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55255984 No.55255984 [Reply] [Original]

why not just stick to bitcoin?

>> No.55256015
File: 91 KB, 981x987, 1686443627658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lizard brain poorfags dont want to own only .05 of a coin. They got filtered by the denomination.
They would prefer to have 100,000,000 SHIT coins worth $226 instead so they can fantasize about how rich they'll be if it reaches 1$ per SHIT coin

>> No.55256031

I was seeking innovation, something that would be able to bridge the old with the new. I was foolish, btc is the only innovation that happened in the last 31 years. everything else, merely bloat of past innovation

>> No.55257400

Im not a nigger.

>> No.55257412

the sad truth

>> No.55257437

bitcoin wont make me rich. from here max it can do is 4x

>> No.55257447

Because my $500 in BTC might turn into $2000 in 3 years which won't change my situation at all, meanwhile $500 becoming $20k will change my life. At the moment it looks like my $500 will become $0 though.

>> No.55257462

Kek. Are you a bot, or is this just the copy pasta on the script agent?

>> No.55257497

Except your 500 wont become 2000
You’ll get rugged by a jeet and end up bag holding your 58$ leftover of shitcoins no one wants while jeetjeeterson takes your 440$ and puts it in btc for a comfy ride to 1700, but not until he makes shitcoin2 and takes the rest of your 58$


>> No.55257503

All of those numbers are irrelevant sums of money. Need more leverage if you want to make it.

>> No.55257504

The problem is (you) degens need to get a real job and have more than 500$ to begin with so youre not so fucking desperate for some moonshot that will never happen

>> No.55257506
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What about us who practice both of these strategies?

>> No.55257522

>a guaranteed quadrupling of money in the medium term isn't good enough
you're just poor, get a real job first

>> No.55257530

it's old and they're comfortable with it, and I want what makes them uncomfortable.

>> No.55257645

The only coins needed are BTC, LTC, DOGE, ETH, SHIB and a few stablecoins. Everything else is garbage.

>> No.55257737

>Sell shit before other retards sell it and buy more btc

>use other retards money to buy more btc than you could on your own

why wouldnt this work

>> No.55257745

not everyone has rich parents

this, so much fucking this right here

at this point, bitcoin is only relevant if you are already a millionaire, or have a few hundred K to invest

if you are a simple wagie, alts are your only play.

you will not even outrun inflation with bitcoin

>> No.55258272

fpbp, bitcoin unit bias is the ultimate filter

>> No.55258332

fuck off

>> No.55259309

The amount of shitcoiners itt weeping. Beautiful
Can't wait for eth and usdt being attacked. That's when the last shit eater gets it

>> No.55259318

If USDT aka Bitfinex goes down Bitcoin is going to shit its guts out along with it.

>> No.55259328

Crypto is dead including btc

>> No.55259345

No. What do you think is going to be used as base currency when stables finally get fucked? Yes btc

>> No.55259389

Crypto market is volatile enough that you can expect a 10x on the right coin. Ideally, you make short-term gains on shitcoins and then put half into your BTC stack. BTC and a few others are the only coins you can guarantee don't randomly die and always hold some value.

>> No.55259443

stables going down + major CEXs shutting down + no more fraudulent pumping by Bitfinex = price crash back to triple digits + zero liquidity = Bitcoin returns to being the one thing it was ever good for, a vehicle for crime and sanctions evasion, not in any way a credible currency for mass adoption or even a decent speculative asset

>> No.55259448

Maxis are so fucking clueless kek

>> No.55259451

Idiot, idiot, idiot. You need to shut up and stop repeating things you don't understand that got planted in your retarded mind by advertisers. Fucking stupid zoomers

>> No.55259456

Let me guess you believe the story of muah willy bot ... Another idiot fucked by advertising brainwashing

>> No.55259487

the maxi itt is a confirmed poorfaggot retard lol

>> No.55259500

Crypto is dead you stupid fuck your imaginary "gold" is no exception

>> No.55259518

Keep fail nlping you retarded hobby glow nigger. Better piss back of to grifting with streaming and dono scamming

>> No.55259538

Imagine 20k will change your life. Life changing money is at least 25 times your yearly expenses

>> No.55259550

Go back to /pol/ poor baggie

>> No.55259554

>You need rich parents to have more than 500 usd
Have you worked a single day in your life?

>> No.55259573 [DELETED] 

/pol/ derangement syndrome. Many such cases. Sad. Go back grifter

>> No.55259671

no, it's just limited upward potential compared to other coins. we'll do a max 10x during the next bull

>> No.55259691


>> No.55259698 [DELETED] 

Why is it limited. Because you say so?
You sound like the retards who screamed btc is never going to be over $1000

>> No.55259742

small blocks

>> No.55259927

I have a year's worth of savings. what is next 25x sir?

>> No.55259943 [DELETED] 

Non. Gary is about to fuck every crypto currency with an exception of two, which don't fit the howey test due to the lack of a common enterprise. Btc and one I won't name because this board is filled with scum that deserves to lose it all

>> No.55259958

I just changed IP's other one is LINK

>> No.55260077

No. The other one got rebranded from its original admittedly retarded name into a less retarded name and is older than most shitcoins. Link is an unregistered security

>> No.55260084
File: 19 KB, 512x187, btc trder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not just stick to bitcoin

but I do?

>> No.55260252

this. people need to get rich sooner than 100 years from now so they take more risks, just how it is. but in my opinion and experience the risks are worth it compared to just sticking to BTC

>> No.55260287

>Btc is never going to reach 100 dollar
>t. Incredible nervous fiat peddler ca 2012
>Btc is never going to 1000 dollar
>t. Incredible nervous fiat peddler ca 2013
>Btc is never going to 10000 dollar
>t. Incredible nervous fiat peddler ca 2015
>btc is never going to 100000 dollar
>t. Incredible nervous fiat peddler and shitcoiner ca 2023
...to be continued

>> No.55260292
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>waiting 4 years for a pathetiic 5x

I am not white enough to invest in such a boring life bro

>> No.55260327

kyspa scam

>> No.55260353

BTC will never come close to its 2021 ATH again. It's barely kept its head above $25k since March and the continued crackdowns on CEXs are putting an end to the pumps and causing nervous baggies to run for the (dwindling number of) exits. Party's over.

>> No.55260449

Do you think bitcoin will 10x in actual buying power ever four years?

>> No.55261139

Only stick to btc
maybe some dogecoin dark

>> No.55261150

because you can make more money with alts (once you don't marry your bags)

>> No.55261155

No such thing as white enough. Either white or not.

>> No.55261167

>Fiat debt note addiction
that is why all the shitcoin devs are currently trying to bind together to be all fucked by Gary

>> No.55261177
File: 142 KB, 850x850, DDB66C18-8D0E-4BBE-821E-6A0490E6A36C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my coins in the form of physical coins

>> No.55262132

They will come for BITCOIN soon. We just have to keep watch. If the US brings out good regulations, it will be helpful. Regulatory facilities like NexeraID and Polygon ID will shine.

>> No.55262162

Its not like they haven't tried for 14 years. Did they succeed? No, can they succeed? no

>> No.55262172

I thought the same in 2017. If I would of just DCA'ed the last 6 years in BTC I would of been so much better off.

>> No.55262190
File: 13 KB, 480x360, CAPTAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin won't make me rich but it's better than a 401k.
I made a dollar this morning. A whole dollar!

>> No.55262206

in the wake of stagflation and altcoin fiat cultists getting decimated. you are going to hold a bag, forever that is worthless, be it usd or altcoins

>> No.55262214

I believe I used the word "Bitcoin" in my statement, anon. You may find it there if you simply reread my statement.
Thank you.

>> No.55262221

Still thinking crypto is about making money with a 100000x moonshot

The moonshot is a side effect. But you adhd moonboys wont understand

>> No.55262272

I don't expect 1000x.
2x is still better than any savings account.

>> No.55262627

Here is still another opportunity. Whatever Oldfags are buying is worth it. I have DCAd into ETH, SPOOL, and LDO. All Defi protocols.

>> No.55262721

I have 1 BTC already which I'm going to unironically hodl forever. The rest of my folio is alts and I DCA every week into a subset of them to bring down my average cost per token. Fact is that if the market goes anywhere close to the last cycle high, I will make it if even half of my alt picks move up with it. Maxis will seethe, I don't really give a shit. The SEC lawsuits are also nothingburgers. I bought the XRP dip in Dec 2020 right before Coinbase delisted Ripple and I've been in profit on that trade ever since. Lastly, fuck kikes.

>> No.55262729 [DELETED] 

>Alt coin scammers is getting anxious
you know that "alts" were an attack on btc. Half of the CIA runs eth validators and Gary is attacking alts for that reason

>> No.55262757

>>Alt coin scammers is getting anxious
ESL jeet detected. Fuck off brownoid.
>you know that "alts" were an attack on btc. Half of the CIA runs eth validators and Gary is attacking alts for that reason
Take your meds.

>> No.55262759 [DELETED] 

Hold your alt bags, end like every failed cia operation

>> No.55262764

Alts are literally an attack on bitcoin.
There are no crypto currencies. Only bitcoin

>> No.55262768

if it 4xs i become a millionaire so please be right

>> No.55263246

ASIA is in support of crypto and the EU has also clarified regulations so we are even now. UAE endorsed CryptMi and soon more crypto companies will go there

>> No.55263805

>because you can make more money with alts (once you don't marry your bags)

The real generational wealth is in altcoins, but bitcoin maxis won't see it because they are blinded by the notion that only bitcoin deserves to exist.

>> No.55263829

>generational wealth
nlp for pajeets by pajeets
you are not going to make it
thats a promise

>> No.55263909
File: 72 KB, 2050x1155, D54818FA-1645-44F3-9E29-91731F1CB7D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking you’re late to bitcoin.

Once the fiat ponzi starts to unwind and everyone starts to look for things to grab onto things will get wild.

>> No.55264010

Chances are you are the one who doesn't make it provided he invest in altcoins with utility and working products like AVAX, RDNT, SPOOL and ETH while you struggle to get 10% on Bitcoin.

>> No.55264022

bitcoin has outperformed not just the spx metals and other boomer investments in the 14 years of its existence but also every alt that came, went away and was forgotten
You are like a nugger kid that gets told keep the cookie and you will get more cookies and instantly eats the cookie crying later that the white kid got a second cookie

>> No.55264083

> altcoins with utility and working products like AVAX, RDNT, SPOOL
anytime anyone says this , i just laugh inside a little at another bag holder

>> No.55264143

Because those who bought Bitcoin at the top are being fcked sideways right now. Those who acted smarter and stuck with stables are in a better place rn.

Must be high to name BTC, ETH and stable coins in the same statement with those shit coins

>> No.55264164

eth is a security
stable coins are in essence also a security that base their value on us treasuries, which is funny

>> No.55264225

BTC has basically turned into a Currency, you're not going to make money off it anymore compared to alts. Only really good for slow payments that get passed Governments. That is until we find out who satoshi is/are then its over.

>> No.55264268

Because Bitcoin mafia refuses to adopt Drivechain

>> No.55264281

If Bitcoin adopts BIP 300 (drivechain) then all the alts will move onto Bitcoin sidechains and be merge-mined by Bitcoin miners. Everyone wins

>> No.55264376

What if the market had a good x5 rally from that point? They would have been peeing in their pants right now.

>> No.55264700

No doubts about that. Anon was just trying to sneak in some garbage coins to keep them side by side with the real gems.

But it didn't! Better safe than sorry. If you leverage your assets on a platform with good APR, SpoolFi for example, you wouldn't worry much about others making Xs while you're being left out.