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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5526779 No.5526779 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fucking tired of being and a NEET

How does a 20 year old go about getting a job?

>> No.5526797

Suck dicks

>> No.5526800

get some skills

>> No.5526808

Put that you have excellent computer skills in your resume. List experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.

That shit is gold to old employers

>> No.5526825

>walk into mcdonalds
>"I want a job"

>> No.5526843

hard physical work, construction sites

>> No.5526849
File: 144 KB, 500x499, 1514100343116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cut your hair, above the ears
> I hope you don't look into a man's eyes like that
> Bring your resume to THEM you lazy FUCK

>> No.5526858

Boston Ross Rocks!

>> No.5526878

How about you post some more Freeman’s Mind 2 already.

>> No.5526918

>walk into Mcdonalds
>see manager
>his a spic
>Anon: "I w-w-want a j-j-j-j-ob"
>Manager: " Abla español senior? No, FUERA!"

>> No.5527088

You could fund a college degree or certifications through Pell grants and loans, repaid once employed in a discipline you're trained in. Also simultaneously invest surplus currency into crypto while intentionally living below your means.

But that could never work, right?

>> No.5527125

Learn to sell.

>> No.5527461

not OP but how do I go about finding a job? Do people still do newspapaer ads?

>> No.5527677

>2018-5 days
lmao just buy some crypto and make a few k every week.

>> No.5527890

crypto is worth nothing

>> No.5528580

Consider starting a game review youtuve channel.

>> No.5528607


>> No.5528716


(((THEY))) have undervalued wages and labor so hard in America its basically not worth working these days unfortunately.

I just dumped all my savings into crypto, its not really too unrealistic to think I could replace what I make in my dayjob as a upper-middle tier sales professional with some modest crypto gains.

Maybe if Donny Trumps tax plan generates serious economic growth it might be worth looking, for now I'd do shit like sell possessions to generate a few hundred bucks and flip over some PnDs, and split between blue chip cryptos and promising upstart ICOs.

>> No.5528763

Where did that money on my bank account come from then?

>> No.5528802


Crypto has zero intrinsic value


Go to community college, learn a skill.

Or If you are poor, in the US and are looking for something to invest in but have limited funds, you should use the Robinhood brokerage application.

You literally get a FREE share of stock (100%) just for signing up. It is a great way to start a portfolio and help you get in to investing/stock market. The FREE share of stock has a 1 IN 150 chance to be a share of Apple (valued at around $170 right now), Microsoft or Under Armour.

Unlike trading crypto, Robinhood has zero transaction fees. So you can trade all you want and not have to worry about losing any money for it.

Give it a try and if you don't like trading stocks, just take the free share of stock, sell it, and spend the free $$ on something else. EZ


>> No.5528807

I told my friends to do this back in aug.
The truth is not many people in their 20s have 10k or 5k or even just 1k to invest in what appears to be "magicmoney" to them.
Buy crypto or stay poor forever

>> No.5528900

>Being THIS cross

>> No.5528995

The BCH fork got me into it, which I've now completely abandoned BCH and flipped into mostly Eth based coins, but I'm glad something finally got me to look into it.

Mainly got tired of working my ass off and being poor. Crypto is currently realistically the only way to make money.

((THEY))) Devalued wages and labor by approx 33-66% depending on sector
((THEY)) Destroyed Pensions, Compound Interest, Housing Market, etc

Crypto is logically the only way left to really make money, new tax plan puts a bit of a damper on it, but its still better than the 1 penny of interest I got from my savings account that finally pushed me over the edge.

>> No.5529011

Why even post this shite mate.
Already up x30 my initial investment.

>> No.5529122 [DELETED] 


On Robinhood? If so, congrats man.

>> No.5529127


And yeah I know what you mean, me and one other guy at work seriously started talking about it and got into it together, everyone else I talk to looks at me like I'm an idiot and glazes over when I tell them to get into crypto.

I'm about 1k deep in investments atm (all I could afford unfortunately, mortgage etc to pay) but I feel pretty good about it, I'm split about 50% Ripple/Eth and then promising altcoins

>> No.5529184

Agreed, wages are shit across the board.
Never going to make it working your ass off.
Just need enough money for a st.kitts citizenship and then you've really made it

>> No.5529236

Don't bring Ross's face into this, it doesn't deserve to be posted on this shit board.

>> No.5529308

If you're 20 and not obese start your own. I'm old fag and body all fucked up.

Landscaping and painting are easy to start up. Or join another crew. Local warehouses for small businesses are usually chill. Physically bust ass for a couple years, save up that under the table dough, and while you mindlessly grind think about your next step homie.

>> No.5529473


Being up x30 has nothing to do with the intrinsic value of crypto.

>> No.5529584

Haha what the fuck you think this is? 1980?
Mexicans and white trash do all labor jobs now, wages have stayed the same since 1997. Those dumb white guys making money days are over. Fucking kikes decided we should cut the working mans wage.
Dude you would have to be addicted to alcohol,weed, pills, crack to do that kind of work day in day out.
Guess what, they all fucking do that.
Being a owner of a small company is a massive headache, shit gets stolen, dumb laborers break shit.

>> No.5529753


Don't be too hard on him, he's an admitted boomer, aka retard who doesn't understand how the world works today.

You literally cannot make it as an average wage earner in virtually any sector of the current economy, wages are down between 1 and two thirds.

Boomers are only able to make it because they were able to accumulate compound interest from 1988-2008 and have slowly dwindling money in the bank.

None of them will be able to retire however, and when they try it will completely fuck social security even further, further fucking and taxing the average worker in America.

The new tax plan should help out but it honestly is too little too late, but it will keep shit rolling a while.

>> No.5529920
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>Crypto has zero intrinsic value

>> No.5530735

Jesus Christ I remember waiting for the newest episode like 5-7 years ago before completely losing interest. So it did come out in the end after all? Think it was episode 40 something.

>> No.5530754

Pssst, wanna quit your day job? Get in

>> No.5530859

First realize that you are choosing to be a wage slave instead of owning your own business.
This could be a good thing if you don't have experience, but in the long run you probably want to start your own shop.

Anyway in my experience when I hire people for the office environment, I look for (and these should all be a given
- Hygiene/health: shower, shave, haircut, trim those eyebrows, ear/nose hairs. walk straight up. If I you reek, you're out. So cologne is permitted, but don't overdo it.
- Fresh clothes, I personally wouldn't give a fuck what kind, but for our environment things that are religious or political wouldn't fly. Don't underdress. But don't overdress as well
- KNOW THE COMPANY: visit the website, read recent news. This could score you points and show that you've done your homework

Read the job offer 10 times. Know everything there is to know about anything in the job description.
Re-read your application.

- Be honest: the people interviewing you aren't retards. They've done this before. And they can spot your lies. Plus, if you lie, you're going to have to keep that lie up for as long as you work there. Not worth it.

- Show your personality:
I don't want a grey mass of drones around me, I like people who have content and opinions.

- Show that you have a personal life:
Your family matters to a lot of people, maybe briefly discuss any odd hobbies or personal projects you have.
People like weird quirks
If you have no personal life, inflate anything that you do beside passive activities (netflix etc).
You can't tell me that you spend 100% of your time looking at screens, there's probably something else. If not, bring out the best in your computer skills.

- Have your questions prepared

- Don't accept an offer straight away, tell them you'll have to think about it.

>> No.5530988

so everything you look for in someone is superficial? are you hiring sales people?

>> No.5531061

The fact that btc uses so much mining equipment, electricity and bandwidth to maintain the network gives it intrinsic value you brainlet.

>> No.5531063

shill is using a referral code, everyone make sure you report so he gets b& kthx

>> No.5531270
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spend 5 years brainwashing yourself in 'education' and you might get one. Oh, and you will also end up with massive debt for the privilege.
There are not many jobs left that need doing you faggot. The whole system is propped up on fools chasing little green pieces of paper around because they are greedy and seem to think owning them makes them powerful. The greatest trick (((they))) ever played.
Either find honest cash in hand work or learn to code or something IF you need some extra money. Don't fall into the trap of chasing wealth because it doesn't exist. I mean technically it does but it's like Cypher in the matrix. Ignorance is not bliss. In this case, it is slavery to your fellow man.

>> No.5531509

Unless you want to work in STEM and do something that benefits mankind but generally that shit is 'funded' by the government now so its pushed in directions (((they))) chose. you are better off doing that shit at home or creating an independent scientific body. Your education in it will limit you if you are not careful. They all have agendas and need to keep the funding flowing in unless they are 100% privately funded.

>> No.5531959

>learn a trade
>get hired
not that hard you worthless piece of shit