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5524615 No.5524615 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck money skelly is now advocating slavery.

WTF is wrong with him?

>> No.5524638

He literally isn't though...

>> No.5524648


he went off the rails. this and his tweet about lambo memes. he's biting the hand thats feeding him. he's cracking. cant handle the spotlight.

>> No.5524671


All godly men are slaves to God, this is biblical. Tinybrains like you cant understand true deep morality like this, when you truly always do the right thing, you are a slave to that higher power.

>> No.5524680


>> No.5524686

Sounds like a Commy/Democrat

>> No.5524687

How is that slavery? That is pure voluntarism. Still, he is commie scum.

>> No.5524691

why can't low IQ poltards comprehend basic ideas without having shit spoonfed to them?

>> No.5524741

In a sense, he's kind of right that majority of traders in the crypto world are looking to buy just for lambos, and not for the product itself.

>> No.5524758

the guy is genuinely an idiot about real life and then a genius about crypto coding, weird how the world works innit

>> No.5524776

lol if I could afford a lambo I wouldn't buy one, cars are the worst investment ever

>> No.5524825
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>> No.5524833

It’s an investment, not charity. Of course people expect return. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.5525094

>cars are the worst investment ever

People buy lambos for fun and for evidence of status/wealth. Not everything is about making more money.

>> No.5525134

he's not going crazy. he's just a kid. people on here say equally, if not more retarded, shit

>> No.5525154

Amen. I only seek to honor God and find favor with Him.

>> No.5525312

he's a communist clearly

>> No.5525557

what you are saying and what im saying isn't mutually exclusive. whatever the reason for his erratic behavior the end result is the same.
imagine autists from biz suddenly being thrust into the spotlight for whatever reason. constant criticism and eyes watching your every move. he's paving the way to exit this circus. mark my words he will dump his coins or remove himself altogether if not an hero.

>> No.5525628
File: 1.49 MB, 400x299, F-CK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, economics are evil, money is evil, don't you see? We should all come together, get naked, and hug each other. I mean hump each other.

>> No.5525659

he's just young. he has time to grow up.

>> No.5525692

money skelly is autistic alien tier
He literally does not even contemplate the existence of life forms not on his intellectual or moral level.
Money skelly things that if we were to institute wide-reaching social programs and contribute to public health, education and consciousness on ever-increasing levels then we would see rapidly increasing efficiency, production, skilled labour and exponential economic growth.
What money skelly fails to take into account is the ignorance of 95% of the world's population and their unwillingness to further themselves through the pursuit of knowledge and discipline.
Just because money skelly became a gorillionaire in his mother's basement does not mean that the entire world possesses the dedication or intellect to achieve anywhere near a slither of the success he has.
Unfortunately, it is the curse of libtards like himself to gaze upon the ignorant, poor masses from their favourable position and wonder. What's stopping them? They refuse to admit that most of these masses will perpetually occupy the same vocation in life regardless of uplifting benefits. Those who truly wish to rise above the herd will find a way, regardless of opportunity.
Here's a quick thought...
Imagine if money skelly gave away 5 Eth to a handful of lucky poorfags. 95% of them wouldn't have the patience or knowledge to figure out how to convert that into fiat, and for the 5% that do the majority of them would spend it all on 'necessities' at best and depreciating assets at worst. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5525703

Not my most honorable fap.

>> No.5525722


God is a faggot

>> No.5525739

>What did he mean by this?

>> No.5525794

>Literally demonstrates that he cares about the betterment of humanity
>You having this low level of comprehension

brb buying more ETH

>> No.5525834

MoSkel is just blasting the selfish hedonists that make life so unlivable. He is a decent guy.

>> No.5525892

Puberty arrived late for Vitalik...

>> No.5525928

Based vitalik, makes me regret I don't have more ETH

>> No.5526101

Ironic comment.

>> No.5526170

This guy must swim in the new "crypto entrepreneur girl" pussy. Good for Vitalik!

>> No.5526205


top kek, there's some truth in what you're saying.

>> No.5526727

Ethereaum needs a Roger to fix that mess up