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File: 828 KB, 896x1344, 283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55282904 No.55282904 [Reply] [Original]

>The United States House Committee on Financial Services is the committee of the United States House of Representatives that oversees the entire financial services industry, including the securities, insurance, banking and housing industries.
>The Financial Services Committee also oversees the work of the Federal Reserve, the United States Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and other financial services regulators.
>The House Committee on Financial Services is considered to be one of the House's most powerful committees.

LIVESTREAM (starts in 10 minutes):


Emin Gün Sirer from Ava Labs will speak there:
Here is his testimony.

>Emin is shilling AVAX and Avalanche to the US Government
>Emin is extremely pro Crypto

>> No.55282911

Based Emin is going to shill our bags to Americucks, wagami

>> No.55282967
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>The collective goal is that the United States should seek to enable the free, safe, and responsible proliferation of blockchain technologies and their many applications so that, as a country, the United States and its citizens can benefit greatly from the economic growth that blockchain technologies will enable.

>I am the founder and CEO of Ava Labs, a software company founded in 2018 that is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, whose mission is to digitize the world’s assets.
>Ava Labs is a software company that builds and helps implement technologies on the Avalanche public blockchain and other blockchain ecosystems.
>We have developed some of the most significant recent technological innovations in blockchain, including the biggest breakthrough in consensus protocols following Bitcoin. Before founding Ava Labs, I was a professor of computer science at Cornell for almost 20 years, advancing the science of blockchains with a focus on improving their scalability, performance, and security.
>During that time, I consulted with various U.S. government agencies and departments on a range of topics. I have made fundamental contributions to several areas of computer science, including distributed systems, operating systems, and networking, with dozens of peer-reviewed articles (among other things, I am one of the most cited authors in the blockchain space after Satoshi Nakamoto).
>I hold a National Science Foundation CAREER award and previously served on the DARPA ISAT Committee.
>I serve as a member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Technology Advisory Committee.

>> No.55283113
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>10 minutes in
>"will begin shortly"

>> No.55283207
File: 271 KB, 400x533, emin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking Boomers really taking their time to get the stream going

>> No.55283231

Thoughts on WOO avaxbros? Trying to diversify a bit

>> No.55283385

Why isn't it starting bruvs

>> No.55283405


>> No.55283448
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>> No.55283469
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some monkey talking now

>> No.55283526
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where is emins?

>> No.55283541
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this guy also shitting on FTX same as monke

>> No.55283549
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>another guy shitting on centralized entities

>> No.55283562
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>> No.55283574
File: 63 KB, 862x695, prostablecoinboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related boomer is pro stablecoins

>> No.55283596

thats the CEO of Circle btw.

>> No.55283625
File: 47 KB, 677x692, mrgarrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP and former Counsel to Commissioner Hester M. Peirce
talking now, dude was also attorney for the SEC.
sounds like hes pro crypto too.

overall good shilling for the Crypto Space so far.

>> No.55283670
File: 53 KB, 700x610, SEXton the 3rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. Thomas Sexton III, President and CEO, National Futures Association

talking right now, Emin is next.

>> No.55283715
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hes giving a quick rundown of this
>Here is his testimony.

>> No.55283757
File: 48 KB, 697x652, kaplan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin finished, now this guy talks
>Mr. Aaron Kaplan, Founder and Co-CEO, Prometheum, Inc.

>> No.55283758

>he chose to use the title as Dr
what a faggot lmfao

>> No.55283771

freemasonic hand symbol from the guy behind emint as well

>> No.55283774
File: 167 KB, 929x1175, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin is a Doctor and now he talks to the most important comitee in the united states helping shape the regulations in the US.
Dont see your dead ghostchain anywhere near this event.

>> No.55283787

thats literally Kevin who is indeed a 33rd degree Freemason in the Lodge. its all true.

>> No.55283814
File: 56 KB, 803x669, Eminanswering question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emin answering question from the chairman cuck

>> No.55283832

>make an observation that Emint is literally the only person in the entire room pretentious enough to use the title Dr rather than everyone else Mr even though others have the qualifications
>project something about dead ghostchains
I too would be this insecure when my payroll is dependent upon it
Kevin is too down syndrome to be 30th degree let alone 33rd

>> No.55283841
File: 54 KB, 845x664, MrSirerwhatisitabouttheniggerposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche is getting mainstream adoption. cope more.

>> No.55283847

Why is McHenry so cocky, he's a fucking annoying faggot nigger cuck

>> No.55283855

Guarantee Kevin suqmydiqi tastes emint's asshole turkish seasonings every night
this has literally nothing to do with anything I said you dyslexic retard

>> No.55283856

its his job to be any annoying faggot nigger cuck.

>> No.55283870
File: 43 KB, 646x682, AVAX investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares what some drooling retard holding ghostchain bags has to say.
meanwhile the US Government cares what Emin has to say.

>> No.55283927
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Mr Hill asking Mr Garrison questions about CEX shit, ftx, binance etc.

>> No.55283947
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>some old ape starts talking

>> No.55283951

Why is the black guy so slow

>> No.55283955

>I here done do nothing no how

>> No.55284007

No one asks Emin anything bros... It's over...

>> No.55284069

Funny thread

>> No.55284151

They still looking at Cexes... It's gonna be fatal after next crash. If not Ledger, Uniswap, Allianceblock Dex or any other Dex, then I'm done with crypto.

>> No.55284198

What the fuck was that, lmao

>> No.55284446

Lol I just looked it fucking is Kevin too. All the Ava labs team also not wearing ties. Why?

>> No.55284468

wasn't she the one promoting harassment on trump supporters?

>> No.55284486
File: 88 KB, 1098x945, Fyh3rajWwAIlFcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over avax sis

>> No.55284511

>Guarantee Kevin suqmydiqi
I must admit, you made me laugh a lot anon

>> No.55284580

holyfuck, that guy speaking slow like he has the moral high ground about females in the space.

>> No.55284588

That fucking ponytail guy wants to turn this into a sexist issue now, KEK.

>> No.55284601

"But......the FEMALEs......they.....can't.....be in this sector".
What a fucking retard. He sounded like that old youtube meme with the crackhead talking about space aliens. - vid related

>> No.55284604
File: 33 KB, 494x623, blocksyourpath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cockblocks Emin

>> No.55284641
File: 70 KB, 1448x747, Emin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the Ava labs team also not wearing ties. Why?
because they are protesting and disrespecting the Joe Biden regime

>> No.55284659
File: 40 KB, 727x628, milkman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumbass Boomer asks questions about decentralization
>doesnt ask Emin about network decentralization

>> No.55284664

kek this thread made my day, you roachcoiners are at least more entertaining than icypee holders

>> No.55284677
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>> No.55284703
File: 71 KB, 1041x674, HAHAHAHAHAHAHBALDNIGGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bald nigger
>"ooga booga how many cryptocoins exists?" *smacks lips*
>"ooga booga poorfag Blacks invest too much into crypto!"

>> No.55284704

Didn't ask Emin about which coins in the top 50 had obtained an exemption from the SEC when there is only one (yes, its Avax) which has such an exemption.

>> No.55284739
File: 28 KB, 570x775, Didyoufileemins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin didnt even know if Ava Labs filed the proper shit at the SEC making himself look like a dumbass in front of the Sherman Boomer, the final Boss of Crypto.

>> No.55284741


shouldn't that benefit poorfag blacks? look at the bitcoin chart.

I legit met a group of black ladies in mexico who retired off of bitcoin.

>> No.55284756
File: 563 KB, 964x1280, heyavaxIhaveniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bald nigger wants to keep all the other poor Niggers down in the gutter where they cant breeeathe while Emin wants to uplift them into Wakanda.

>> No.55284771
File: 131 KB, 1280x719, Freemason Labs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dr" title to broadcast class hierarchy, differentiating themselves from the goyim slaves.
No ties traditionally means you aren't owned by anyone. They only answer to their freemasonic brothers.
Kevin isn't a high brother, nor is Emin. If they reside in the public face you can be certain they are furthest from power and mere figureheads.
Hand symbols from all members of Ava Labs (pyramid logo) red and white satanic colors.
Bald guy directly behind emin has a watch on his right hand, meaning he's left handed (satanic) and has a peculiar pin on his suit.
Must be some sort of Mystic psychically charging Emin
Anyone else notice anything peculiar?

>> No.55284794
File: 50 KB, 949x1160, Emin dressed up as Satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kevin isn't a high brother, nor is Emin.
>he doesnt know


>> No.55284798

Nice schizotalk bruv

>> No.55284826
File: 65 KB, 635x624, howcanniggersmakemoneyincrypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"how can low income niggers make money in crypto?"

>> No.55284870
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>"Mr. Garrison who will register Dogecoin with the SEC?"
>"I have no fucking idea"

>> No.55284904
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>"why should Gery Gensler an unelected retard decide about the future of technology?"

nigga bringing in the real questions

>> No.55284960
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>all questions go to Mr. Garrison

>> No.55284990
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>blablabla Mr Garrison here is more questions

>> No.55285004
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>Boomer asks Emin about Ransomware

>> No.55285045
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>boomer gets bored talking to Emin and just asks the next question to the Sexton guy

>> No.55285060

Privacy coins do seem to be a problem from regulatory perspective, I don't see how you could get around it.

It sucks because i believe real privacy options are necessary

>> No.55285108
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>in recess

>> No.55285128

>0 results
not my problem

>> No.55285134

What does it mean, are they going to come back for more or is it over

>> No.55285152
File: 65 KB, 551x820, bepis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin is representing them too. LINK & AVAX is the true make it portfolio.
Boomers are going to take a nap and then they will resume the talks.

>> No.55285194


>> No.55285196

brief intermission for choc ice

>> No.55285632
File: 86 KB, 1009x722, avaxira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer Committee continues!

>> No.55285667

fucking dinosaurs
"sovereignty of the united states dollar is all that matters, goddamit."

>> No.55285748

is it a coincidence that sherman and kaplan who are heavily in favor of sec regulation are both part of the tribe?

>> No.55285754

jews jewing jews

>> No.55285789
File: 35 KB, 772x522, boomert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"there is chinese on the board of your Prometheum chinkscam, thoughts Mr. Kaplan?"

>> No.55285792

we got to see Jewish tactics in real time, sticking to made up straw men like the law is boss and if you don't complain you're a criminals, and all this shit is illegal. No regard for the reality of fiat or current corruption clear as day going on in the stock and commodities market.

>> No.55285851

>rather than everyone else Mr even though others have the qualifications
none of them have doctorates, fucking retard. Also congressmen are basically children so they need to be constantly reminded that Emin is a giga-brain Cornell professor and not just some Silicon Valley cocksuckerm, hence the title.

>> No.55285858
File: 18 KB, 521x391, muhfemales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top fucking kek @ this fucking retard with MuH FeMaLes !!! absolutely cringe

>> No.55285940

I hate these shameless race-grifting fucks so much. If Emin wasn't there you know he would have pulled the race card and attacked them all for being White.

>> No.55285988

in the USA Emin counts as white.

>> No.55286115
File: 26 KB, 568x459, basedflood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based flood grilling kaplan and his cucked exchange

>> No.55286242

>LINK & AVAX is the true make it portfolio.
I don't know anon. Both are based but I also see potential in DOT as I keep accumulating to vote for Peaq in the Polkadot Auction, as they are suitable hubs for DEPIN.

>> No.55286417
File: 55 KB, 775x670, AVAXkillspedodot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potential in DOT
there is none, its slow, cant scale, has zero business development, no potential for adoption and its made by a mentally ill pedophile that had to step back from the CEO seat because nobody can defend pozzing a 10 year old boy with aids.
>I don't know
I see

>> No.55287115

>Promethean's Kaplan(aka SEC shill) claims the currently regulatory environment is fine under current SEC rules
>Based Flood asks why Promethean customers can't trade BTC or ETH, which make up 60% of all digital assets
>The uh... regulatory environment
kek, fucking nailed that squirmy bastard

>> No.55287487
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So, which is the resume anons?