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55240252 No.55240252 [Reply] [Original]

>There will be no recess-ACK!
bullcucks BTFO

>> No.55240277

meanwhile DAX at ATH. stocks only go up even if most people are starving on the street. welcome to the real new world order (BRICS not invited).

>> No.55240292
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>we'll just pay off the visigoths with gold so that they won't attack us anymore!
>besides, it's cheaper than raising legions to fight them, anyway!

>> No.55240579

what bullcucks don't get is that fundamentals eventually assert themselves over asset prices

>> No.55240588
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I fucking hate neoliberal faggotry so much it's unreal.

>> No.55240627
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what poorfags don't get is that they're irrelevant for the economy. the "working class" isn't really needed anymore and they're too fat and mindfucked to do anything about it. capitalism won.

>> No.55240633

fundamentals will assert themselves over currency buying power like Weimar

>> No.55240703

Diversity and liberty will solve this problem.

>> No.55241665


and nothing of value was lost

>> No.55241705

It really is a New Paradigm

>> No.55241804

This picture is fake and gay.
Egyptians didn't whip their workers. Especially not builders.
Architecture was sacred in Egypt. Every step of it. Buildings themselves were considered a 'spell' or an invitation to a blessing from the gods. As such they did not taint their works with violence and evil deed, lest the blessings turn into curses.

>> No.55242014
File: 989 KB, 638x480, kahzfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ok so they worked because they got psyop'd into believing that they would receive salvation if their autocratic leader will be buried in a massive stone structure that will take thousands of life during construction. still mindfucked, but at least they were probably in better shape.

>> No.55242044

Commies get the rope

>> No.55242133

kill yourself

>> No.55242286

>oh ok so they worked because they got psyop'd into believing that they would receive salvation
No they worked for food, like every workforce throughout history. Who told you this nonsense about 'salvation?'
Salvation is a slightly more eastern concept in origin. The Egyptian afterlife did not work like that. Each heart was measured against a feather to weigh the sins of a person and determine their fate. Building things for another would not save you from past sin. Only living according to Ma'at could secure your afterlife.
>if their autocratic leader will be buried
Egypt wasn't an autocracy. The temples each had their own deities and each exerted its own influence on the king. Chief among them was the Amun priesthood. Later changed to Amun-Ra after the merging of two deities.
So at best you've got a dual theocratic-monarchism.
>in a massive stone structure that will take thousands of life during construction
Who told you this? Did you read nothing of what i said? The temples, buildings, statues etc. themselves invited these deities' blessings. people cannot die en masse like that without angering the Egyptian deities, defeating the purpose of construction.
>but at least they were probably in better shape.
Yes, the laborers were very well taken care of.

>> No.55242350

i applaud your knowledge about ancient egypt, which without a doubt is much deeper than mine, but it was also the priesthood and also the secular leadership that created pretty much all the sources this relies on, and they never really cared about rewriting history if it was in their interest, which you are certainly aware of.
it also wasn't even remotely the point i was trying to make with this post but i appreciate the adventure.

>> No.55242652

>and they never really cared about rewriting history if it was in their interest, which you are certainly aware of.
>assume guilt
Sure, but we can then apply that logic to anything written by anyone ever.
There is very little record of rewriting history in Egypt except in the case of Atenism and Akhenaten whose works were destroyed for their attempt at centralizing. The relationship between the Egyptian deities and their clergy were as close to decentralized as an ancient civilization could get.
Thoth being the deity of writing. An arbitrator of disputes. And the weigher of the heart. His priesthood and the scribes corruptable to be sure but there is less incentive to do so as they do not directly benefit from record changes unless bribed or threatened.
>"I am thy writing palette, O Thoth, and I have brought unto thee thine ink-jar. I am not of those who work iniquity in their secret places; let not evil happen unto me."

>> No.55242876

>Every week 2 OG boomer retire and 1 unskilled congolese arrives
>W-we will be fine

>> No.55242894

Who cares, the US is in a bull market, we exported our resession.

>> No.55243022

>Sure, but we can then apply that logic to anything written by anyone ever.
no, it's only egypt which managed to live so much in a bubble for so long, there are many more reliable sources for the neighboring mesopotamian cultures. as far as i know the first comprehensive written sources about egypt came from some greeks much later, which also turned out to be bullshit with more archeological evidence. i'm not saying that what you're saying is wrong, just that it's kind of biased.
> There is very little record of rewriting history
they memory holed entire regimes, i don't recall the details but one of the tutmoses just completely removed his mom or aunt from history with huge effort. they removed inscriptions all the time, that was normal game back then, which makes sense given that those inscriptions were mostly propaganda.

>> No.55243073

>it’s perfectly fine if they lie about everything and then “revise it” later

>> No.55243982

No, it was effectively a civic infrastructure project keeping agricultural workers employed on the off harvest seasons.

>> No.55244912
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>> No.55244931

this lol.

>> No.55245756

fuck off