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55260911 No.55260911 [Reply] [Original]

It’s probably over for crypto isn’t it

>hurr bottom signal

No I understand it’s about the time of being bottom/crab mode until the next bull run, but with all these regulators going after crypto, so many countries (Australia, Canada, and many EU countries) and now even the US coming after the on/off ramps… it’s made me think… is it actually fucking over?

We never had this happen on previous runs…. This is unique to crypto what’s happening right now

I am of the long term godly bullish crowd and I always thought Bitcoin would goto 7 figures a coin, but now I’m not so sure anymore

But yeh I’m not selling, but I am becoming worried of the future, this might not end up being my retirement after all

>> No.55260928

>Please give up
>American satanists: join our cbdc grift
>Russian Cybelists: join our side
Nope, BTC only

>> No.55260963

Im not telling anyone to give up. I am just at the point where with everything thats happening (unique shit) specific shit, thats fucking up my shit, is making me think its actually potentially over.

Maybe we get a dot com situation, where maybe for 10-15 years Bitcoin goes down to $2000 - $6000 and ranges there for 10+ years, and then finally regulators change their tune on Bitcoin and then we get a massive boom in Bitcoin again, and that is when it goes to the millions of dollars per BTC

>> No.55261002

Once Bitfinex is in the SEC's sights you can kiss your BTC retirement fund goodbye.

>> No.55261049
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We have until 2050.

>> No.55261067

i wonder if this is who HOOD uses?

>> No.55261083

So? buy more btc, mine it, sell goods and services for btc. I will certainly not touch my cold storage. If you or anybody else wants to sell, I am waiting

>> No.55261170

Wanna sell ? then sell.
don't cope when you will buy higher.

>> No.55261183

It can't be over for crypto because it was never anything to begin with. There's btc and I guess monero of you want.

>> No.55261290
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>hasn't even started

>> No.55262645 [DELETED] 

There is no reason to sell. Oil and gas are going to be traded in btc

>> No.55262673
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Read picrel and weep. Regulation is here to kill us.

>> No.55262709 [DELETED] 

regulations cant kill a p2p currency, agent fiat cultist

>> No.55263244


shitcoin maxi impotent rage is bullish for Bitcoin

>> No.55263454

Destroying your grift tech bruh, yes, and that is a good thing
btc doesn't need grifters that gamble with us treasuries

>> No.55263481
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The only viable long-term usecase for crypto is black markets via DEXs, if you require the State's approval in ANY way to survive you're basically fucked.

>> No.55263499

if this doesn't become my retirement, I don't know what the fuck will. never got into "real" stocks. Just seems so cucky... need a "broker" because you can't perform your own "trades"

>> No.55263808

The longterm goal is to teach states that the International environment is Anarchic and that they need a trustless form of money to settle international trades to eliminate counter risk by occurrences like the 2022 sanctions against Russia.
But I think that states already know and that it happens this year

>> No.55264201

>real stock
btc outperformed buy-backs, 0% pumps and all the other jewish crap for years

>> No.55264305

Read BIP-300. It’s an upgrade for Bitcoin that will have all altcoins move onto Bitcoin sidechains and be merge-mined by Bitcoin miners who will take in all the transaction fees of the sidechains and the peg-in-peg-out onto the mainchain

>> No.55264315

thanks for spamming it in every thread.
battling the scum and trying to educate altcoin brainwashed idiots waiting for a moonshot sometimes leaves not much time to see newest developments

>> No.55264658

bitcoiners were against it mostly

>> No.55265097

for a good reason. Nobody is looking to make btc a scam launch platform

>> No.55265200

>2017 China bans crypto
>2018 USA bans crypto
>2019 China bans crypto again
>2020 China bans crypto again
>2021 China bans it again
>2022 China likes crypto
>2023 USA bans crypto
> 2023 China loves crypto

its the same story over and over am I delusional or too old now

>> No.55265234


I know is just a shill demoralization thread but ... the US / EU / CAN isn't the world. Innovation is just moving somewhere else. Start thinking of making a move to crypto friendly jurisdictions and leave the west to their podbug destiny.

>> No.55265302

>mentions the only two cunts that matter
>innovation anywhere else

India superpower 2020

>> No.55265310

Yeah I can't believe I didn't make it in 2020-2021. I do feel that was the last easy chance. The world is changed so much now, so hyper-optimised it seems like any sort of business endeavour or entrepeneuring is up against too much to succeed. I was just a 1-2 slight changes in decisions away from making it or at least being able to buy a house... like getting greedy and wanting to make it in one go and being worried about after tax gains instead of just locking in gains. Guess I'll still be a wagie either way, I'm just a lot more stressed out now and stuck with slow returns, than if I had at least 500k in the bank. c'est la vie.

>> No.55265332
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>> No.55265699

>Meanwhile Euro chads just buy more btc
>ignoring the shitcoin casino

>> No.55266018
