42

>> No.55285279

no shit. wait until it comes out that everyone has been running up their credit cards just to buy groceries.

this country is fucked

>> No.55285323

>Today the grocery bill was $500
What the fuck are you buying? Do you live in NYC or some shit those prices are ridiculous I buy all kinds of stupid shit and I've never spent over 250 and that's including days when I buy a fuckton of semi-expensive bulk items like laundry detergent

>> No.55285337
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>> No.55285348

How? Stop buying stupid shit like deli meat.

Buy real raw meat, eggs, plants, fruits. cook everything. nothing preprocessed. You can get 10 lbs of meat for ~110$ or less I can't see how you are spending more than 250. I don't spend that much and I lift and eat tons of meat

>> No.55285358

don't ask questions, just consoom the goyslop.

>> No.55285362
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He’s a Polcel basedboy twink.


Seriously faggots why don’t we actually try and do something like organize another OWS and rile up the normies that all these kike corporations made record profits last year while we can all barely afford to eat? We could even get nogs to chimp out and say it’s racist.

>> No.55285372


>> No.55285427

>man doesn't even buy food
>spends paycheck on weed and war thunder tanks
Yeah, men are much more responsible than stupid heckin roasties

>> No.55285436

>premium deli meat, locally caught salmon and name brand potato chips
why is she so fat?

>> No.55285447

this kind of shit is why i fucking hate this board and why you faggots will die poor.

any time anyone bitches about housing or food costs, there's always a line of you retards kvetching about how you survive off of cardboard and dust and live in a fucking corner of your mom's basement.

if you want to live that then fine, but most people don't want to live like a fucking pod dweller

it's all so tiresome.

>> No.55285741


You dont obvouisly have self control a serving of eggs should 2 eggs max

Put between 2 pieces of toast its breakfast

>> No.55285775

>brown rice
you enjoying those indigestible fibers and arsenic bro? broccoli is a nice natural food that everyone eats in nature, totally not manmade or full of pesticides and definitely tastes great.... lentils straight up slave food no-one outside of absolute destitute poverty should be eating. root veg (potato/sweet potato) is the replacement for all 3 of those things

>> No.55285807

I make $100k and my spouse makes close to $200k and I hesitate to buy any meat but bone in skin on chicken thighs. I used to cook on a whim whatever sounded good but now I won’t buy food outside of planned Costco trips. Nothing more processed than a loaf of bread, it’s all just way too expensive. I genuinely don’t know how anyone making a median salary or below is getting by.
>$6/lb frozen ground beef
>$20/lb parmesan
>fucking $80 to fill up my sedan with regular unleaded

>> No.55285834

Source ?

>> No.55285928

>2 dozen eggs would last me 4 days
Are you that guy from /fit/ that eats 13000 eggs a year?

>> No.55285936

But if they're older they may not be spending
money on other stuff like drinks after work or new clothes every month or eating out, car payments, monthly fuel cost, new phones , new computers.
These things balance out for better or worse.

>> No.55285941

Found your problem with meat. Costco never has deals on meat. In fact, their meat is higher than the competition.
Check out other grocery stores, especially near end of the month

>> No.55285964

We aren’t all you ya know. My extra spending money goes to booze I wont lie, but I save the majority of all my money.

>> No.55285966

that anon would eat 2190 eggs per year at that rate so probably not
I am very smart

>> No.55286017

You lost me there. Dairy is fucking nasty and the devil, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Just give me meat, fruit, and veggies and I'm solid.

>> No.55286048

enjoy your stomach cancer

>> No.55286049

Eggs...dairy ??
Cows lay eggs
Or we milk chickens
This is some Vegas Alien full disclosure stuff

>> No.55286053

kek they want poor people to starve and die
they want to kill all the useless eaters
they're not even hiding it anymore

>> No.55286058

Bro Science ? Source ?

>> No.55286072

just bing it bro

>> No.55286076

when you realize ukraine makes 90% of the worlds fertilizers it all makes sense

>> No.55286082

Post hand

>> No.55286097

>ukraine makes 90% of the worlds fertilizers
Don't we literally have the technology to make fertilizer from the air? Any country can do it. I thought Ukraine was all about grain or something.

>> No.55286117

Skipping meals and having 1-2 big ones cuts down a lot of food waste. I find breakfast to be the cheapest meal so I try to pack in the calories there. Find 5-8 decent cheap meals ideally with few ingredients and rotating between them for the majority of your meals will save money too. Obviously limit eating out and goyslop meals. I have a medical condition that is much easier to control with low carbs and I'm feeling it with the meat prices.

>> No.55286120

"Biden" isn't even real. It's a CGI model that appears on television and uses neural networks to mimic what Joe Biden used to sound like.

>> No.55286134

I'm surprised people aren't rioting in the streets for a $15 minimum wage already.

>> No.55286140

>steaks and lamb loin from neighbor
Why allow big ag rob you blind?

>> No.55286143

I do find gems at grocery stores from time to time and grab enough to freeze. Sometimes even seafood can be a good deal.

My point in mentioning our income wasn’t to brag but more state at that income we shouldn’t really have to budget for food beyond maybe ‘steak and lobster is for special occasions’ and ‘$9 meme bread no thanks.’ Genuinely how is an average family paying their mortgage and feeding their kids these days? Is it really all debt?

>> No.55286150

Tomato paste for Spanish rice

>> No.55286159

Based I bet it’s great meat too

>> No.55286184

agree storebought dairy is not edible. it needs to be fresh. 1-2 old max squeezed from a cow tit and nothing else done do it except kept cold. I have one single source in my area that makes this available. unfortunately its at a drop off point in the middle of the day.

>> No.55286199

yeah i realized i got it backwards but my point still stands. $4-5 for fried potatoes is insane.

>> No.55286235
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>> No.55286308

It's because the market has taken care of it and has made $15 the natural minimum wage without government intervention. Very, very few people make less than $15 an hour anymore. Drive by any McDonalds or Burger King and they will say hiring at like $16 an hour.

>> No.55286316
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Chik fil A’s cool wrap is probably the most easily accessible healthy option at a fast food place. Pre covid it was $7 for a combo w/ side and drink, now just the wrap itself is $9. The chicken is trash now too, cartilage and shit.

>> No.55286424

Average family makes more money than you think
That's the RedPill

>> No.55286482

This. Median and average incomes are skewed lower because of:

1) Retirees with low living expenses living off of a lifetime of savings
2) Shaniqua that receives all kinds of transfer payments and subsidies from the government, such as food stamps, housing vouchers, and medicaid.
3) The wealthy who don't have "income" but borrow from assets.

Everyone is far richer than they seem. The only people that are totally and utterly fucked are the lower middle class/working class.

>> No.55286537

>not making your own potato crisps
The bill was $500 because you're 500kg.

>> No.55286614

>Eating junk food

>> No.55286739


Dude your just spoiled you faggot

You want uncle Ben's packets and chicken breasts skinless and deboned and fucking variety.

Nigger your gonna pay more..not my problem. I showed you an easy fucking way one person could comfortably eat and be healthy for a month for less than $75 and you speak to me like I told everyone to eat buna soup and fucking sawdust bread.

Only fat niggers spend $500. Eating should be a small part of your fucking life.

>> No.55286804

What if it's jfk in a mask instead?

>> No.55286929


>> No.55286967

>$15ground beef
nigga what? I buy 5 lbs ground beef $40 at farmer's market. it's probably organic. what the fuck are you buying?
buy lentils and rice and beans from restaurant supply stores, palletmaxxing has saved me so much $$$

>> No.55287471

$500 just for you and your mom? that's ridiculous.

>> No.55287516

>useless eaters
You mean the people who actually work and keep society running?
it's the rich who are useless eaters... they need us way more than we need them...
Without a society of peasant proletariats they have no society at all, without a society of elite we have a better world.

>> No.55287604


I see what you’re saying but this link breaks down medians by age, full time vs part time workers etc. Seems reasonable to say an average couple with a few kids earns ~100k pre tax. That’s what, $5k/mo take home? Say $2k for your mortgage and property tax, $300 for utilities/phone, $300 if you have a car note or student loans, $500 for all insurances, $200 for gas, $700 for food for 4, that leaves you with $1000/mo of squish. This is assuming you have absolutely nothing else to save up for or pay off- a large home repair, medical debt etc. Maybe you only buy clothes at goodwill once a year. Maybe you just got new tires and won’t need more for a couple years. That $1k/mo is not a lot for a family and one emergency can easily wipe out half a year of savings.

Idk man I’m just doomposting

>> No.55287629

childcare costs?

>> No.55287645

elites just need to be capped. whilst they have money people will cater to that with ever more extravagant and lavish offerings. fcks the gdp model/theory but that needs to go in the bin

>> No.55287768

Good point, I’m assuming kids old enough to get themselves on the bus to/from school. Day care is something outrageous like $1k/kid/mo even in LCOL areas yeah? At median income level it might be cheaper for the mom to not work and stay home.

If you have the space an au pair is actually a very affordable childcare option. You basically just pay room/board and a small stipend for some 22 yo from South America who has a dozen younger siblings. Downside is you pretty much have to live in an urban area 22 yos like or none of them are going to apply for your position

>> No.55287802

Definitely last year or so is the first time basic groceries have become near unaffordable if I want to save any money at the end of the month. I basically would have to eat only rice beans and ramen if I wanted to put any money away. Sometimes I'll run to the store to get a few things hardly anything like 3 items meat cheese refried beans and tortilla and somehow my bill will be near 30$. We're truly approaching the dark times I'm just glad I have a family to help each other through this

>> No.55287812

How else do you survive? Just be homeless and get food stamps. I'm a slave cause I need a home

>> No.55287825

Hey y'all! The best way to deal with inflation is by getting in early on my new token IdleBurn - Join here - discord: drqEBEaYRP

>> No.55287839

go on foodstamps, prob solved

>> No.55287863

Where tf do you live where you guys struggle at 300k? Me and my wife live in the city and collectively we make 100k altogether. We struggle with food hard but if we brought home 150k a year ithink we'd be sailing. You must be buying a house and paying for a shit ton of monthly entertainment subs

>> No.55287871

You're insane that's some of the tastiest shit I eat outside meat

>> No.55287947

that's espensive op, cost of living is going way up

>> No.55288004
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Commiefornia of course lol. But we don’t really struggle on $300k, I’m just saying even at that income the last few months we’ve been feeling the squeeze on food and general commodity prices. We both grew up poor though so are maybe more anxious about that. Unironically $300k, over 3x the median household income in California is not that much in the areas where those salaries are. A while ago I thought we’d be doing great, tons of kids and a big house but that’s not in the cards yet.

You’re what I’m talking about, you guys are doing better than median but still struggling with food. There must be tens of millions of honest and hard working Americans who are absolutely fucked. They must be really angry too.

>> No.55288740

You should start buying groceries and any other products with crypto. These days these payment platforms offers higher cashbacks on all transactions. I recently came across on which has plans to give upto 10% cashback on all transactions with a 1% flat transaction fee.

>> No.55288896

This is best way possible. I personally feel the adoption has gotten better interms of accepting crypto as payments. With time more people will start using this. Last year I got myself an iPhone with crypto from Yourmacstore. That was a no brainer for me.

>> No.55288941

Good for you. I am also planning to take a vacation soon and I'm going to book my flights with Alternate airlines which accepts crypto.

>> No.55288967

Try to explore xMoney they have big merchant partners like Shopping.io, and shopify. You can buy with both crypto and fiat and get cashbacks too.

>> No.55289069

>a month
So for 24 days you eat each day (calories)
1 egg (196)
1 chicken quarter (358)
0.66lb rice (389)
2 pieces of bread (190)
1 slice of bacon (50)
and every other day 1 soda (90/day)

That totals to about 1273 calories/day, which is below the TDEE for anyone that's not tiny, you will lose fat eating only this, then muscle mass, and given enough time you will die.
And hold on, that's just 24 days, we still have the rest of the month.
The remaining 6 days you can only have the chicken quarters and 0.66lb of rice, which is only 747 calories/day, which is a very unhealthy cut especially when combined with such a low calorie diet overall.

Add another 20lb bags of rice and another 2 dozen eggs and you'll survive.

>> No.55289089

How are you not able to afford $6 for Oreos LMFAO.

>> No.55289100

1 egg is 70 calories. 50 grams of rice is 110 calories so severely doubt that two. 2 pieces of bacon is usually 80 calories. Shit bread is 2 slices for 190.

You're retarded. Or maybe European.

>> No.55289125

It all depends how you prepare them, I estimated high for everything to give them the benefit of the doubt assuming they were eating sugar wonder bread or something, and it was still not enough calories.

>> No.55289160

soviet unions

>> No.55290362

>knowing how to stretch your dollars further means you will die poor

4chan moment

>> No.55291493

The problem is that they don't know the opportunities available for them. If they have access to CryptMi, I'm certain the cashbacks will cover most if this bill. There are always opportunities out there.

>> No.55291885

this. except 100.
also this.

>> No.55291964
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Invest in cultured and 3D printed meat and fish. That's the way forward. Some points about cultured steak specifically:
>Significantly less time to produce than bringing a whole cow to maturity
>No need for antibiotics
>Perfect consistency: No grizzle. No bone shards. Every single steak is identical.
>Also perfect marbling: You can produce Grade AAA+ premium wagyu beef steaks that are completely flawless and can be sold at the market price of hamburger meat.
>Better than nature: You can make cuts that wouldn't exist. How about a 4 way T-bone (let's call it an X-Bone) that you can serve like a pizza? Or a Tomahawk Steak in the shape of Texas?

Also this meat can be eaten totally raw without fear of food poisoning as it has no bacteria from the animal slaughter.

>> No.55291979

You could use the chicken to make soup and put the rice in that so you don't waste the chicken fat. You'd probably want some broccoli, carrots, garlic or potatoes to add more vitamins and flavor, but those are cheap.