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55243185 No.55243185 [Reply] [Original]

Dev claims "I said EVM not validator, it is not possible to run an EVM node on a home computer. (I'm talking about C-Chain).
EVM nodes are stationary targets, very easy to sanction. Fewer EVM nodes + lots of traffic = increase in transaction costs and slower execution."

Lets discuss here more of this to educate the new comers about the pitfalls of centralised POS chains

>> No.55243231

i have many coins
you have to pay me to use the service
i now have much more coins
you have to pay me progressively more becaus i've become monopolist

ETH is centralized premined shit for retards that can't understand distributed consensus

>> No.55243238

Btc pill me bro. Im trying to get to 1 btc by EOY. almost to 0.5

>> No.55243265
File: 501 KB, 986x1024, AVAXChads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is not possible to run an EVM node on a home computer. (I'm talking about C-Chain).
yes it can, Avalanche specs are low.
>EVM nodes are stationary targets
nope, Avalanche Validators (which includes the primary network so C- X- and P-chain) can be hosted on pretty much any Server.

>Fewer EVM nodes + lots of traffic = increase in transaction costs and slower execution.
The Avalanche consensus is leaderless and scales.

Now that you are educated you can buy some $AVAX.

>> No.55243289
File: 45 KB, 795x551, avalanche family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Proof of Stake" is NOT a consensus procotol. its a Sybil control mechanism (spam protection).
Many people (you included) dont seem to know this.

also Ethereum sucks because they did a very shitty implementation of Proof of Stake and because it uses a leader based consensus and not a leaderless like Avalanche.
actually the only way PoS works properly is in combination with the Avalanche Consensus.

>> No.55243314


>> No.55243323

Avalanche isnt a Scam, far from it. Its probably the only Legit L1 left in the space.

>> No.55243455

no need to pill you to make money. either you buy btc bcs you know you should. or just dont

>> No.55243465

I have to agree that you do sound very intelligent here. whats your background to know AVAX so balls deep?

>> No.55243567

been watching Avalanche since the Team Rocket paper dropped back 2018 and then kept doing my research about Avalanche, consensus protocols and other L1s.
these things arent that hard to figure out.

>> No.55243611

>it is not possible to run an EVM node on a home computer. (I'm talking about C-Chain)
you clearly have no idea what you're talking about retard. PoS > PoW
i have many miners
you have to pay me to use the service
i now have much more miners
you have to pay me progressively more because i've become a monopolist

>> No.55243635

So besides AVAX what are your other bags like? Also, when you found avax when you did...how do you find such good projects and where?

>> No.55243846

>So besides AVAX what are your other bags like?
Chainlink ($LINK) because they were the only ones to solve the Oracle Problem.
>how do you find such good projects and where?
The first part is to know and understand the Problems and then look for the Solutions.
I found Avalanche because its very close connected to IC3, the initiative for Cryptocurrency and contracts at Cornell University, it happens to be the place where all the Crypto Big Brains meet up, if you do a little bit of research you will see that most of the breakthrough tech is coming from that place so it was good to have an eye on them.

So in 2017 after the whole cryptokittie incident it became clear that Ethereum scaling is a far distant dream and many had attempted to crack this problem but none of them had original ideas not even Vitalik and they all just tried to rework around the classical or nakamoto consensus adding a twist to it.
Avalanche was doing it differently and had a completely new approach (repeated subsampling), I was a sceptic at first but when they actually delivered I was fully convinced.

>> No.55245275

Do they post about projects or you visit them?

>> No.55245350

Attention. The avax shills here are poorjeets paid to promote an unregistered security. They are paid in avax (lol) to spam the board
They are on average 24, politicaly affiliated to communism and from third world countries, all their talking points are scripts handed out in discords. They need to check with their team lead to provide answers not covered by the script
Report avax shills, don't engage with avax shills

>> No.55245371

True but this dude sure knows his stuff and doesnt sound like a paid shill >>55243846

>> No.55245399

Check the archives for the key word "sybill control". That guy is just a grinder. Mods need to finally range ban him.

>> No.55245424

Oh ok

How do you know its the same guy? Does he post from the same ip all the time?

>> No.55245455

No, I recognize the style. Baited him a few times to see what their MO and script is

>> No.55245468

What bags are you holding besides BTC, ETH, avax, link, (the usual famous ones) etc?

>> No.55245483
File: 62 KB, 1007x809, Capture d'écran 2023-06-10 033622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do we do about this issue?

>> No.55245492

Bunch of btc in cold storage and for now the gambling wallet is all btc too with a delta neutral low leverage position farming funding. I don't see eth or other smart contract chains surviving the purge and if they don't survive it makes no sense to bet on tokens on those chains.

>> No.55245505

>delta neutral low leverage position farming funding
what does this mean? Care to elaborate?

>> No.55245506

>BTC will end the FED and stop bank bail outs in two more weeks like satoshit promised because large mining firms paying taxes to the governments of the world really makes (((them))) angry or something!
>BTC is totally counter culture bro
imagine being a 200+ IQ OG BTC gigachad and falling for these lies 2023

>> No.55245513

There is no issue here. miners have the lowest pool fees with foundry. if a new pool comes out with low pool fees miners will flock there in a snap.

>> No.55245576

Spot btc used as collateral while being short at 2x with a fair stop loss. As funding is usually positive the short position gains the funding interests from longers, basically coin-m perp futures. Crab market strategy

>> No.55245584

What kind of return can you make with this?

>> No.55245606

For the past 2 months on average 0.03% daily. There are leveraged yield farms on smart contract chains that one can use for similar strategies with stables that farm ponzis that can go up to 40%apy but with far higher risk

>> No.55245648

there is a website where the research is published, there is a youtube channel, there is a twitter, they have a newsletter and people affiliated with it are holding talks at various crypto conferences and all kinds of other places.
but now the cat is out of the bag anyway, I doubt there will be another big breakthrough like chainlink or avalanche anytime soon, but if there was one then its surely coming from there.
>an unregistered security
the CEO of Ava Labs is literally Advisor for the CFTC.
Ava Labs is also sitting in NY, the most crypto hostile state in the US and where most regulators hang out. Everything else you posted is just made up FUD.
Thats what it is called, a Sybil Control Mechanism. its not some word I invented, thats literally what its called. For some reason Brainlets refuse to learn about it.
hes a brainlet holding a "gambling" wallet on a CEX instead of self custody his own keys and using DeFi.
honestly the last person you should take advice from.

>> No.55245667

there is a website where the research is published, there is a youtube channel, there is a twitter, they have a newsletter and people affiliated with it are holding talks at various crypto conferences and all kinds of other places.

They are having somekind of meet up starting next week too. I will dig deeper into them

>> No.55245692

As I told you in other exchanges its sybill attack prevention and using the word sybill control is retarded, because the same script says also to attack every reminder that pos naturally tends to centralize quicker and more deterministically than pow ever could, and therefore concentrating the "sybill controll" naturally in the hand of an oligopol, which makes the entire idea of trustlessness absurd on pos. You need to tell your team lead to throw that script in the bin and that you won't sell his bags here

>> No.55245776

>I will dig deeper into them
will be good for you. you will learn lots of stuff.
again, nothing about PoS or PoW says anything about centralization or decentralization. it says nothing about permissions or hardware requirements, the security of the network or coin distribution, not even mining difficulty or reward emissions or the fairness of the sale or how much of a "fair launch" it is.
Its simply describing the spam protection mechanism so the network cant be flooded and gamed.
So what matters here is the configuration of these "Sybil Control Mechanisms" and not just if its PoW or PoS.
If you still dont get this you are probably retarded and cant be helped.

>> No.55245798

Yeah standard script answer. Tell your team lead to bin it and that it doesn't help your sales to have some German, UK, turkish and American idiots spam "memes" in every thread unrelated to your product. It's ruining the reputation of your products and literally paying to be hated on this platform.

>> No.55245862

There is no team lead, no script and no sales to be made, these are just fantasies inside your head.
get some help like unironically take your medications.

>> No.55245883

Cut the crap and fire the European and early American shift

>> No.55245926

ok anon I will fire the imaginary people that live inside your head.

>> No.55245955

Just so you know, not everyone on this board is a shill, some do contract work for other entities writing reports, and you avax shills are insufferable, especially the European, Balkans, Turkish, UK and Americans. Don't be surprised when Gary fires another salvo, fair heads up.

>> No.55246059

>some do contract work for other entities
lmao wagecuck