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55250989 No.55250989 [Reply] [Original]

Is ALDI a good supermarket?

>> No.55251009

no, their logo looks bad and I don't use things with bad looking logos.

>> No.55251069

no it's really crap. Lidl is better

>> No.55251116

I save 25 percent each shop instead of tesco kikes, so yes it is good

>> No.55251380
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the food is of a lower quality than the competitors. like cheese with way too much rennet, sugary boxed foods that americans eat, bacon that spews white rind all over the frying pan, etc.
Also, youre gonna queue for the longest time and then have to pack your own bag like you work there and mr berggoldstein is breathing down your neck.
one of the aldis by me even charges you £100 for parking if you dont scan your reciept when you leave on a machine that is in the corner of the shop and you cant get to it with a loaded trolley.
All in all, its a place for poor people with too much time and no taste buds

>> No.55251444

it is straight up the only acceptable grocer in the US Midwest

>> No.55251456
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It's the absolute best, ALDI shall rule the world

>> No.55251460

You sound like you shop there regularly desu kek

>> No.55251500

The thing I noticed that was of the lowest quality there is the meat. It's noticeably disgusting, and I wouldn't buy any of it from there. Similar story when it comes to their pre-sliced cheese. But everything else is pretty decent, and I'm not autistic enough to run around to different stores to save a couple of bucks. If I bring a large plastic duffel bag and open it up at the checkout line, they're nice enough to just put everything in there, so all I have to do is zip it up and I can carry everything all at once. They certainly don't have the best ingredients, and they're not the cheapest all the time, but week-by-week I end up saving more money there. Although keep in mind I usually just buy dairy and produce, and not pre-packaged goyslop like most Americans.

>> No.55251687

This. Lidl products are overall better

>> No.55252442
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>Is ALDI a good supermarket?
Reading this thread it appears that Aldi's quality is region dependent. Here in England the stuff that I like to pick is fantastic. There's very little I get from other places, and that's either due to me wanting to freeze stuff (which I go to Iceland for), or they don't stock, due to them doing their own brand or don't consider it being worthwhile to shelve (nothing can compete with Branston Beans and very few places stock Tilda's Egg Fried Rice and Lloyd's Grossman Red Thai Curry Sauce).

Ever since Aldi appears I've pretty much stopped shopping at Asda. That place has been going down hill since Walmart took over. Morrisons has never offered anything special and Sainsbury's pulls the expensive food card because there will always be people who need to show that their tastes aren't cheap.

>> No.55252498

Only Aldi Sud. Aldi Nord is a dystopian hellhole where dreams go to die. Fucking boycot Aldi Nord. They do their best to ruin everyone's hopes.

>> No.55252558

lolwut? Every LIDL I've been too (granted only in France) has been absolute garbage. Open packages everywhere, stuff near expiration, bins of clothes thrown carelessly all over the place. I felt lower class just walking in and ashamed walking out.

>> No.55252564

>queue for the longest time

that's an anglo problem, not an aldi one

>> No.55252585

He's probably talking about Bong Lidl, which is day and night compared to German Lidl, and French by the sounds. The German shitholes are horribly cheap box staplers, just fucking depressing.

>> No.55252630

Interesting. I'm in bongland right now as a matter of fact. I'll poke my head in quickly and see if it's just as bad. Just got back from Tesco and Sainsbury and they were a bit pricy, but hell everything's pricy here I miss the euro exchange rate.

>> No.55253059

>and then have to pack your own bag like you work there
german here, I don't understand, no matter where I go we have to bag it ourselves. how else would that work? do you guys have bagging wagies or something? sounds like pure hell

>> No.55253077

You're having two different conversations. Aldi in USA is a different proposition since your food standards are so much lower than UK.

>> No.55253098

Best chain for fresh fish and bread. Also pretty much the only place you can reliably get hold of offal.

Agree that ASDA is shit-tier and Sainsbury's has nothing worth the price though. Tesco is the same.

>> No.55253114

Also Sainsbury's and Tesco are owned by jews

>> No.55253155

I find in the UK they are a bit hit and miss, but that no different from the other supermarkets now, you need to shop around to find the best value and quality you are happy with now. I was listening to the boss of Iceland on BBC news a few days ago saying how he and other supermarkets would delibertly sell certain items at a loss to entice customers to shop more, you just need to look around to find those itemsin different markets.

Sainsburys surprisingly has the cheapest bags of sugar if that's anything to you. But yeah, they often just sell the same things Tesco does for more money.

>> No.55253234

Shame they don't do home delivery
I refuse to go to supermarkets so gotta stick with Tesco who have the easiest website the navigate

>> No.55253285
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Yes, it's fine.

>> No.55253497

+ lower prices than walmart or traderjoes
+ good selection
+ lots of frozen food options
+ quick checkout but check receipt because they make mistakes when going so fast
+ neat, small stores so you don't have to wander far to get something

only negative is that sometimes their products don't taste good, like the "new flavor!" chips. if you're into chips stick with the classics (cheddar sour creme wavy, bbq, etc.).

>> No.55254651

ALDI and LIDL master race

>> No.55254690

I would agree that Lidl is slightly better quality on average, but both are shite to be quite honest.
I have an Aldi literally a 3 minute walk away so I shop there a fair bit and its meh but convenient.
Sainsburys is better and has an Aldi price match and gives Nectar points.

>> No.55254708

The UK is fucking infested with Aldi and Lidl. Such a shame no British company wanted to do this form of mini-cheapo-supermarket.

>> No.55254716
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>> No.55254743

It’s the best. High quality non-goyslop food for low prices. Love Aldi

>> No.55254956

finding ham that is not reformed is a fucking mission. even tast the difference or w/e. all the supermarkets much the same and buy from the same handful of catering companies. would not be at all surprised if they were colluding like the german car manufacturing cartel. also clubcards are the devils work and a punishment not a saving mechanism
>inb4 doomer
it’s pretty dystopian, no?

>> No.55254957
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don't know, supermarkets are for poors
i only go to quality organic shops to buy fresh produce and water kefir

>> No.55254978

Your local butcher might have some decent ham, lad.

>> No.55254989

Are you all poor?
If you want good/decent shit go to the national chains (Carrefour in France, Mercadona in Spain, Tesco in the UK,...)

t. Europoor

>> No.55255019

only like it occasionally. tried the artisan lifestyle. 10 quid for a loaf of bread, coffee direct from the importer based on it’s story tier. get the right plugs and you’ve got the good stuff. it’s financially unsustainable tho. anyway i digress. point is they’re taking the fucking piss selling us the scraps off the floor and telling us how fucking amazing it is. somewhere hidden away is the truth. reformed

>> No.55255050

Word, fella.
I live in a coastal village so the local butcher and fishmonger sell decent wares for pretty decent prices. No wankery and wank townie prices.

>> No.55255191

>the lowest quality there is the meat
here in australia, i'd beg to differ; the quality of meat in aldi is great, even if the range is more limited than coles. i buy whole chickens and all my steaks at aldi, and buy other cuts like shortrib or brisket at coles
don't really buy much else at ALDI tbqhwy

>> No.55255619
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>Just got back from Tesco and Sainsbury and they were a bit pricy
You need the loyalty card at those two to get the normal prices

>The UK is fucking infested with Aldi and Lidl
Literally invaded by the Germans, and they have the nerve to stick the union flag all over the store and on the packaging to dupe people into liking them

>> No.55255710

nah, they are banning people entry unless they download a digital ID app which collects their personal data and uses it to spy on them, they also use low quality food and dodgy preservatives

>> No.55255731


It’s more efficient because old people are slow at bagging

>> No.55255761
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The irony is, when you actually do this, you find yourself getting food poisoning because these *organic* shops are run by cheap skates & con men half the time. That's a massive waste of money anyway, you can get massive amounts of frozen veg or fresh veg in the store if u are that picky.

I have 7 figs, my shopping habits never changed. Only poor fags change their shopping habits because they *think* it's what rich people do.

>> No.55255778

There's a difference between Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud, sounds like you have Nord

>> No.55255782
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Tescos prices going up the most, if you exclude the normal rip-off Morrisons.

They have really taken the piss, not only have their prices gone up but the quality has gone down quite a bit on some products to add insult to injury.


>> No.55255978

ALDI is a discounter, not a supermarket.

>> No.55255990

Problems is non-organic food is laced with the pesticide Jew and other Jewish chemicals.

>> No.55256058

Yeah those cunts plaster our UJ all over their fucking bags. But what I do as an act of petty revenge is, I keep returning them every few uses by saying they have a tear in them. Gotta out J the J (or the K(raut), in this case).
Also mate, Sainsburys have an Aldi price match on most essential stuff, so I do my weekly shop with them and if I run out of something I nip over to Aldi and grab it (and check the price is the same - it usually is).
For some reason Aldi beat everyone at a decent price Greek yogurt though.

>> No.55256437
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ALDI is great, has a lot of gluten free options for me

i think their brand is better than great value (walmart), prices are still pretty competitive

>> No.55256766

Here in Ohio it's great
Excellent staple foods, good quality meat too, everything you need really except certain small fancy ingredients for certain fancy dishes