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55234990 No.55234990 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55235038

Crypto currency is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.

If it wasn’t, then people would be using it to actually buy things and not just hoard it in the hopes some other idiot will pay more for it in a few years time. It’s also super ironic that people keep saying that crypto is money when they constantly just compare it to the dollar.

Bitcoin is the only decentralized cryptocurrency and it has no use case due to the slow transaction speed and it’s inherit deflationary status.

>inb4 muh smart contracts

Token isn’t needed. We have had 13 years to find a use case for blockchain technology and we haven’t done shit. Blockchain tech/ cryptocurrency is a solution in search of a problem.

>> No.55235049
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Twitter kike demoralization thread
>in all fields
Only retards and kikes will reply in this thread beyond this post

>> No.55235070

>Human trafficker says ponzi schemes are immoral.

>> No.55235072

What color is your bugatti?
Yeah, didn't think so - bus rider brokey.

>> No.55235091

only a braindead cultist retard would still be defending tulip mania 2.0 at this stage

>> No.55235119


>> No.55235144

He's right. In almost most cases, getting rich means bringing value to others. You get rich by helping others.

>> No.55235160

>Crypto currency is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.
so is everything else. Didn't read the rest

>> No.55235165

>show me you're a brainwashed consumerist goy
>"oh what you can't?!"
>"hah, just what I thought!"
Your brain on Mossad media

>> No.55235170

Nigger, you don't even have a car LMAO
also bitch tate got rich off an MLM. That's one of the most unethical ways of making money. He's one to talk LOL

>> No.55235188

He's a bitcoin maxi. This is straight out of he maxi handbook.

>> No.55235266

Wtf kind of argument is that?

>> No.55235295

When a scam gets big enough, all of sudden people take it seriously, just look at how currency is created, and how the current system was put into place. You don't do yourself any favour by being ignorant and not taking advantage of opportunities, just try not to be a cunt when you make it and realise the game you were part of all along (but even that's predetermined, if you want to get really red pilled about it). That goes for many things in life.

>> No.55235368

Reminder chad tate bought chainlink and sold the top

>> No.55235390

Glowing hands wrote this.

>> No.55235447

it's true, retard. Maxis act like alts are the devil