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55274272 No.55274272 [Reply] [Original]

Hello I am new to this board because of the Reddit blackout and have been reading into Chainlink. Why do people associate this crypto with the occult, it doesn’t make sense to me

>> No.55274363


>> No.55274423
File: 82 KB, 700x807, E63D6160-F2BB-451C-B8B3-3F82C7D46F5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early WEF connections
>funded by the Bankers
>Hexagon Logo and Saturn Worship
>connections to google glownigger
>Sergey Nazarov is extremely connected
>meme magic

>> No.55274452
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At the highest echelons everything is related to the occult. The primary force and motivation which has been pushing all world events is an occult force.
Chainlink is pushing the new world order agenda and financial slavery of mankind

>> No.55274485

But doesn’t it just fetch price feeds I genuinely don’t understand

>> No.55274495

just listen to that schizo and buy a big bag of LINK if you want to make it.

>> No.55274505
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The elites worship saturn. Its found all over corporate symbolism.
Saturn has many symbols.

Saturn is the demiurge, the false creator god of the material plane.
His alchemical symbol is lead, lead is the lowest base metal. An allegory to base matter. Saturn and his rings is who creates the illusion of matter and entraps souls into their fleshy tombs.
The moon reflects saturns energy into earth to trap everyone in his control grid.
In the abrahamic religions saturn is satan, the ruler of this world.

The symbolism of chainlink, is the cube, the hexagon, and the royal blue color, which symbolizes lead. The name itself "chain link" refers to bondage.

>> No.55274512

I have 5 grand to spare and it seems bottomed out what constitutes a “big bag”

>> No.55274518

Chainlink is crypto, and crypto is Chainlink. It's genuinely going to absorb the entire marginal value of the entire current crypto market and then some. Nothing works without it, and it has no real competition.

>> No.55274531
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You mean the self titled "global truth machine"? Cant come up with a more dystopian and orwellian name if you tried.

>> No.55274542

as many Linkies as you can afford Anon.
Make it stack is like 10k linkies but 1000 is the sui stack.

>> No.55274547

1k is the sui stack, and 10k to make it. But I'm still buying more after all of these years.

>> No.55274569

Imagine yourself in 10 years with zero chainlink holy fuck

>> No.55274578

this, I keep buying more because there is simply no way that Chainlink doesnt pump to insane prices.
everything about the 4th industrial revolution hinges on the Chainlink oracle network.

>> No.55274579

Invest at your own risk of spiritual peril.
Buying chain link is no less then making a deal with the devil. You are investing in the enslavement of mankind.
As we have learned from the faustian bargain archetype, things rarely work the way the soul seller intended them to. Satan is the master trickster after all.
Just know that link investors have given 6 years of their lives to bagholding for very meager returns, chainlink was outperformed by the majority of more benevolent projects

>> No.55274605

I will be over 30 in 10 years :(

>> No.55274615

I saw some anon say that this September marks the 6th year of chain link and will be forced to pump since it’s occult ties. Why is 6 significant?

>> No.55274620

>risk of spiritual peril.
there is none.
>no less then making a deal with the devil
now thats real schizo talk.
>You are investing in the enslavement of mankind.
its actually the opposite, Chainlink will make trade and agreements finally fair and transparent and give people more control and more options. its great tech.
>Just know that link investors have given 6 years of their lives to bagholding for very meager returns
I became a multimillionaire thanks to chainlink and all the DeFi it enabled.
Looking forward to make even more money.

>> No.55274639

Lock yourself in a dark room and do ayahuasca and you'll get it bro7

>> No.55274654

>Chainlink will make trade and agreements finally fair and transparent and give people more control and more options
This. Its entire reason for existence is to prevent people from abusing others. Will we become enslaved to it in the same sense as any other disruptive technology, where we grow to rely on it? Sure, but we will be much freer and more independent because of it.

>> No.55274686

6 is the symbol of man. It took god 6 days of creation, there are 6 dimensions, three physical, three mental

>> No.55274741

june is the 6th month

>> No.55274756

And the CCIP announcement was on the 6th of June with a 6 minute read

>> No.55274757

Wrong your little 4ir is just the hostile takeover of the attempted break away libertarian financial system Satoshi created.
Thesis: tradfi
Antithesis: crypto
Synthesis: smart contract tradfi

Chainlink will simply enable more efficient financial oppression and control. Control the elites could only dream of in tradfi.

Currently when someone defaults on a loan for the car, the bank has to hire a physical person to try to come and repo it.
In the future globohomo AI algorithm smart contract system, smart contracts will trigger automatically and your smart car will lock you out and drive itself to the bank.

Currently its very hard for the gov to tax and collect money from people.
In the future your chainlink powered cbdcs will automatically send themselves to the irs.
So even if you "make it" and get millions of cbdc bucks, the elites will implement 99% taxes on the rich (upper middle class) and all of your cbdc bucks will automatically be deducted for taxes, because in the glorious post 4IR smart world, we have moved past archaic ideas such as personal property. Everything will be for the public good under transhumanist AI communism

>> No.55274825

Sergey is Satoshi though.

>> No.55274897

>libertarian financial system Satoshi created.
Bitcoin was made by the same guys that made everything that followed. Its obvious.
>when someone defaults on a loan for the car
yes that shouldnt be possible. you shouldnt be able to take a loan you cant pay back.
inefficiencies like this wont be a thing thanks to chainlink.
>In the future your chainlink powered cbdcs will automatically send themselves to the irs.
which makes taxation fair and they wont be able to Bullshit you on it. you wont pay more than you have to.
overall this is more efficient than the old taxation system.

>So even if you "make it" and get millions of cbdc bucks, the elites will implement 99% taxes on the rich (upper middle class)
I will be mega rich because every taxation, every car payment will pay me as they all depend on Chainlink oracles.
also I dont mind paying some breadcrumbs in taxes because thanks to Chainlink I will always earn more than I pay.

how is this bad again?

>> No.55274985

Mostly because of Ari Juels occult fascination with Saturn and the historical oracles (as in the people), and numbers in general.

>> No.55275008

OP is a confirmed LARP if she knows this.

>> No.55275028

I saw some other anon mention it which is why I made this thread very weird stuff

>> No.55275332

Well im the off chance you are legit, link is a really strong bet. Probably the best in crypto aside from btc. But theres no strong value capture presently. So its going to be painful for a while and will probably get worse before it gets better. DCA in if you have any interest in it.