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55257080 No.55257080 [Reply] [Original]

please feel free to take notes while i spoonfeed the audience
our first lesson will be free of charge
let's begin

>> No.55257095
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>largest developer community (+1000 counting kusama and parachains), only second to ethereum and closing the gap day by day

>> No.55257099
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>same phenomena in a different graph

>> No.55257105
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>both the most active and educated, with the fastest growth in history

>> No.55257107
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>constant development even in bear market

>> No.55257109

what's being developed?

>> No.55257113
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>constantly educating people and bringing more developers on board around the globe with free programs to join


>> No.55257117
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>highest nakamoto coefficient (99) for pos networks, only second to bitcoin and even higher than ethereum in its new current form

>> No.55257121
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>highest staking rewards once adjusted by inflation

>> No.55257125
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>most institutional money after bitcoin and ethereum

>> No.55257130
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>software not a security, active meetings with the sec for more than 3 years as you all realized this last week

>> No.55257140
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>real partnerships with top companies like sony, toyota, deloitte, beatport, and even whole cities like shibuya city

>> No.55257143
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>top ethereum projects already migrating from ethereum to polkadot

>> No.55257147

most of ur infographics are old

what does the token do?

>> No.55257161

>true innovation with substrate pallets, ink! and wasm, not your average evm/geth clone
>true infrastructure as the defacto layer0
>true modularity
>true sharding
>true shared security from the ground up, not some vaporware like interchain security from cosmos
>best interchain communication protocol (xcm), not some vaporware like ccip from chainlink
>perfectly fits coming narratives (appchains/rollups) as rollups are just poorman's parachains
>best governance on chain
>no need for forks, seamless upgrades
>ethereum copying everything they do, from rollups up to account abstraction and restaking (see eigenlayer for reference)
>light clients live, no need for centralized rpcs
>parathreads about to launch, pay for high quality blockspace as you go which will burn dot
>price hasn't explode yet, first parachains launched on the first month of bear market

>> No.55257174

oh, and i forgot the china factor, dot is huge there

>> No.55257255
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if you're not getting early ethereum vibes you're immune to alpha and way beyond salvation, jump ship right now and just open a grocery store

>> No.55257281

Man I hope we break triple digits in the next bull, DOT is my comfiest (staked) hold

>> No.55257406

>proof of stake
>cucked to the extreme with reporting to all regulatory agencies
>no anonymity

yeah im thinking its a shitcoin

>> No.55257427

What's a make it stack / minimum stack?
It's not cheap

>> No.55257436

Cool but why the gay fucking name?

>> No.55257448

>massive dot shilling
I see another enforcement by Gary and it's going to be dot. Gtfo of Kraken. They went knee-deep into dot ecosystem

>> No.55257616

why don't you take a look for yourself in parachains.info? 43 parachains on polkadot and 83 on kusama

>> No.55257640

yeah, don't think so
>In a historic event, Daniel Schoenberger, Chief Legal Officer at Web3 Foundation, was invited to present the Polkadot network and Web3 vision before the United States House of Representatives
>In both his oral and written testimony, Schoenberger explained in detail the regulatory process Web3 Foundation undertook regarding the classification of DOT, the native currency of the Polkadot network. As he noted, DOT was initially sold as a security in compliance with U.S. federal securities laws. However, it was designed to secure the network, support governance, and obtain parachain slots, not as a speculative investment vehicle. Web3 Foundation engaged with the SEC staff for over three years, striving for compliance while seeking validation that DOT is coordinating software. Schoenberger also discussed the process of launch and decentralization by which control over the Polkadot network was handed over to the community on both a technical and governance level, and suggested that congress establish a procedure for tokens to be reclassified over time.

>> No.55257649

More like Pedodot lmao!

>> No.55257690

full doc: https://docs.house.gov/meetings/BA/BA21/20230510/115885/HHRG-118-BA21-Wstate-SchoenbergerD-20230510.pdf

some video cuts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJeaFFpWISs

this happened 1 month ago

>> No.55257702

Polkadot is the retard filter. There's no point explaining anything to these faggots because they've already decided they need ponzinomic bullshit and can't research anything to save their lives.

And even if they could understand, do they really deserve to?

>> No.55257708

that's not true, tell me which one is particularly old and i'll update it
token is used for staking, bonding, governance and fees
soon it will burn with parathreads

>> No.55258087

I'm nominating and I am getting less DOT than if I had stayed in a pool on some days. The great thing about pooling was the consistent return meanwhile I get 0.9 DOT on one day then 1.6 DOT another

>> No.55258247

> 1.3billion circulating supply
> infinite max supply

how is this different from any other VC scam?
print out of thin air and dump on retards

>> No.55258285

Just post their connections to Chainlink and half the board will buy. It's why I did three years ago.

>> No.55259475

do you still believe towards aca after the hack and moonbeam monad fiasco even the parity org/gavin vetted all of the dev? any other tokens beside DOT & KSM you wanted to buy?

>> No.55259530

Token is inflationary as fuck tho.

>> No.55259558

Gavin should invite those orgs behind eth tokens like AAVE, MKR, LINK, COMP & UNI maybe pitted them up with ASTR for EVM interop. i believe in this project but after aca & glmr fiasco they need to step up the game in term of marketing, or maybe because some SEC regulatories they become passive about mooning marketing?

>> No.55259571

10% per year. IIRC But if less than 50% token are staked the token will goes into polkadot treasury...

>> No.55259679

if your token needs a lot of devs to keep it alive, it's probably a bad tech. You know which other token is in the top 5 list of most devs? ADA

>> No.55259695

The whole idea of parachain got mogged by rollups
The fair value of DOT is 0

>> No.55259822

Getting like 1.5 dotties/day staking, im so unbelievably comfy dotbros

>> No.55261438

false, inflation has been this low (6.8%) for more than a year as you can check yourself on chain on https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/staking
and as i said earlier on >>55257121 this is easily offset by staking rewards more than in any other chain, i'm getting paid almost 20% for securing the network with daily compounding
no marketing at all is what allowed them to not be sued by the sec
uniswap is about to deploy on moonbeam as we speak
aave maybe, mkr and comp are too married with their eth bags
this is one of the most stupid things i've ever read (sorry, i'm just being honest)
you "don't" need a lot a devs because you've bad tech, you just attract them because your tech is the best out there
my data shows fulltime active developers btw, where's ada? ada only puts fake commits on github, don't take any ranking putting ada up there seriously
it's the other way around, lmao
here's a good read: https://twitter.com/PAMauric/status/1540691524131770368

don't be so stubborn guys, there's nothing wrong with reading, finding out new things and learn one thing or two

>> No.55261449
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>> No.55261460

it isn't its just another fiat cultist grift
and is going to be fucked by the sec. And that is a good thing

>> No.55261474

btw, bitcoin inflation is almost 2% and is STORAGE OF VALUE
low single digit inflation is good to incentivize network usage, why would you want deflationary borderline ponzinomics like ethereum when smart contract platforms derive their whole value from being used? there's no point in incentivize hoarding other than making even richer early adopters

>> No.55261481

how desperate are you? Did you got a heads up that dot is going to be fucked with eth, usdt and usdc next week?

>> No.55261486

sorry this is the right link for rollups vs parachains: https://twitter.com/OrientusPrime/status/1541160563086090241

>> No.55261499

desperate? not at all, just sharing my enthusiasm about something big cooking up
tell us what you're holding and give us a good laugh

>> No.55261604

24 posts over 12 hours
desperate, you know what is coming, no, nobody is going to buy unregistered security bags
dump, pay for lawyers and join the other altcoin fiat cultists in battling with the sec for the next few years

>> No.55261689

why do you feel like talking about random things you have not a single clue about like you were some kind of expert or even an educated person on that subject? nice dunning krugerg

>> No.55261762

because maybe I have
so you didnt got a heads up

>> No.55261928

bamp for the huwite man

>> No.55262344

DOT is based but the crypto bloodbath will continue as long as interest rates remain high and the money printer props up the proxy war.

>> No.55262360

dead coin, ghostchain

>> No.55262361

>money printer
and who buys the debt notes?
using the word printer for fiat is a clear sign of behaviorism induced brain rot

>> No.55262363

Kek I bet you're a bagholder from 20 or above

>> No.55262415

>and who buys the debt notes?
the federal reserve is buying the treasury bonds because they are worthless and nobody else will
then they will forgive the loan
that's longhand for print money

>> No.55262465

i bet you bought bayc

>> No.55262471 [DELETED] 

>the federal reserve is buying the treasury bonds
Have you slept over the past year?
Powell is slimming down not buying anything