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55269143 No.55269143 [Reply] [Original]

RIP, one of the greatest entrepreneurs to ever live.

>> No.55269164

Good riddance

>> No.55269177

Lmao I remember some reporter called him out for being a playboy, and his response was "I'm not a boy, I'm a man".
What an absolute manlet Chad.

>> No.55269272

Based Silvio

>> No.55271020
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We lost Ted and Silvio now. June is not strating off well...

>> No.55271071

One coomer dies
Thousands of whores cry

>> No.55271247

Everyone is a great entrepreneur when the mafia throw millions at you

>> No.55271248

Based bunga bunga hater

>> No.55271303

I think the fact someone could get the mafia to throw millions at them is a major achievement anon. I can't even get a fucking dollar raise.

>> No.55271397

Bruh I don't get it, why do people get into everyone else's personal shit

If its crime/fraud sure call them out on it

But focusing on who they're having consensual sex with? Come on that's some fucking bullshit. Anyone at that level would be bangin thots. Just hating on shit that doesn't matter

>> No.55271873

The mafia throw millions at you because then they own you, I guess thats not easy to understand straight away

This guy was the gateway to mix the mafia into the government

>> No.55273560


>> No.55273630

they were underage jfi
and the thought of young nubiles being groped by this fat corrupt sack of rug salesman would be enough to put anyone off their pasta. On the plus side, he was kind of responsible for AC Milan of late 80s/early 90s - the greatest club football side ever.

>> No.55273642

how much does that hairline cost?

>> No.55274342

They throw money at anyone willing

>> No.55274471

It was one 17 year old who lied about her age. Are you mad that she has consensual sex with a single successful man when she should have been getting railed by the entire sports team like a normal teenage girl should? To protect her innocence?

>> No.55274543
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His personal life seemed like a lot of fun, but his political life was hell and set the country back 30+ years. He should have just stayed in business.

>> No.55274867
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>> No.55274888

>This guy was the gateway to mix the mafia into the government
my nigga mafia and government have been mixed in Italy since the unification

Mussolini threw them out but the US army reinstated them in exchange for assistance in the invasion of Italy

>> No.55274992

Sad day, Italy deserves to be raped more.

>> No.55275425

>It was one 17 year old who lied about her age.
so, she was underage?
and thats one *proven* btw
>she has consensual sex
paying her for it didnt make it legal
>a single successful man
yeah, I'm sure it was just Silvio flopping on her.
Berlusconi was (ocassionally) funny
but he was mostly a sad fat corrupt piece of shit

>> No.55275892

In italy age of consent is 14, 16 if you are a teacher or a police officer.

>> No.55275919

yea so they still consented

>> No.55276501
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she was a hooker you retard
she was paid 7000 Euros
And being a 17 year old hooker, in Italy, is VERY illegal. She was arrested originally on unrelated and Berlusconi started calling the head of the Milan police demanding she be released, as she was 'the niece of (then-Egyptian President) Hosni Mubarak'
no, she got paid
>defending Berlusconi

>> No.55276538

What will happen to monza calcio?

>> No.55276555

Was she hot?

>> No.55276559
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> prostitution


Except when the jews do it, film the act and sell the video in vhs, dvd or online stream.

You absolute nigger

>> No.55276565
File: 101 KB, 796x1024, Rubygate-la-prostituee-presente-au-proces-de-Berlusconi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the dark, all cats are furry I s'pose

>> No.55276580

>Wasting 7000€ in 2010 for this

Berlusconi really was an inept idiot, you're right.

>> No.55276618

Prostitution isn't illegal in italy, it's the exploitation of prostitution that can be a fellony.
They had to prove that.
The only thing that the state can prove about prostitution is that you are not paying taxes on the money you take.
If you have a cover job like "escort girl" you can make it legal.
The sex part is very subjective and it's very difficult to prove that the money was in exchange of sex only.
Also a hooker will not affirm that she is doing it for money, but that the money is a present (this is legal in italy).

>> No.55276669

Essentially if the girl is saying that you give her a present and she made sex with you because she love you and the money thing isn't related (and you don't have any other proof outside the statement from the girl) you cannot be incriminated even if you can trace the money, because you cannot prove that the money was for the sex part.
It is different if you can catch a message, email or something that is saying otherwise, but in this specific case they cannot prove that, he was cleared of charges.

>> No.55276671

prostitution (as such) wasnt the issue - his Bunga Bunga parties were full of hookers - rather, the fact she was underage, for prostituion, as >>55276501 picrel. That was the offense and he originally got 7 years (and banned from public office for life) for both that and his attempts to get her sprung by claiming she was the Egyptian Presidents niece.
The only thing more convoluted than the Italian Court system is their Political system, and naturally he got it overturned in one of the endless appeals processes

>> No.55276709

There is no definitive sentece until all the appeals are resolved, preliminarily he was charged, but the appeal cleared that, at the eyes of the italian law, he wasn't guilty

>> No.55276716

(He wasn't guilty about that specific trial, he got other shits that instead fucked him)

>> No.55276719

RIP king

>> No.55276725

yeah m8, the fat greasy 70-odd year old Silvio and the 17 year old not-quite Egyptian Presidents niece were Truly in Love. And the envelope containing the 7000 EUR was merely a gesture of affection. And the Italian Court system is a shining example to us all. Honk Honk.

>> No.55276734

Ok, but you can't prove otherwise in an italian court.
You need proofs, otherwise nada

>> No.55276741

The thing is, that if you do something in private, and there are no proof that you made it, the state cannot charge you, it works like that

>> No.55276749

>and Berlusconi started calling the head of the Milan police demanding she be released, as she was 'the niece of (then-Egyptian President) Hosni Mubarak'..

>> No.55276769

That is another fellony, but they cleared that too.
He was resourcefull after all

>> No.55276783

>He was resourcefull after all
yes, he was known for spreading his resources generously, by need. Point remains, this is some banana republic shit to be getting away with. A sad reflection on the state of wops nowadays.

>> No.55276807

Also he made the dragonball z opening the theme of his junior football squad.

>> No.55277072

>A sad reflection on the state of wops nowadays.
>without papers
your racial slur doesn't make any sense you retarded faggot. wop is a slur for Italian Americans. He's not a fucking wop. He's a pastanigger.

>> No.55277126

Are you American, perchance?
Only burgers are usually this confidently wrong about everything. Other peoples might perhaps pause for a second and check. Before they made complete bellends out of themselves, vehemently spouting complete shite in public.

>> No.55277128

Does a fake Chita exist?

>> No.55277196

u wot m8? did u jus assume me nationality? ur gonna need a loicense fo dat m8

>> No.55277210

Some reading for you guappo:
Reading is good for you

>> No.55277247

As a student of racial slurs, I can admit when someone's knowledge of racial slurs exceeds my own. Thank you for imparting your knowledge of slurs upon me, so I can insult people more accurately in the future, king chav