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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55239286 No.55239286 [Reply] [Original]

Today I took a bus to the city and walked into an accounting firm wearing a rented suit and tie. They had just opened for the day. I asked the receptionist to direct me to the the senior partner. She asked me why. I said that I would like to speak with him regarding a potential internship. She said that I have to apply online and then I might get an interview based on my resume and credentials. I, having neither of those things, persisted in my attempt to speak with the senior partner, but she told me in clear and explicit terms that I will not be speaking to anyone today, let alone the senior partner. She then asked me to leave. What do I do now?

>> No.55239297

Today you took a bus and made this thread 4 times

>> No.55239299

world doesnt work like that anymore MR. BOOMER or MR. GEN X'er. You apply online like a good doggy and get ignored, like the rest of us.

>> No.55239315

Shit copy pasta jew thread. Stop posting you incompetent bot

>> No.55239348

You have the right idea but you need to cold message people on LinkedIn. It worked for me 6 years ago. Not sure if people are still receptive nowadays.

>> No.55239381

Yesterday was a law firm. I have three more days on the rented suit. Next week I'll try a consulting firm.

>> No.55239422

Post pic of suit. Otherwise this is a larp. Plus proof it is rented

Also seeing some autist walk in and demand a job at a random business would be amusing

>> No.55239438

And if you'll remember, the receptionist at the law firm didn't even tell me how to apply, she just gave me the guy's business card, which only contained information I already knew. At least the receptionist at the accounting firm, although quite a bit more snappy, did tell me how I'm supposed to get an interview.

>> No.55239467

Stop telling the truth to the receptionist. You need to lie your way into the building. Or don't even stop there. Just walk up

>> No.55239516

You fool! You forgot to give the receptionist a firm handshake! This is like /biz/ness 101.

>> No.55239542

I was already in the building. It's a tower, and the firm has a lease for floors 35-39. I spoke to the receptionist on the 35th floor, but I'm not sure which floor the senior partner's office is on.

>> No.55239557

You probably forgot to look the receptionist in the eye or you forgot to use gender neutral language.

>> No.55239572

You can't even do that for minimum wage immigrant jobs. They'll tell you to fuck off and apply online.

The only time this ever works is when nepotism is involved.

>> No.55239753

No one is going to hire a busriding cuck lmao

>> No.55239801

Lock yourself in the bathroom and poop cowboy

>> No.55239852

Why would you do all that for an internship? Unless you're like 15

>> No.55239965

im wishing you luck anon

>> No.55241992
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Keep up the good work we believe in (YOU)

>> No.55242119

You should get in the same cab as the boss and solve a Rubik's cube to demonstrate your intelligence

>> No.55242179

You should get in the same cab as the boss and solve a Rubik's cube to demonstrate your intelligence