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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55250813 No.55250813 [Reply] [Original]

Are you chuds done coping? It’s getting embarrassing

>> No.55250834

Coping about what? Coping about kikes coping about something they can't control? It's amusing watching them feebly crush something completely out of their control. If they were less foolish, they could've snuffed it out of existence 5 years ago but they let it become a global juggernaut. Kvetch more, noseberg.

>> No.55250842
File: 142 KB, 850x850, D97B90CD-FB04-493D-8A42-4D887A293E38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you?

>> No.55250846

Attempt feebly to crush*

>> No.55250858

Giga based.

>> No.55250878

no one cares, cryptofag. you’re as much of a parasite as the jews with their paper fiat. making your fiat digital doesn’t change the fact that it is worthless and backed by nothing.

>> No.55250898

>Bear market washes away pajeets and other third worlders just hoping to strike it rich on a speculative asset
>All that's left are the people who unironically think currency should function like the Byzantine solidus and anything else is a Jewish trick and THAT'S why they can't move out of their parents' house
they will never be done coping OP

>> No.55250906

The dollar is backed by violence, just like every other currency that has ever existed.

Let's face it - the entire idea of crypto is STUPID. It's STUPID. "Making money" from it is an obvious ponzi farce. Letting people hide their transactions is only useful for criminals and delusional paranoid nuts.

>> No.55250969

having a fixed supply currency is a terrible idea