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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55242670 No.55242670 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is actually fucking dying this time. I’m not gonna start my real life after the next run because there won’t be one. The USA fucked everything up once again. I hate you guys so much it’s unreal.

>> No.55242694
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Should've sold in 21, retard. That was everyone's last chance to make it, if you didn't make it then take it as a sign that you were never meant to make it, that you aren't smart, and that you're going to spend the rest of your life working for someone else in complete or near-complete poverty. It's fucking over. It's been over since Nov 2021.

>> No.55242713

>hate you guys

Why are you pretending as if you are not an equally disgusting, putrid vile and cancerous parasite as the rest of your boyfriends in this shithole site? Reap what you sowed putrid 4chan financier parasite and die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve. If you were actually smart you would do the only thing available to you to prevent the future (and current) pain and suffering and you know damn well what that is

>> No.55242718

If there was going to be another run it would have been 2025 but that leaves 2 years to do plenty more damage so yes, there will never be another bull run.

>> No.55242724

Do you have any skills besides gambling?

>> No.55242769

>t. Didn’t make it either

kys nigga

Yep, nothing but pain ahead

I guess not. Still six figures to build on but what is six figures in the year of 2023 so no.

>> No.55242867
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I sold during the summer of 21, you absolute subhuman mouth breathing retard. Unironically kys brokie poorfag wagecuck. Fat incel retards like you who are skilless beta faggots deserve to stay poor, now get back to work shitskin your 15 minute break is almost up.

>> No.55242970
File: 74 KB, 1000x773, 4994448E-5967-44B1-AB3F-C2586CB94BD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sold during the summer of 21, you absolute subhuman mouth breathing retard. Unironically kys brokie poorfag wagecuck. Fat incel retards like you who are skilless beta faggots deserve to stay poor, now get back to work shitskin your 15 minute break is almost up.
As if I’m gonna read your fanfic, kek

>> No.55243008

maybe after 2030 there will be a mild bullrun, not earlier.

>> No.55243656

>what is six figures in the year of 2023
The minimum to open a subway franchise on a loan