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55253480 No.55253480 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here truly see this stuff being a global currency in the future? Serious, educated sincere replies only, nobody in this thread is allowed to push shitcoins, post memes or troll


>> No.55253506

Oh yes. Its inevitable. This whole business with the SEC establishes it. This is not going away; the future is about how it works, who controls it, and who is allowed to get rich off it. If it wasn't important they wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.55253511


>> No.55253519
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I believe crypto can go up in value. Do I believe crypto will or should replace the dollar? Hell no. We’re better off having choices like cash, credit cards, crypto, etc. the more options consumers have, (which is competition among money) the better off we are.
Some want the dollar to have a monopoly and some want bitcoin to have one, some want gold to be the only money. All of them are retarded because monopolies hurt consumers

>> No.55253545


For sure the dollar being replaced by crypto is an existential threat to the US.

>> No.55253556

Nope. I used to believe in it like 10 years ago when it actually had promise though.

>> No.55253585

he said we should have choices

>> No.55253609

Believed some retarded shit about replacing fiat?

Why is everyone so extreme on this board?
It’s always crypto will replace the dollar or crypto will go to $0.
There’s never people pointing out that the best system is where we have the option to use any money we want.
Everyone wants to force their ideal on the world.
Yes banks are fucked in many ways, yes crypto is full of scams, yes stocks are manipulated by brokers naked shorting their own customers, etc
Why not support everyone having the freedom to use any money they want?

>> No.55253623
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Its not just about Currencies and payments but about Tokenizing all the Assets in the World, even the really illiquid shit on the Balance Sheets that many companies hold but cant capitalize on will be tokens on a Blockchain and that alone is already a multitrillion dollar business if not more.
Tokenized assets could be used as collateral for a loan for example or as part of some Smart Contract, but whats more important is that they are tracked throughout their entire lifecycle, cryptographically and tamperproof secured and constantly evaluated so this basically brings us to Triple Entry Accounting which means that Audits arent lagging behind anymore and could even become predictive.
Thats a huge gamechanger in how the worlds economy operates and thats only achievable through DLT and Crypto.

>> No.55253629
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fiat only has value because the us will threaten people who dont use it

crypto is for the people of the earth to trade without that threat but if the government tries to use its threat to control it then its even worse than fiat because its an online transaction

gold has inherent value because its finite and people all over the world are willing to buy it

>> No.55253728

BTC will eventually just become tethered to gold/silver as a higher beta play, like you'll see gold up 1% on the day and be able to know without looking that silver is up 2% and btc is up 5%. Nobody will think of it as currency or as something you even want to try to integrate into the world economy. It will not seem exciting or transformative anymore, it'll be a dead altcoin to gold like what ADA or XRP are to bitcoin right now, weird undead hangers-on from a bygone era that should be worth zero already but which we know never will.

ETH will eventually (already pretty much has) be recognized as the world's riskiest and most degenerate and accessible casino platform. It pays a 4% dividend which is a tax on degeneracy levied on people who want to use the casino. It'll do well over time, especially once everyone is unemployed thanks to AI and receiving UBI, ETH will be the battleground where retards duke it out over shitcoins to try to reclaim the white collar living standards they lost to the machines.

Everything else will be recognized as casino chips and nothing more, the age where people actually believed crypto was working towards something transformative is over. It's all cynicism from here on out, new projects will come and go, new narratives will coalesce and evaporate, but there will never again be the naive optimism that pervaded '17 and '21 bull markets where you could permit yourself to think you were really on the cusp of something new and beautiful and hold through a 100x. Everyone understands it's pvp all the way down now. Get in, make a buck, dump on someone's face, get out. That's all it ever was of course, but everyone knows it now.

tldr buy eth and profit off human suffering, though you can probably pick up for $1400 later this year

>> No.55253754

Not really. Mostly because majority of people are too lazy and stupid. Definitely throw a few sheckles in it, but if it is not entirely controlled by the tribe then it will eventually succumb from the onslaught.

>> No.55253766

>Believed some retarded shit about replacing fiat?

I don't think crypto is going away but Bitcoin is definitely not what I thought it would be 10 years ago. Still it serves a purpose for people that don't have functioning currencies in their country I guess.

>> No.55253785

it lacks the infrastructure that US dollar has. It could in theory replace it, but its weaknesses of centralization hold it back. Also the sites that support the buying and selling have become far too regulated, taxes, etc.

>> No.55253811

It won’t replace the dollar. It will replace US Treasuries.

>> No.55253817

Its over I sold everything. Im going into APPLE and NVDA

>> No.55253828

I don't believe in crypto. I believe in blockchain, meaning I believe in decentralisation and decentralised monetary and financial assets. The term cryptocurrency is a misnomer in most cases. BTC and ETH are not currencies, they are commodities. Digital commodities, which is to say, an entirely new asset class. This is a genuine financial and monetary revolution, the world has never seen anything like this before.

>> No.55253846
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No, I don't, but I need to explain a little.
I don't believe Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or any of the top coins have any permanence or relevance in the future.
The governments and corporations of the world will go out of their way to purposefully make coins they introduce into the market more lucrative for the short term gain of wiping out other forms of currency.
Crypto had its hayday, and while everyone thinks this investment is something akin to buying stocks, you're no more than falling for a fad, and like all fads, it will be purchased from you, sold to you at a higher price as something else, and you'll thank them for it.

>> No.55253899

Just BTC and LTC at the end

>> No.55253974

Blockchain is a dead end.
Can't scale.
Relies on being expensive for security.
Easy to spam.
Has to continuously grow in value or it dies.

>> No.55253986

>global currency
God damn why are you all as retarded as Reddit what happened to this place.

No, crypto doesn’t replace currency. Crypto tokenizes data, assets and currency.

And yes it will happen because it saved businesses and governments trillions of dollars it’s a fucking no brainer. Now go back.

>> No.55254017

it has one value all around the globe

>> No.55254102

>The e-celeb said this so it must be true!

>> No.55254121

i agree that it tokenizes data and its worth
whatever fiat traded for other fiat is worth but due
to those metrics its worth a flat rate everywhere
it can be reduced to that countries fiat like gold but it has no value other than tethering to fiat
i mean only that it can be traded anywhere in the world and its worth whatever amount of money
countries fiat is worth based on a measurement of assessed data
but its one thing, bitcoin, having the worth of the value of data
i can give it to someone in a foreign country like gold and they can sell it for about the same as what i paid for it

>> No.55254138

No, you don't understand fundamental concepts in this space. The value proposition isn't efficiency, it's decentralisation. Everything else can be figured out later, with L2s, centralised payment services, etc.The only thing that matters right now is building a base L1 blockchain that is so decentralised that the governments of the world will NEVER be able to shut it down.

>> No.55254166

Trucker protest, lock downs and the overall crabminded mediocre state of the west should tell you yes. They are wreckless and mediocre, they are using the powers passed down by greater men and they are using it to destroy everything and everyone close and in their reach. Get out of the decaying west, buy btc and ammo, society is shit and the western one is over

>> No.55254186
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You worms always come out in the bear market

>> No.55254216

It’s always been about getting rich
>Bitcoin centralized
In what way do you judge that?

>> No.55254221

Miners, validators, whatever you want to call them will only continue to mine or vote based on how many US dollars they can redeem their shitcoin for (relative to how much they spent on electricity or stake).
With Bitshit rewards get halved every 4 years, so a huge chunk of hardware becomes unprofitable so they leave. If the price doesn't double every 4 years you have more miners leaving then joining. Merely crabbing is enough to render "le decentralization" worthless because no one will ever work for free.
With Scamthereum the inflation demands that there be a huge amount of volume to ensure enough supply is being burnt, otherwise the shitcoin will lose value so rapidly that your stake turns to dust before you can even get rewards.
It's a fucking dead end.
>This space
Go back to Twitter and kill yourself

>> No.55254406

ive never thought about this before nor do i care too much but if people leave
then they wont need as heavy duty of equipment to mine the block
so the people can lose money mining it but it can still be mined, in a cloud service or whoever is quicker
whoever is willing to stick around will get paid
less blocks being mined would increase the value of bitcoin relative to the cost of what people are willing to pay
for the amount of bitcoin roaming around.
once all the tokens are mined then people will fight over who wants to own a whole coin

>> No.55254713

Jesus Christ you are new.
I'm guessing if I explain the following concepts;
A. Hashrate
B. Byzantine fault tolerance
You'll have another "woah I never thought about that" moment.
Listen kid, my job isn't to educate you.
Go research what happened to every chain that lost a significant portion of it's hashrate; Bitcoin Gold and Ethereum classic are a good starting point.

>less blocks being mined would increase the value of bitcoin relative to the cost of what people are willing to pay
:| Do I even bother responding to this? Less miners doesn't mean fewer blocks, it means less hashate (security).
The price of Bitcoin is completely determined by demand on exchanges, i.e the price where the buyer and seller meet in the order book.
>once all the tokens are mined then people will fight over who wants to own a whole coin
Congrats you drank the entire coolaid jug.
Once all tokens are mined miners won't have any reason to keep their equipment on, it's one of the things Bitcoin core has been arguing about how to solve.
There are not enough transactions on-chain to sustain a fee market, nor can there be enough with the current capacity.
The best case scenario is super high fees but that will just be the last nail in the coffin.

>> No.55254728

Firstly, what you are saying does not apply to Ethereum. At all. and there is very little inflation on Ethereum now since the merge, even if zero was burned. You clearly do not understand even the basics of this technology. Secondly, while I personally have SOME concerns about Bitcoin due to the reasons you've described, it's not nearly that simple. But yes, I grant that we want BTC to go up in price for this reason.

Still, you're either retarded or arguing in bad faith.

>> No.55254806
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>Anyone here truly believe in crypto?
I am, but not to the exclusion of all other things
all that means is that I mostly don't trust jewish government money

>> No.55254972

>Accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty
>Make claims so pointlessly dumb and require effort to debunk just to see if your opponent would really waste their time arguing with you.
~2548ETH was burnt in the last 24 hours.
A total of 19,421,635ETH is currently being staked at 4.9% APY, that's 2607ETH issued per day.
The documentation for burning/issuance can be found here;

Straight from the horse's mouth, no volume = no burn = inflation.
APY is determined by how much is staked and decreases as more validators join.

>> No.55255008

Staking stats:

ETH burn rate:

>> No.55255121

yeah fuck sake
im thinking about it in the most broad spectrum with absolutely no knowledge
of the innerworkings, i quickly looked up what bitcoin mining even was before i wrote that
i didnt know or think about hash rate
but it is fun to think about so thanks for your reply

>> No.55255156

live longer, it happens to literally everything. Your home town was sold before you were born. You don't remember it before the McDonalds, do you? Was it ever not there?

>> No.55255193

yes but 99% of the crypto out there is total 100% garbage that doesnt even follow the point or spirit of it. so far monero is the only actual crypto ive seen out there besides ghost coin

>> No.55255221

why not try the id change in another thread first? now everyone knows it's you samefagging

>> No.55255225
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>this stuff being a global currency
>educated sincere replies only

>> No.55255256
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Your pic related is retarded, incel. The reason for leaving away from parents is so they don't hear the constant fucking from constantly changing girlfriends.

>> No.55255293

I appreciate the courtesy... now I regret being so vulgar, I apologize.
I've met too many misguided or outright deceptive people in this market. You seem genuine though, Stay safe.

>> No.55255483

thanks friend. peace and goodwill to you

>> No.55255769

yes, I believe in Monero

>> No.55255943

I believe there are going to be national currencies running on a blockhain along with a variety of other assets.
Crypto is digital capitalism.
Countries will compete in how they manage their blockchains just like they compete now in how they manage their monetary policy.

XRP will always be backed by cocaine.
mETH will be the industry standard for a long time.
And BTC will stabilize.

>> No.55255949


>> No.55256451

So under 1 million issued per year? So under 1% inflation?

>> No.55256499

even if there is inflation it's less than btc. we're in a bear market and still deflationary. imagine what happens in a bull

>> No.55256506

Do you realize that blockchains are corruptible and many have shat the bed already? They're not 100% tamperproof.

>> No.55256557

that's what motels are for, and cars and beaches, and parks

>> No.55256734

We also need to start building big Victorian style mansions again with separate wings, and doing a much better job with screening and soundproofing so a family unit could be 3 or 4 generations with a central kitchen/common area and private spaces suitable for smaller nuclear units contained within. It makes so much more sense than cramming everyone into individual shoeboxes with kitchen/laundry/bathroom combos.
A little cultural engineering would be required, but if we get started now I reckon we can make this pretty normal in 50 years time.

Yes, very much. Shitcoins and PoS to zero, PoW to infinity.

>> No.55257324
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In half a century a thousand millennia will have passed, after digitization and migration from RL to VR. Synthetic time and Homo Sapiens Machina will make of all of our prior and present iterations a very poor cosmic joke. You have the mind of a homo boomer, thus beyond utterly obsolete.

>> No.55257405

or just get more land.
5 acres is enough to build several casitas for the members of the family, who can all congregate in the main home for meals.

>> No.55257493

>What happens when we're in a bull


There's really no correlation between price and transactions on-chain, sometimes price increases cause spikes in number of transactions but they never move together for significant periods of time. (I did a correlational analysis months ago).
Overall on-chain transactions have been crabing along a similar range for the past three years, there were more transactions in Dec 2020 than there are now for example, despite the price being much greater now.
Yes, 1% per year, why did you ask?

>> No.55257545

>Anyone here truly believe in crypto?
As a neutral store of value that can be used as a currency in some special cases yes.

As an every day currency that replaces the USD and EUR? Nope.

>> No.55257714

Mined btc in 2011. This is all the same shit I've heard over and over and even said myself before. They can't even stop piracy.


>> No.55257769 [DELETED] 

>Anyone here truly see this stuff being a global currency in the future?
Already is. I can go almost anywhere on the planet* and find a way to cash out to local currency. El Salvador already accepts it as an official currency.

* offer void in Nepal and a few other communist-run turd-world shitholes that ban it

>> No.55257785

>Anyone here truly see this stuff being a global currency in the future?
Already is. I can go almost anywhere on the planet* and find a way to cash out Bitcoin to local currency. El Salvador already accepts BTC as an official currency.

All the shitcoins and scamcoins need not apply, of course.

* offer void in Nepal and a few other communist-run turd-world shitholes that ban it

>> No.55257813

>With Bitshit rewards get halved every 4 years, so a huge chunk of hardware becomes unprofitable so they leave. If the price doesn't double every 4 years you have more miners leaving then joining. Merely crabbing is enough to render "le decentralization" worthless because no one will ever work for free.
That's what the transaction fee market is about -- as Bitcoin becomes more and more valuable, the block reward can decrease because more money is being earned from transaction fees than from the block reward.

>double every 4 years
I've only been in it since 2014, but it's gone up 90X since then and we've only been through two halvenings.

>> No.55257836

t. xrp/xlm/xdc schizo who has spent waay too much time reading about cbdc stuff

>> No.55257841

dude george washington totally blazed dank nugs bro. martha washington was one cool lady, when george came back from the slave quarters or the city hall and shit she would have a tray of fat doobers all rolled up and ready to spark for him bro, she was one cool chick man.

>> No.55258302

I'm just thinking out loud here, and I'm not particularly technically minded, but I really can't see why a proportion of the miner network's hashpower couldn't be used to run a Turing complete decentralized VM that can run smart contracts or whatever functionality anyone wants to add to BTC. Like build the L2 functionality into the mining process itself. Literally a fraction of a % of the miner pool could provide supercomputer levels of processing that could run anything including AI. If Bitcoin is going to compete with shitcoins on a tech level and provide value to miners long term this could be a way to do it.

>> No.55258357

The US is doing this not to protect the citizenry, but the dollar.

>> No.55258417

It's a little bit more complicated than that, in a lot of early Ethereum presentations Mr. Buterin talks about "Swiss army knife" Blockchains and how they differ from Turing complete Blockchains.
Keep in mind Bitcoin has a VM, it's just very limited in what you can do, BitcoinCash expanded some of the capabilities but is not Turing complete, this is a "Swiss army knife" protocol.
The Ethereum virtual machine is a separate stack of the Ethereum network as a whole, this is the execution stack, as opposed to the consensus stack which validators run.
The Execution stack is very bandwidth and memory intensive, it grows by dozens of gigabytes per day and expectedly most validators do not run an execution client (because it's more profitable to reap the rewards and not do the work).
I think it's possible that Bitcoin could become a Swiss army knife protocol in the future, but not Turing complete.
A Bitcoin locking script doesn't do all that much computation compared to a Turing complete smart contract, in fact all Bitcoin addresses are essentially just smart contracts, with each type of transaction just being a different agreement.
But a Turing complete smart contract is an entire app living in a sandboxed environment, when triggered they perform real computations within the EVM, not just a simple settlement.
The security for the EVM is the fact that each transaction changes the 'world state', meaning every single node has to have the exact same 'world state' after every transaction in order to achieve consensus. This is a "state transition machine", Mr. Buterin likened apps on it to vending machines; they come awake when you give them input, they do some processes, then they go to sleep, returning to the initial state.

>> No.55258536

Thank you. I would never have even dreamed of getting such a coherent and complete response

>> No.55258551

(((crypto))) was always a scam, and you fell for it
bitcoin already won

alts people deem successful like ethereum will only remain successful while the illusion of value in 20,000 alts and tokens sill exists.
when the novelty fades only bitcoin remains.

>> No.55258609

You should look into Nexa, not shilling it because price action is disgusting but it's bcash devs basically proposing what you just wrote.
Its non-turing complete, designed for scale with native tokens and smart contracts on the layer 1. Not on an additional EVM layer

Market conditions are irreverent, I am genuine excited for the technological capabilities of cryptocurrencies. It's a nice bonus having vc scammers go bust along the way

>> No.55258635

Cryptocurrencies aren’t very good as currency. The only use I’ve ever had using cryptocurrency as a currency is buying a 4chan pass. Willing to bet even 10 years from now that will be the only useful thing you can buy crypto with.

Crypto is a very good casino and human greed is infinite so this show will go on.

>> No.55258712

As with the original plan. As long as people see value in btc (they will) the price will naturally keep climbing. ((They)) have realized this and stocked up a nice bag themselves

>> No.55258739

This is going to start with privacy protocols being the winrar against the government sanctions.

>> No.55258757

Market condition may be shitty but projects are building a solid foundation for the future of the internet and finance. ORE network also doing so with web3.