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55244295 No.55244295 [Reply] [Original]

>saves us from a pandemic
>saves us from runaway inflation
>saves us from a great recession/depression

When do we build him a statute?

>> No.55244318

>gets painted a villain by retarded /pol/tards who don't even know what a candle wick is
>makes tough decisions to salvage the destroyed wreck that is our economy
>gets no thanks but perseveres on

You might think this is ironic shitposting but you're obviously a low IQ brokey to see it any other way

>> No.55244324
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Jerome here. It was a teamwork. but thanks. I will let the other know

>> No.55244330

Bill gates saved me from a lot of computer viruses.

>> No.55244332

Fuck off, Jerome.

>> No.55244366
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>Now listen here, you insolent children. I'm trying to do my very best here, but nothing is just good enough for you, is it? I can't do magic!

>> No.55244378

>create all the problems you save people from
Puppet Master, I kneel.

>> No.55244415

He didn't create "the system is fucked". He got in a few years ago and found himself having to do a job. He can supply or deny liquidity, but the pathological interaction of the system with that liquidity (i.e. leveraging to the hilt or doing a bank run) is outside of his control. He can't exactly rewrite the laws of mathematics.
He just gets blamed for everything because he co-occurs with the problems. But he was put in to deal with those problems, that's why he seems to always be around when there's a problem. His job isn't "fuck the world for no reason", it's "hey, can you try to unfuck the world (which is already fucked)?"

>> No.55244471

For some reason I always feel like rooting for him maybe I'm gaslit who knows everytime he speaks I feel like he's being held hostage and forces to read from a script

>> No.55244498
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Jerome here. It's those giant tits.

>> No.55244502

>I feel like he's being held hostage and forces to read from a script
In a sense, yes. He IS being held hostage by his position.

>> No.55244521

Things only got so bad because of the QE in the first place, tard
If he raised interest rates sooner, none of this shit would be happening

>> No.55245132
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Jerome here. Nice post. i share it to some fren

>> No.55245137

Why would he raise interest rates without the green light and behest of his masters? Politically, he had to wait months until the elections were over as Democrats still wanted a “number go up” economy under their tenure. Economically, it would not be in the best interest of banks to raise rates immediately as they still wanted to squeeze more out from dirty goyim THEN raise rates until you have squeezed that mf’er dry to the last drop. He didn’t even create the system, he just happened to be placed in the wrong time so he takes the blame (he’s also a goyim) just in case things go south.

>> No.55245227

>everytime he speaks I feel like he's being held hostage and forces to read from a script
it's fedspeak
>Fedspeak (also known as Greenspeak) is [...] "a turgid dialect of English" used by Federal Reserve Board chairs in making wordy, vague, and ambiguous statements.
>The strategy, which was used most prominently by Alan Greenspan, was used to prevent financial markets from overreacting to the chairman's remarks.

>> No.55245235

meant to quote >>55244502 >>55244471

>> No.55246027
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daddy powell pwotecc meee
>goes to sleep curled up in a little ball, comfy
>financial assets moon violently
>daddy powell protecc

>> No.55246045

The second most autistic central bank chair on the planet, lacks the killer instinct of Udei and Elvira, but he is the right man for a country of shit throwing apes

>> No.55246049

would be more admirable if he hadn't botched the whole "transitory" thing so badly