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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55256924 No.55256924 [Reply] [Original]

If this is your darkest hour, take heed of this warning, fellow LINK Marine: do not sell your Chainlink.

SWIFT posted this on their LinkedIn 4 days ago, tagging ANZ, BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, Clearstream, Euroclear, Lloyds Banking Group, SIX Digital Exchange, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and, last but certainly not least, Chainlink Labs.

The following are the Total Assets of each financial institution, as of 2022.
ANZ: A$1.09 trillion
BNP Paribas: €2.67 trillion
BNY Mellon: $214.805 billion
Clearstream: €17.17 billion
Euroclear: €37.6 trillion
Lloyds Banking Group: £877.8 billion
SIX Digital Exchange (A SIX Group company): Unknown, however SIX Group reported CHF 17,171.7 million in total assets in 2022.
DTCC: $2.50 QUADRILLION (Total Value of Securities Processed)

As of today 11 June 2023, Chainlink has a FDV of $5.2 billion.

God speed, LINK Marines.

>> No.55256941


>We’re collaborating with the Swift community globally to test how institutions can use their Swift connection to seamlessly interoperate with the multitude of blockchain networks emerging around the world.

>Institutional investors increasingly are considering investments in tokenised assets as they seek new forms of value — but they face a complex challenge. These investments are tracked on a diverse range of blockchain networks that are not interoperable - each has its own functionality or liquidity profile, which creates significant overhead and friction in managing and trading the assets.

>Overcoming this fragmentation will be key to the long-term scalability of the market and, aligned with our focus on removing friction in international transactions, we are working with our community to explore a potential solution. In a new set of experiments, we will collaborate with more than a dozen major financial institutions and FMIs including Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ), BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, Citi, Clearstream, Euroclear, Lloyds Banking Group, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) and The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) – to test how firms can leverage their existing Swift infrastructure to efficiently instruct the transfer of tokenised value over a range of public and private blockchain networks.

>Chainlink, a leading Web3 services platform, will provide connectivity across public and private blockchains for these experiments.

>> No.55256950
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>> No.55256953
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>Staking v0.2, planned for release in approximately 9-12 months
It’s over. Ten more years

>> No.55257011

This sounds good and all it token is not needed

>> No.55257063

How much longer can you tell yourself this to cope? 1 month? 2 months? 3 months?

>> No.55257104

Just look at the chart man Jesus don’t rope when this CCIP doesn’t do shit

>> No.55257110

Is it called LINK marines because they are well trained underwater?

>> No.55257114

bro their're submarines! ZING!

>> No.55257129

Yep this piece of shit linkie is crab in a bucket knowing damn well he’s under water on his (((((investment)))) and wants other to lose too>>55256924

>> No.55257158

don't make me look at the chart again, everytime I look I get a rock hard erection and cum buckets

>> No.55257159

No no you’re supposed to sell!!!

>> No.55257165

no one actually believe it will be 12 months, giving the fatty records of delivering

>> No.55257181

Classic case of retards confusing notional values with realized value. There’s plenty of software providers to all of those banks that aren’t worth over a billion dollars

>> No.55257247


Sounds like you don't understand how Chainlink works...

>> No.55257357

>DTCC: $2.50 QUADRILLION (Total Value of Securities Processed)
I'm basically someone who you'd think would be interesting in buying bags of LINK. But after actually researching things like this and seeing what their revenue is and such, and imagining even some of the most wild best case scenarios for Chainlink overall outside of crypto...I'm just not seeing anything logical or even plausible here.
The DTCC thing is a really good example of why processing quadrillions is one of those things that might sound really impressive in isolation, but in reality it...really just doesn't amount to what one would generally expect from such an impressive sounding number. Especially considering DTCC exists already and actually does these numbers irl and not just as an idea.
Really though I'm down for any narrative that reddit and shit will buy into, however bullshit it is. So I'm never going to shit on the idea of some impressive sounding and easy to digest hopium type thing like this outside of here. Since if there's any chance of it catching on with retail then I'm more than happy to buy bag to dump on reddit, since that's generally how the game works.
Not much point in anyone selling LINK now. But it's very much lacking a coherent narrative these days imo(you can disagree if you want, I'm not your enemy-I want to buy whatever I think other people will buy). The 'flipping the switch' was not great, since the idea is virtually always more powerful than the reality(esp in crypto which is 99% bs). But I think what is needed is some vaguely plausible yet somewhat specific explanation of when/how/why institutions are going to be actually buying LINK. Rather than numbers like total assets, or securities processed since those are not particularly relevant in the sense that my bank has my own assets, and I'm aware to some extent they will invest them in various instruments(and also have op ex. But what is the specific narrative here wrt to institutions and LINK itself?

>> No.55257369

the thumbnail makes it look like he has his mullet in a bun

>> No.55257370

This is GME tier hopium. I never post in these link threads but felt compelled

>> No.55257373

Wow these banks are totally gonna spend their quadrillions of dollars pumping your shitcoin bags to 9 million dollars per link! Then the genius investor neet incels will all finally be able to have sex and everyone will clap!
You guys should be more original youre literally just copying the XRP retards fantasy.might I add, some of those xrp fags have also been bagholding since 2013 waiting for the banks to flip le switch. Sound familiar?

>> No.55257382

Thanks, just sold!

>> No.55257383

this is the most midwit fud ive ever seen
post it on plebbit or i will, that's gold

>> No.55257403

I'll consider throwing in $100. Tell me what you think the marketcap will be at the peak of next bullrun.

>> No.55257464

I'm already 40% down my bags are not worth selling anymore. This has been the worst investment I've ever done.

>> No.55257480

sometimes you gotta lose money to make money anon. It'll be your best investment by 2032.

>> No.55257492

kek the cope is so hilarious keep it coming

>> No.55257494

crypto industry now is maturing, they can smell bullshit, so if they have to buy bullshit they would be buying pepe or shib instead of this useless token.

>> No.55257527

Don't sell marines!
Don't sell marines!
D-don't sell
How did this happen?

>> No.55257552

t. Chainlink Labs advocate.

>> No.55257683

you're damn right I am

>> No.55257729

Wow man! If you lose a bit more money you can probably join the Pink Boys discord

>> No.55257758

There's two separate issues really.
You either misunderstand what I meant, or aren't familiar with the specifics of DTCC. But the specifics of DTCC aren't too important to the main part.
I'm not trying to 'fud'. And the fact that you would try to classify it as 'midwit fud' really gets to the core of what I think the issue is.
Although if you're really genuinely positive that the core economic structure of the network will end up creating some sort of deluge of tens of billions in exit liquidity in whatever amount of years you think it will take for it to all come together, and none of it relies on or is predicated on the market itself actually ever having the information to generate any sort of build up towards that scenario, where people who do this sort of thing for a living can actually analyze it and let the world know that it's grossly undervalued in someway, then I guess that's fine. But it's an awful arrogant and risky path to take considering how much easier it is just to use the time honored tradition of using retail as exit liquidity. It's pretty easy to get people going wild and vastly over valuing some technology(or it was in the ZIRP years at least...hopefully that comes back).
This sort of thing works a lot better with newer projects. Where the mysteriousness and seemingly limitless potential of vague numbers that don't necessarily have to mean anything in reality is often sufficient to get people's blood pumping(along with their wallets).
It's not that you can't still do that in a way. But as time goes on you need to get more specific. Or at least come up with some novel narratives that sound plausible and digestible.
Half the board can't honestly sit here and be surprised that the market had zero reaction to the latest Swift news while simultaneously dismissing the idea that any of this stuff ever needs to be actually communicated outside of /biz/ in a coherent way that makes them think LINK will go up.

>> No.55257798

I mean it's perfectly valid to think that none of this actually matters and that in 3, 5, 10 years or whatever Chainlink makes 10-100x more than DTCC does in a manner that generates excessive demand and liquidity for the token.
I'm not being sarcastic or anything. If that's what you think, that's fine and you're entitled to keep that knowledge a secret until it's realized.
But the easier way is always letting the market think something is grossly undervalued so it can try to correct that in advance. Which should in theory make things a lot easier and more likely given how much that sort of thing will reduce everyone's risk. There's a reason that people sell off equity in their companies early. And it's not because they necessarily think that they're getting a 'good deal' by diluting their own share.

>> No.55257940

Anon, I literally CANNOT sell. There's no unstaking button.

>> No.55258568

>low iq concern troll attempt by someone who clearly doesnt understand what link's role will be in any of this or how the token will represent and transfer value across the network
I don't care what you have to say in response to this either, so don't bother.

>> No.55258571

>Sound like you don't understand how Chainlink work...
holy ESL

>> No.55258583

>what is the specific narrative here wrt to institutions and LINK itself?
Institutions need to purchase Link if they wish to use Chainlink services. I'm surprised (not surprised) you're unaware.

>> No.55258599

>Chainlink's price has been flushed down the toilet because institutions don't want to use Chainlink
except Swift DTCC BNY MELLON the list goes on and on fuddie but keep ignoring reality

>> No.55258624

Those banks want to use Link's tech, not their token. If you believe in their tech, buy into their company, not their token.

>> No.55258628
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From The Alchemist:
>Before a dream is realized the soul of the world tests everything that was learned along the way.
>That's the point in which most people give up.
>The darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn.

If you feel darkness remember that this is the final test of the world to see your determination to follow your dreams.
The soul of the world is cheering for you.



>> No.55258629

If there's an option to live stake this alt on Ledger wallet as I do that for Stablecoins, Ride, and Mexc then put me on else get me good staking protocols for Link.

>> No.55258641

Nice try fuddie but the company is not needed unlike the token which is essential to dumping on kek baggies lmao try harder this is really rilying you up
I can tell

>> No.55258655

Holy dyslexia

>> No.55258664

Face it stinkies: Your shitcoin is dying, it just dropped to a $4 handle. Thats 3 years of investments -90%.You are no different than IOTA, NEO, Request, Cardano.

Get off of your high horse and accept reality.

>> No.55258718

Blessed anon

>> No.55258780

Why would you post an outdated larp

>> No.55258827

You assume I don't understand that, which is fine. Separate topic though really.
But I'm posting because I'm looking for reasons/narrative to buy for this specific cycle. But I'm not going to buy if no one else is. I don't think this is concern trolling. I want to make money. I'm only concerned with that.
Normally in these situations it's a mutually beneficial arrangement
(more so for you all who hold already), to actually come up with some basic communication that can act as a narrative over the medium term.
Yet /biz/ is filled with posts dazed and confused wondering why the fuck no one cares about the Swift shit.
It's not about whether or not I personally understand what link's role will be in the future. I do, but that's besides the point and I'm looking for reasons to hold it for this specific cycle. I have held it before, I'm familiar with it. But there was a completely different vibe before as well.
I put much more time in to researching link than I do almost every other coin because I know it's one of the only ones that actually can become a longer term play/hold post-cycle if things do eventually shape up. I can't even think of anything I'd actually consider holding long term other than link really. At least not at the moment.
I don't really get the IQ gatekeeping either. This is crypto. Everyone is retarded. If everyone wants to write off the next few years and strip away all the middle steps and just go all in hoping for the link endgame coalesce, then I mean that's fine. But holy fuck has the bear market ever turned you all here into fucking zombies or something. No one actually gives a fuck about making money anymore.
I get that it's tempting to be lazy when you're 100% convinced that you have the winning lotto ticket. But it seems silly to not care about whether that endgame begins with a $10 LINK or a $100 LINK. Especially if it's going to be multiplicative. Plus...$100 LINK in the short term would be more comfy than $10.

>> No.55258883

I'm aware. But I've never found anything specific enough that can be twisted into some sort of easily digestible narrative that people can think will act as a catalyst.
Maybe there's some documentation I'm not aware of. Or some other communication.
For now, for this purpose I'm not even really concerned about accuracy.
I suspect maybe these things are held back more recently due to SEC related issues(seems to have worked so far since they've dodged the 'security' label).
They're probably relying on the community to communicate the things that they can't risk communicating.

>> No.55258903

>Hodl's for years
>Researching constantly
>shills on basket weaving forum
Still doesn't know that chainlink innovation and Link token price action are completely divorced

>> No.55258918

I feel like if I bought LINK now, I could come up with some pretty plausible scenarios, narratives, catalysts etcetera. But it would feel like one person swimming against the tide at this point.
It wasn't always like this though.

>> No.55258926
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>> No.55259022

if it even does just a 2x, you get every fudder convincing you it was all trolling and they actually talked the price down for cheap linkies and shaking of your bags.
Happened just a few months ago with a small pump.
Also check Bezos about their stock prize dumping: https://youtu.be/1LhENTPSeKA?t=40 Many similarities. This is literally chainlink, doing everything the right way while the token price going the wrong way.

>> No.55259071

Lmao what stage of cope is this muh “LINK IS THE NEXT AMAZON”!!!!

>> No.55259356

I bought more today but it felt like I was flushing my money down the toilet. The last 3 years have been brutal.

>> No.55259821

why didnt you sell the top, lmao.

>> No.55259878
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If someone holds through this dump and doesn't sell he truly is a saint and deserves to make it
but man do I regret not selling all my link at $50

>> No.55259923

thank you anon you are too kind

>> No.55259936

Anon you seem like one of the few levelheaded posters here. Do you have any advice on how to research/assess projects and figure out what to buy and hold?

>> No.55259937

the good ol days of yore
why do the demons like to feed on our regrate?
Monster's Inc said they can easily power their stuff with children's laughter. i miss the keks we had

>> No.55259998

They said that in October. It's about 3.5 months away at most.