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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55239743 No.55239743 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like crypto is done, should I sell my Link, will you be doing the same?

>> No.55239762

You should buy when you truly believe that crypto is done.
Not when it "looks like it's done", but when you truly believe that to be a fact. Then you buy more.

>> No.55239764

Why are you selling your link? It's one of the few coins that will survive the sec crackdown

>> No.55239769 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 945x825, 1607450742885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bags are forever you slimy shill.

>> No.55239773

Why would I sell the TCP/IP of web3?

>> No.55239810

oh look another sell link demoralization thread. thats how many today? nice try OP but you still are a dicklet and have no soul

>> No.55239906

I have no idea what you mean by a demoralization thread.

>> No.55239945

This is what I told my normie friends and barber. You buy when no one else is. But they aren’t... My barber literally told me he only loses money and he’s selling all his crypto. I told him he loses because he sells when he’s suppose to buy.

>> No.55241397

When do you sell then?

>> No.55242749

You should kill yourself before selling your bags

>> No.55242836

I will tell you that I will also sell but I won't really do it for the sake of convincing you to do it so I can slurp your leftovers. Does that makes sense?

>> No.55242896

the irony is that you're a paperboy

>> No.55242910

Crypto is fine, LINK is done.

>> No.55243587
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Don't sell, anon. Don't be a paper-hands faggot. Keep holding and stop looking for /biz/niggers to demoralize you.

>> No.55243636

Send me your linkies, I will hold them for you and send them back when it’s $100, I promise

>> No.55243739
File: 474 KB, 1254x726, 1614847286398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stare into my eyes and hear my words linkie

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL hold those link bags. You WILL be happy with a 5% pump. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the mood detection test. Should it read "insufficiently grateful," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to live without the pumps. You're going to share your profits with the state. Yes, it will mostly dump, and you're going to regret it.

>> No.55244457

kek Paper hands aren’t gonna make it.

>> No.55244505

I think you should sell but no I will never.

>> No.55245168
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average link and avax holder, wagmi nigger

>> No.55245183

I am selling all my Chainlink. I encourage my fellow Chainlink investors to do the same.