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55271473 No.55271473 [Reply] [Original]

that s a good value ? 4% looks good

>> No.55271514

>ppl don’t care that they’re being made poorer
sounds about right. tell that that they don’t care
>still don’t care
how about zero

>> No.55272972

Is he supposed to be a socialist or something?
What is the wining moove here for American elites and the globo domination? Inflation or no inflation? Inflation would weaken dollars, and US competitivity, isn't it?
Is there someone on this monkey board who can bring facts about what rulling classe need to do?

>> No.55273007

-2%, just tax people and businesses into oblivion and subsidize essential services

>> No.55273061

I think they’re delirious with power coupled with their aged brains. Think retirees that never quit their jobs. There is not method to their madness. They’re preparing for the next election cycle despite the fundamental changes happening to our society.

>> No.55273080

paul "internet is just a fad" krugman

>> No.55273089

paul "computers are for nerds" krugman

>> No.55273093

>they stopped caring
if they don't care just increase rates, shithead

>> No.55273142

How do you get a job as an economist? It seems you can just make up whatever random bullshit and still collect a check, I can do that.

>> No.55273155
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>Fuck it why keep going nobody cares.

>> No.55273281

give that guy a nobel prize what an award-winning expert

>> No.55273310

Inflation steals wealth from poor people who need a high proportion of cash savings to deal with emergencies, and it gives it to rich people who own real estate and stocks

>> No.55273349

and that's a good thing, goy

>> No.55273361

They think it is because is boosts the economy with a “wealth effect”. People see their zestimate has doubled and so they spend more at restaurants because they feel rich.

>> No.55273489

The winning move is to keep inflation running as high as they can get away with because people don't care and the higher inflation is, the lower real value a person's wage is. Ideally, you could craft a new currency called "shit paper" and hire everyone and pay them in shit paper. You buy up land, commodities, copyrights, all sorts of stuff like that, completely in shit paper. You price everything for the workers in shit paper, including mandatory services to make sure they don't have enough shit paper to buy any of the stuff you're buying. Then as soon as you can, you declare that shit paper is worthless. If everyone who was getting paid in shit paper suddenly was hunting you with a high power rifle, that would be bad.

But if you declare shit paper worthless and everyone keeps going to work, you basically just duped everyone into slavery. Now rather than just declaring shit paper worthless, you instead pretty it up with all sorts of academic "trust The Science" "Bad Thing Actually Good Thing" rhetoric and trickle shit paper's value down to zero slowly. It's a fine art. You do it too quickly and people will go nuts, but you don't want to do it slowly because you don't want anyone accumulating shit paper and competing against you for actual assets. Krugman is basically saying "hey, people are sleepy boys and girls, they're dumber than we thought...we can actually burn the currency down even faster than we originally planned haha!"

>> No.55273759

So why did the fed increase the rate "aggressively" since 6month if it's not in their interest?

>> No.55273782

It seems like the opposite to me. It seems like people have waken up to inflation and started to factor it in. Interest rates went from 0 to 5% in one year and assets are recovering now. People are not scared of interest rates, inflation will keep climbing in the next few years imo if the fed "doesn't care" about getting it back to 2% which is the line where its close enough to zero where people don't factor it in.

>> No.55274507

I love cats but Krugman is the embodiment of toxoplasmosis infection. He probably eats cat shit three times a day

>> No.55275680

>weaken dollars, and US competitivity
Nobody cares for Western competitive advantage for a long time now.
Inflation under specific circumstances can help competitive advantage.
It's all about a happening that will uncover the real state of the American economy for the world to see. Everyone is suspecting that things are going bad but something needs to happen so that it really sinks in.

>> No.55276010
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Total Boomer death.

>> No.55276046

muh heckin cost-of-livingerino!

>> No.55276056

What did paul krugman ever do to deserve attention? He just seems like a democratic who claims to be an economist so he can frame everything democrats do as positive.

>> No.55276097

sacrificed a child to the dark lord in the presence of a lot of powerful people wearing robes probably

>> No.55276105
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he just predicted the future of internet before dotcom. see

>> No.55276142

also if you haven't figured out that "inflation" is babylonian black money magic fuckery that the zionist central bankers use to justify whatever they want (see >>55273489 ) then you are not paying attention

just like covid was made up to justify setting into motion desired processes related to social control, intrusion of tech/surveillance into daily life, and centralization of power, "inflation" (as referred to by central bankers who seem to treat it as a mystical force akin to weather and not the direct result of blatant corruption by huge corporations all controlled by the same 20 banks and 33 families) is just a way to justify the ongoing controlled demolition/stress test/run-up to popping the everything bubble they have been building for the last 15 years

i read this book called "the Merchant Bankers" recently and it pointed out that Rothschilds etc have used this same pattern like a half dozen++ times in the last two centuries or so
>make money cheap by extending cheap credit
>cause tulip frenzies with manipulation, insider trading and control over media/government/trade
>make money expensive, credit gets expensive, credit dries up
>everyone is stretched thin and overextended, starting to default on their loans and sell their assets for cheap to cover their payments
>totally unforeseen cataclysmic economic/political/military event or disaster
>panic, crash
>assets are sold for pennies on the dollar, economic/political control centralized even further, system is restructured according to the whims of the powerful few
>rinse and repeat

these people suck so much dude. they are probably evil demon aliens who do this on every planet they colonize.

>> No.55276149

at this point the elites are probably more interested in crushing the middle class with inflation and making the lower class their slaves through gibsmedat
they have 0 idea how to regain the global dominance they had in the 90s and 00s

>> No.55276231
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Remember that MOST of the public debt is from social spending, and that social spending acts as a supply-side labor supply, suppressing the market rate of labor (labor in the broadest sense, "wages and salaries") by reducing the cost of substance (driving down wages and salaries well up the chain). Debt that is printed into existence, the rank debasement of fiat in the last half century! Gee why are the rich getting richer? They've rigged a system where inflation doesn't inflate wages! Look at the wage/productivity divergence since the end of hard money, look at the 10,000 years of lockstep wage/productivity growth before fake money. "Gee gosh wilikers it's a mystery why wages have diverged from productivity!" He says while while pumping trillions of counterfeit dollars into supply side labor subsidizes. The entire fiat grift rests on debasement outpacing wage growth, such that real wages fall while assets inflate, enriching the oligarchs by suppressing the market price of labor while at the same time pumping asset prices. Without central banking the grift falls apart.

>> No.55276276

*The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel economist Paul Krugman says inflation doesn't need to get down to 2% and the Fed can back off because people have stopped caring

>> No.55276280

Because pleb accessable assets started melting up, no reason to wage if you can throw $20 into pregnantanalprolapse inu and make a months (shit paper denominated) income in a week

>> No.55276331

he won a nobel prize for his innovations in new trade theory and new economic geography
but whenever he's talking about things outside of his academic specialty, he's fucking clueless

>> No.55276338

>y huge corporations all controlled by the same 20 banks and 33 families
americans have no idea what real bank concentration looks like

>> No.55276384

Poor people dont have wealth, fucking retard. Rich people getting richer has nothing to do with inflation.

>> No.55276668
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The most useful idiot.