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5524702 No.5524702 [Reply] [Original]

About to cash out my crypto for a trip to Thailand to lose my virginity and more

Try to convince me otherwise

>> No.5524721

awesome anon

how old are you?

>> No.5524726


>> No.5524750
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>> No.5524802

looks like they are all gonna have a good time

>> No.5524831


they are getting his PIN , later they will get him drunk slip him some roofies, take his liver and empty out his debit card

>> No.5524840
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Why not

>> No.5524841

Yeah that guy probably had the time of his life.

>> No.5524856

do it u fuckin TWATFACE

>> No.5524875

Op what kind of sick shit are you going to do with the slut?

>> No.5524880
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better version

>> No.5524923

>not a looker in the bunch
I threw up a little

>> No.5524924

Because you'd probably have a better time in the Philippines, plus the girls are better.

>> No.5524931

I literally tore a 10/10's hymen after a year of talking online. It's not that hard, the only limiting factor is time and money. And you have both

>> No.5524934


I live here. Where are you going?

>> No.5524949 [DELETED] 

Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.

>> No.5524986

If you wanna have a fun time banging hookers go to Amsterdam, Thai girls are minging.

>> No.5525022


>> No.5525072

Philippines are a shithole

just saying

>> No.5525082

Phuket. I go there too soon

>> No.5525127

ouch I hope he at least banged them before

how can you protect yourself from this shit?

>> No.5525319

Go with an escort man, thailand bitches are very ugly and skinny,

>> No.5525358

From what ive seen they look qt
Also I'm scared of getting stds or arrested in the US for calling a hooker

>> No.5525430

Not a street hooker, an escort

>> No.5525483


>falling for the Thai girl meme

Go to Colombia

>> No.5525496

Whats the difference?
I'm interested in Thai culture anyways
I'd rather my head stay attached to my body

>> No.5525560

No kidding Captain Obvious, they're all shitholes, why do you think sex tourism is lucrative in Southeast Asia?
At least Filipina are better.

>> No.5525580

Who wouldn't want curry and a 12 year old? Not everybody's into coke

>> No.5525582


>getting shot

how about nobody fucks no hookers because hookers really fucking suck. Just liquor up some fat chick at a bar jesus its not that hard to get laid.

>> No.5525615

that fat chick has more stds than an escort.

>> No.5525638

Fat chicks smell and are usually clingy (aside from being physically repulsive). If you're going to jettison your sense of self-worth you may as well at least fuck something you'll enjoy

>> No.5525650 [DELETED] 


XVG Whale server, Sudfuck is in here.

>> No.5525654

>About to cash out my crypto for a trip to Thailand to lose my virginity and more

How much? You only need $2000 for a good trip to Thailand with a few hookers.

Honestly i think you'd be better just keeping your money in Crypto and using FIAT savings for the trip.

>> No.5525660

No need for hookers, just get on tinder a week before and start swiping nigga

I got 300 matches in 1 week (used the 1 free boost)

>> No.5525697

Do it OP. Whore or not, losing your virginity is essential to success in life and will give you more confidence around women in the future.

>> No.5525699

>thailand bitches are very ugly
Some are some aren't. Varies depending on price tag.

>and skinny,

this is bad why?

>> No.5525729


Doesn't work for everyone. Some of us are fuck ugly and don't live in big cities.

>> No.5525737

Go to fucking Ukraine dude, hooker costs $50 and they are 10/10 blondes. For fuck sake.

>> No.5525765

Escorts are Like High level hookers, they don't stay in the street, the price is a lot higher, they are checked, don't have sexual disease... In the USA you should find plenty of them..

>> No.5525817


But Thailand is a nice place for a holiday with or without hookers It has good food and interesting culture/history.

If you only want a woman to fuck you could probably find a good girl locally and just pay $200-$300 for her without going anywhere.

>> No.5525835

I don't Like skinny girls, sex with a curvy girl is far better for me

>> No.5525864

t. manlet who can't throw girls around no matter how skinny they are

>> No.5525888

Go to Romania or Columbia instead. Thailand is nasty. You dont want Hep A.

>> No.5526024

That is about it for Japan. You get one decent looker in 100k but otherwise that bunch is not bad compared to what you usually see free range.

>> No.5526248

ITT people talking about hookers in different countries without ever even doing it.
Thailand and the Philippines are great places for that. If you spend a little bit more time looking for the right girl, it will be a blast. Find one that really likes you and you'll hang out with her and go partying and sometimes she won't even charge you for any of it. If you look ugly then expect to pay. Most other countries hookers will just fuck you and then want your money (east Europe, SA). Go to Bangkok and find a cute girl who keeps looking at you and ask her to take you out to all the good clubs and what not. I got my buddy to lose his virginity at 24 to two girls at once and the dude said he came 3 times that night.

>> No.5526313

Never eat or drink anything they provide, always prepare it yourself. If you pour yourself something to drink never let it out of your site because the moment you turn around is the moment she puts some drug in there. Afterwards take her out somewhere such as dinner as an excuse to not let her spend the night so she doesn't rob you while you sleep.

>> No.5526355

Fucking retard.

>> No.5526416


they can still drug you if they really want to with scopolamina

you just can't control EVERYTHING

>> No.5526421

dont pick up a ladyboy or a meth addict and she wont be trying to rob you. Most of them are nice girls

>> No.5526868

>jettison your sense of self-worth
>jettison self-worth
kek, I've done this a time or two

>> No.5527156

kill someone, it's the only time you can get away with it

>> No.5527227

can confirm
been to thailand they're more aggressive there, flipland hoes have more passive charms

>> No.5527310

>Afterwards take her out somewhere such as dinner as an excuse to not let her spend the night so she doesn't rob you while you sleep.
or tell her to fuck off after you're done..? or is that too alpha for you, to ask a whore to get the fuck out yo house ?

>> No.5527412
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>spending THOUSANDS of dollars just to play around in a humid, hot, dirty, cramped cityscape shit hole for a few days
>may get to bang some average looking brown asian hooker
>chance of getting robbed, murdered, infected, or just generally not enjoying yourself
>doing all that shit

compared to

>staying home
>using your money to make where you live a comfier place
>enjoy yourself in your hobbies when not trading
>better yourself
>feel good financially and physically
>being rich makes you better than people so you can feel good socially too
>get to spread out your money for a more spread out fun time

So dumb, bad thread. Guys please buy TRX.

>> No.5527523

this guy knows what hes talking about.
Dude those were some of the hottest girls ive ever seen. all wearing lingere, didnt have the 50 euro though.
going there soon though thanks to this shit

>> No.5527532

>Electronic Arts

Of course.

>> No.5527720
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This right here my nigga. Just go on tinder and say, "me have a lot o' money" and youll get some fuck without ever needing to go to china's failed abortion.