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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 449 KB, 1170x844, 651F0C78-D2A8-4EE4-8033-B2219CB6B657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55255957 No.55255957 [Reply] [Original]

>staking v1.0 will be live this year
>meanwhile in reality
It’s over for stinkfucks

>> No.55255962

You have nothing of value to say and need to be silenced

>> No.55256005

The longer the wait for v1.0 means the longer the wait for slashing. More time for risk free cubes.

>> No.55256061

That’s a man

>> No.55256131

Yeah and you won’t pump until v1 gets implemented

Ten more years marine!

>> No.55256223

>more time to accumulate

>> No.55256247


>> No.55256307

Just accumulate until you die bro

>> No.55256310


>> No.55256318

More like 4 years

>> No.55256548

Just 4 more years marines until $10 marines!!

>> No.55256554

Thanks, just sold!

>> No.55256582

I suspect one of the new staking types will be delegated stakers (latestakers) who will have to delegate their link to a node/nodes and have some slashing eating into their total apy, which may always be lower than OG community stakers

>> No.55256737
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 1686449293384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant make this shit up KEK.
Linkfags got trolled so hard.
Sold as a get rich quick 1k eoy dream. In reality you will literally be waiting until youre 50 years old to make it. By then all of your energy and libido will be gone and that money will be of no use.
You will be crusing in that lambo as a 60 year old geriatric grandpa with a gold digger who is willing to wait 10 years until you die.
CCIP being a beta V0.01 is guaranteed at this point

>> No.55256744

you mean besides the risk of the price falling 50% while you're locked in your chastity cage earning 5%?

>> No.55257852

v0.2 probably just fixes some typos in the README

>> No.55257868

>lower than OG community stakers
it's already worse than a money market fund, going even lower means that the only people staking will be those without a brain

>> No.55257887

How on earth is link an investment. First u can’t stake unless u are early, even if u are u get subpar bond yield but with the risk of ur net worth going to zero. So wtf does a retailers even do with a chainlink token? Better why is chainlink on a biz and finance board, ain’t u suppose to want to make money?

>> No.55257988

Oh no. They might accidentally release everything 9 months after the halving when hype matters. How fucking tragic.

>> No.55258133

Kek fuddies

>> No.55258227

i didnt make it.
but link did.
shoulda cashed out from my wallet when it was ath.
but atleast i pulled my shit from atomic wallet before that got haxed.

i dont care

>> No.55259641

This at this rate I can buy 1000 per month that would be wild

>> No.55259658

There won't be any cryptocurrencies in 2 years

>> No.55259703

You won't be laughing when we get a teaser trailer for CCIP v0.01(synthentix ropsten test bridge) later this year.

>> No.55259722
File: 163 KB, 879x713, stake_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stake demon.

Dysgenic freaks who succumb to staking and token-lock addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their yearly circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Staking on demand accompanied by rewards hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Staking is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to impale them all.

>> No.55259919

does nobody in this thread realize this picture is from last year

>> No.55259988

>published October 3, 2022

>> No.55259995

did anyone read the whitepaper 2.0?
I still hold this crap but that is when I lost faith
it was basically copepaper 2.0