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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55282260 No.55282260 [Reply] [Original]

I got completely infatuated with a girl I met through tinder but she refused a second date. It's been one month and I still think about her, nothing like that has ever happened to me. Financially speaking, how do I profit from this?

>> No.55282293

Bro you sound mentally ill as fuck. No wonder that bitch left you high and dry, they can smell autists a mile away.

>> No.55282297

if you have enough options and go on many dates you wont be this desperate

>> No.55282302

are you going to buy more she refused a second date?

>> No.55282308


Follow her home from work late at night and surprise her with flowers and a porno dvd

>> No.55282361

>one month
Rookie numbers. Let me know when you hit the 3 year mark

>t. Well-adjusted

>> No.55282397

Hire a prostitute or masturbate and you'll lose feelings. If you by rare chance you still have feelings oh well

>> No.55282403



>> No.55282415

I am autistic but I’ve never been obsessed with a female. They’re actually extremely annoying, even the good looking ones. The Muslims were right all along.

>> No.55282439

it's called oneitis

>> No.55282751
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>> No.55282763

Its natural
Not hying it is unnatural

>> No.55282765

Take it from an oldfag. You're not into her, you're into the fantasy that you built around what your life would be like with her. The reality is God is saying you're not ready to live that life. Work towards becoming the man that leads that life that you've fantasized about and the woman will come. In reality, real life, actuality, she is not it. It's all in your head.

>> No.55282842

this is super gay advice for you to be telling him that his feelings aren't real and that he doesn't even like the girl he likes and that women are just interchangeable like that

>> No.55282850

>Its natural
>muh pussy is pussy bro
kys fags, save me the trouble

>> No.55282867


t. rejected from girl after date 6, got obsessed with her but found someone better 4 months later

>> No.55282918

its unfortunate but women are interchangeable
you probably won't even like her in a decade

>> No.55283018


i am 24 and met a girl and she hugged me and then she ghosted me
the first girl i ever asked out, she was beautiful
she just ghosted me

>> No.55283110
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One time I got to talking to a girl about anime and she was a huge Jojo fan but she ghosted me when she found out when I was anime only. Definitely something I think about a lot still.

>> No.55283124

You are less

>> No.55283254


t. had dreams about the same girl for 7 years despite barely seeing/hearing of her each year

>> No.55283310

You're clearly just a desperate fag who falls in love with the first female to give him even an ounce of attention. I guarantee if you found another girl to date you'd forget about the first one instantly. There's no profit to be made by dwelling in the past and living in projected fantasy. All we have is the present moment and what to do with it.

>> No.55283628

This. Rip the idea that you will find a beautiful, smart, funny, kind woman and be happy for ever out of your head. Just bang sluts and be empty inside. That's what women actually want. Then when you find the one it's important that you don't care. She'll cling onto you. Never say I love you or kiss her on the lips. Women nowadays are absolute garbage tier. Love is a joke.

>> No.55283665

Yes OP, take relationship advice from subhumans on /biz/

They totally know a thing or two about life and are NOT just bitter genetic dead ends.

>> No.55283671

You're a sensitive person, OP. That's just not always easy.

>> No.55283680

Financially speaking your ruined. You'll never get over the loss in potential gains you could have made from splitting rent in a single bed or studio apartment. I'm sorry fren. It's over.

>> No.55283789

Sounds like a trauma bond. She fulfills some childhood fantasy you have that revolves around how you were treated as a kid. Dont let your imagination run wild. You need to stay grounded in reality. Its easy to fall into complete dissociation but nothing good ever comes from it. Im sorry she rejected you

>> No.55283807


>> No.55283824

>Just bang sluts and be empty inside
>Love is a joke

>> No.55283888

She shits 2 inches from her pusy. She also sometimes gets poo poo on it

>> No.55283907

It's called limerence and it's a result of your shitty upbringing (like the rest of us)

>> No.55283977
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What has one thing remotely to do with the other?

>> No.55284064

> limerence
Sounds like a word made up by jewish psychologists to keep white people from falling in love, the only people who take such abstractions seriously

>> No.55284101


>> No.55284378
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>> No.55285016

How do I double text a girl that left me on read for 8 weeks

>> No.55286676

Throw a Hail Mary and text something obnoxious/mean like "Like thanks for not going out with me again. I really didn't like you that much."

If that doesn't work, try not being a pussy.

>> No.55286781

She has already had sex with multiple men since. Cope

>> No.55286802

This is biz, of course when she drops him like a bad bag hes going to buy more because he likes being a holder

>> No.55286809

She’s not what you made her up to be in your mind. The reality is she probably has the nastiest shits, doesn’t flush or wash her hands, has a tendency to cheat, isn’t ashamed of farting in public, and when her makeup is taken off she looks nothing like the girl you think she is.

>> No.55286824

Also if you can’t get the girl of your dreams, you can always become the girl of your dreams.

>> No.55286830
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>My hobbies mainly include posting my cuck fantasies/larp alongside a frog picture on 4chan all day
This is what you do

>> No.55286840

Send a text to her with pic of you riding Lambo, see her reaction.

>> No.55286847

This. Lol I've finally had it with a girl I've been seeing for the past 5 years and I recently did the math and realized I would be about 20k richer if I never met her.

>> No.55286875

You'd pay a hell of a lot more for 5 years of pussy a la carte. You think like a poorfag.

>> No.55287385
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How or why can you specifically benefit from a romantic rejection? You're a faggot and you need to put that behind you. Get a job, make a good amount of money and invest wisely. Life advice for anyone. gtfo

>> No.55287779 [DELETED] 

It's amazing how in some shitty threads people come up with good comments

>> No.55287788

It's amazing how in some shitty threads people come up with good comments

>> No.55287815

>T. Seething hole

>> No.55287864

this thread is still up?

>> No.55288010
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I wasn't even able to make a relationship last a whole two months, now I mistake strangers in public for her and have panic attacks