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File: 178 KB, 730x411, Charles_Hoskinson_Says_Cardano_Is_Still_His_Greatest_Passion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55271490 No.55271490 [Reply] [Original]

>why does biz hate cardano?
Imo it's because they are all link baggies and thought that other alts would be able to match cardano and now they are seething cause it's 2023 and cardano is the clear pick for the real eth killer minus sec calling them chuds

>> No.55271513
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stop spamming just because your beloved reddit is down


>> No.55271524

biz hates cardano because biz hates unregistered securities

>> No.55271584

Cardano is like watching a morbidly obese person trying to run. It's trying it's hardest but it just fucking sucks at it and it's embarrassing.

Hydra and side chains in particular are even more embarrassing than eths rollups. Cardano talked so much shit about how it could scale massively to out perform ethereum and it turns out it's a big fat turd. So out come these inelegant, ugly compromise solutions to the intrinsic limitations of the underlying technology. A complete failure to plan ahead, just like committing to haskell. And after all this time still no one has built performant business ready technology on cardano. Just embarrassing.

>> No.55271674

Ethereums account model can't scale without serious negative side-effects.
UTXOs on the other hand like Bitcoin or Cardano use them technically can though on the other hand.

>> No.55272195

It's Cardanzo mate

>> No.55272431

Seethe cardano had a 100 mil mcap memecoin and link has Ze bugs

>> No.55272907
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>> No.55272968

No one is building shit on either Bitcoin or Cardano. Cardano even bent the knee in deploying an EVM blockchain with their logo on it.

We're already 7 years or so since Ethereum released and we have a ton of EVM chains and are working towards basically merging all the chains together through a cross chain protocol on top of integrating API functionality in smartcontracts in a seamless manner while you're still bitching about account models and scaling.

Get with the fucking program.

>> No.55273008

It has had billions of dollars of funding for years and years and there is literally no working product it's just an erc20 token. Hodgskin is clearly a grifter, a good one at that, and took notes from climate change pseudo science by bribing for credibility with university research approved white papers.

>> No.55273077

I don't own any link. Cardano is just a failure because the head Chud can't get the job done. It's a good idea in theory but it's been years and they have nothing to show for it. The fat guy is just one of those guys who is not suitable to be a boss at all because he is lazy and has no management ability. He could probably offload most of the work to aspies but he's too much of an aspie himself to even do that much.

>> No.55273083

2018 called and wants its hopium back

>> No.55273732
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it's kinda obvious

>> No.55273786
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Time to sleep anon

>> No.55274073
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biz hates cardano because its easy to rip on cardano (charles, muh tranny coin etc). there was also no VC funding/early buy in (in the U.S) for ADA so you have these VC faggots spreading retarded rumors and writing books shit talking charles. also a majority of this board bought ETH way before ADA. On top of that people FOMO'd into ADA at the peak of each bull cycle, then got dumped on and then proceeded to call ADA a shitcoin. then you have pseudointellectuals pretending to completely understand the technology behind cardano saying it doesn't work, doesn't scale, no ones building on it, etc. all of which are provably false with 10 mins of research. to say ethereum is better for either technological and/or because of "muh network effect" reasons is such an unfathomably low IQ take - it's genuinely unbelievable. I guarantee within the next 5 - 10 years ETH will not be in the top 10. the project is too disorganised and it's foundation is built on the equivalent of glue, scotch tape and popsicle sticks. just look at the history of hacks the chain has suffered (whole reason behind eth classic), its absolute SHIT implemntation of POS and all the network fees which still haven't been fucking solved

>> No.55274136
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>then you have pseudointellectuals pretending to completely understand the technology behind cardano saying it doesn't work, doesn't scale, no ones building on it, etc. all of which are provably false with 10 mins of research
Cardano doesn't work. Currently all dexes have to use offhand centralized bots to process basic transactions. The chain does 1 tps, is a complete ghostchain that prints mostly empty blocks and doesn't even have a functioning stablecoin after being released for six years.

>> No.55274197

you have no idea what you are talking about and are a child regurgitating shit fud. thanks for proving my point you fucking retard. understand what a transaction is before making retarded claims.

>> No.55274269

Don't waste your time mate. Can't educate the ignorant by choice.

>> No.55274581

PLEASE buy more ada. DCA in and buy every dip. Keep it going until you're destitute and have to suck nigger dick to survive on semen.

>> No.55274648

biz hates charles as he's a classic psychopath who has no technical ability
this is hightened by r eddit idiots lapping up everything he has to say while the chain is dead with limited activity
then there are people here from 2015 and 2016 who hate him as they know the early eth history

>> No.55274666

classic /biz/. thanks for playing

>> No.55274701

1. Charles is a narcissist with a massive ego who is constantly throwing up red flags.
2. 2023 Cardano is less usable than Eth in 2017 and this is after 6+ years of development.
3. Cardano is loved by Reddit who has literally never backed a successful crypto.

>> No.55274834

What is this larp about him being a piece of shit excuse me for being a new fag but what did he even do? Sidenote who cares about the nerds that develop crypto vitalik was literally sperging about child porn in Sept

>> No.55274851

>wait, w-what about m-meeee?

>> No.55274866
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>> No.55274886
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the secret mission of cardano is peer-reviewed anal probing

>> No.55274902

> Slow like Ethereum
> Built with Haskill (hardly anyone wants to develop on the Cardano ecosystem due to this, Charles fucked up)

Regardless, I think Cardano is one of the only alts that's still good to hold for the very long run, as it keeps breaking ATH's every bull cycle, which is very unlike most alts.

Charles IS Cardano, which is why Cardano will live on.

>> No.55274907

vitalik is literally the complete opposite to charles including being socially incompetent enough to write that tweet
also that tweet was in sept 2017

>> No.55274916
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There have been many incidents that show how fragile and insecure he is. It's not that he's a piece of shit, it's just shows how unfit he is to be a leader. Professionals are supposed to put emotions to the side and focus on the business. They're not supposed to argue with people on Twitter because their feelings got hurt. One instance I remember is he did an AMA where he was asked what why they were going with Wolfram Alpha oracles instead of Chainlink. He said something along the lines of "steve [wolfram alpha ceo] is a good friend of mine and wolfram alpha doesn't have an army of twitter trolls that attack you". He's not only petty as fuck, but he's so un-selfaware that he doesn't even hide how petty he is. He's not a professional, he's a man child who got into crypto early. To top it all off, they even ended up going with Chainlink. As for why Vitalik gets a pass, ETH has evolved past the need for him. If Vitalik dies, ETH lives on like how BTC lives on without Satoshi. ADA still depends on Charles. The success of the project depends entirely on him and he has shown he is not up to the task.

>> No.55274923

>Charles IS Cardano, which is why Cardano will live on.
this is exactly why we hate it
it has no technical merit
you are right though, cardano pa depends on how many re dditors he can rope in every four years with his "highly intelligent yet relatable" manner as the rest of the market pumps

>> No.55275195

Biz doesn't hate Cardano, just bitter Amerifags do because OH MUH DOLLERZ and muh gubbrment says it's bad hurr durr

>> No.55275978
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Euthanize the poor dying thing now. It never did any good.

>> No.55275991

So biz hates all of crypto except bitcoin

>> No.55276033

>within the next 5-10 years ETH will not be top ten
i think you mean 5-10 months (EVM based chains, maybe, ETH mainnet in its current form, hell no

>> No.55276785

I'm sorry anon, I know you are sad about that but Cardano it's trash

>> No.55276798

Its an unregistered security and therefore anti Semitic

>> No.55276810
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>> No.55276816
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>> No.55277294

Lmao what a dumb fat fuck hahaha