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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55233519 No.55233519 [Reply] [Original]

I fell for the engineering meme

1 month of work and this is all i get every month?!?! I know im only 2 years out of shitty state college but how am i supposed to survive!?!?!

I should have listend to trades people who told me work from home jobs are fake
Naw but ssriosuly convince me not to leverage my tax debt betting against apple

>> No.55233612

Jesus fuck you have the gayest clothing, lmao. Truly an engineer.
Pacsun shit-tier plaid shirt with corduroy pants. Please tell me you’re wearing skate shoes too, it would really tie the senior year dipshit look together.

>> No.55233630

kek weird roast

>> No.55233684

Luxempoor here. isn't this a lot or am i stupid?

>> No.55233703

not reading your blog faggot

>> No.55233719
File: 2.10 MB, 4000x1800, 20230608_153919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mever gave a shit about fashion beacuse i am not a homosexual and have character that peoppe can judge me on so i dont have to put up a facade of individuality by acting lile a female and trying to match clothes. Also there are no females were i work. I have 2 pairs of good lookong buisnes shirts and i save them for meeting. These shoes are so old that they smell lime mold inside, i have no oyher pair and not planning om buyin another one for anoyher year. U like my car bro?

Also i work out, i look good in anything..

>> No.55233725


>> No.55233745

I can smell you through the screen nigger

>> No.55233767

Betas can always smell their superiors

>> No.55233790


how many hours? Where? What job? You out in the oil fields? Lots of important info

>> No.55233841

FUCK YOU, that's my name!! You know why, Mister? 'Cause you drove a Hyundai to your engineering job, I drove a eighty thousand dollar BMW.

>> No.55233868

Fill up the tank as soon as you cash that check
and congrats on gettin that schooling
16gs a month managed properly...skys the limit

>> No.55233990

They dont let me work more than 40 hours a week cuz government contract. We so satalite and drone shit. Sometimes i work 60 beacuse i enjoy my job. Colorado..
Im driving a 4k honda accord which i got at 150k miles and will last longer than ur overpriced potato. Cars are liabilitiee not assets, u will never make it with thay mindset. By theis time 2-3 years from now these checks wiol be chump change to me beacuse im not making money to buy exspensive shit so girls(which drain ur money) would suck my micropenis
Escpecially when i need to pay half in taxes cuz im 1099, good thing im gonna bet it all on stonks and crypto and drugs(for resale)

Although half if gonna be for taxes(which mean i really only make 100k a year rn, nothing special actually) they guarenteed me i will be makijg 200k after 2-3 years. And guess what, im STILL not gonna stay. Going to go to a normal job that pay less were my future is limited. U know why

No WFH. Boomer boss is anti wfh, everything i do cak easily be done from home

>> No.55234053

if you play your cards even semi competently you can laugh in their faces in 3 years at the 200k a year offer
tho for max gains try to leverage your way into a company that lets you expat so you can setup your exit before you cash out

>> No.55234103

it's a humblebrag. 10k a month is considered decent.

>> No.55234160

Im just gonna quit in a month or two cuz no WFH and just lie on my resume and get even more by the end of the year..
Ill only have 8k after taxes so its the equlivant of 100k which isnt enough to even get a house in Colorado, escpailly thw white area were i work. If they let me wfh at least hybrid then i could get a nice house on thr plains or mpuntains but beaucse no wfh even if i was taking the enitre 16k AFTER taxes its still not enough to live comfortably inside of a house with a backyard like i was promised in grade school. I hate america..

>> No.55234209

it's more like 40%. not sure where you got 50% from.
also why do you type like a retard? is it a zoomer thing?

>> No.55234507

What do you specialize in?

>> No.55234550

>only $100/hr

>> No.55234679

It's over.

>> No.55234697

>16gs a month managed properly...skys the limit
This. OP has poorfag mentality

>> No.55234708

>Faggot crying about clothing
Hi, Ranesh

>> No.55234808

>1099 incoming

Good luck on your temp position. Don’t forget taxes are due quarterly. Marketplace insurance sucks

>> No.55234821

i used to make like 25k in a whole year working at a warehouse you whiny bitch. all you do is sit around in an office and look at diagrams all day and youre still complaining like a spoiled brat.

>> No.55234880

40 percent? Wtf r u talking about?>>55234550
RF circuitry
Its temp to hire. If they dont hire me ill lie some more on my resume and find another job, i never have to look for more than 2 weeks to find a job cuz of my skills.
Not digrams, i make circuit. I can do seemignly infinetly more than u with no manual labor. Seeth harder

>> No.55235024

i'm having a hard time believing that you design circuits but can't understand 2nd grade math.

>> No.55235158

8x12 = 96 which is close enough to 100. Stop sperging out over shit that doesnt matter

>> No.55235179

>shitty state college

There's your problem. You'd be making double that if you went somewhere better.

>Source: USC grad

>> No.55235196

>dressing well is gay
Your clothes and especially your shoes say a lot about you. Dirty shoes combined with cheap, unfitting clothing are as much of a redflag for a person as most tattoos are. The way you present yourself tells a lot about your personality. You might earn more and be slightly smarter than the average normalfag, but every meaningful person will still avoid you.

>> No.55235255
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>Dress for the job you want, not the job you have

>> No.55235358


>> No.55235366

Thats not what I'm talking about you fucking midwit.
Knowing the right people is equally as important as generating wealth. Your family, your children and grandkids will profit from you being a know and respected person and from the friends you have. Guess why every richfag wants to send their kids to an ivy university.
Also, good luck finding a high quality wife being dressed like shit.

>> No.55235393

Engineering hrirning managers dont csre about which school u went to
What does it say about me then? Im way more than slightly smarter, im REALLY smart. I judge other men based on hoe much muslces they have persoanlly. I never respect skinny men
Face >>>>>>> clothes.. if u have ugly face no point in dressing it up with clothes

>> No.55235414

this is another glowie thread
>look how great it is to work for the US government!
what we really need more of is
>look how great it is to claim autism and get free social security for the rest of my life while the government ((you)) pays for it

>> No.55235417

Any women that csre about clothing that much is a giant whore. Notice hoe all the trad wives dress like they are in the 50s. Retard.. important people csre more abkut how smart u are and how capable u are. Does zuckerberg or musk or gates wewr fancy clothing? I cant wait foe the technocracy to take full force. Society is better off with us in charge now u pompous louie 14th court wanna bes.

>> No.55235432

I dont work for the government, its a government contractor. Theres no other way to develop space technology, no one has the captial to do this shit. U want the US to cuck back while russia takes over europe and china takes over the world beacuse u think every public school is filled woth tranny story time. U give up on ur country at the first SiGN of toruble. U didnt even get trouble, just seent someone say thwres trouble on the internet. Fuck off

>> No.55235458

>be american
>earn usd (life on easy mode)
>squander everything
>shitskins laugh at your bloated corpse

>> No.55235459

16k in a month...?
Wow how do you survive anon...

>> No.55235475

Euopoors are still seething thay wr have backyards. U cant go outside without putting on pants lmao. U ahve no gsrden. No csr to go anywere u want and take road trips. U have afrucan niggers, at least american sheboons can be cute and the niggers csn be cool, african niggers are all skinty snd unintellegable. We saved ur ass in both world wars and dont u forget it

>> No.55235481

>Engineering hrirning managers dont csre about which school u went to

Yeah they do. Why do you think the OP is getting poverty wages?

>> No.55235482

I deserve more, i went to college and therefore better than everyone who didnt

>> No.55235492
File: 125 KB, 1380x729, 435ed2c048626076e193e3f75cb6466d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh engineer
>can't even write a coherent sentence
Wonder why there is so much inflation hehe?
Well maybe because jewish bankers can just print money out of thin air and give it to worthless niggers like OP.

It's a lot of fiat money that got printed by jewish bankers, that's for sure. It's still worth absolutely zero. OP is proving that the economy is fake. No one would pay a nigger like OP this much money if it had actually any value and was backed by gold.

>> No.55235532

I am OP.. ur righy, i hvae to go into debt just to get a gym memebership. I wish i went to ivy leauge school and was 80k in debt(graduated with only 6k debt)
What does spelling have to do with circuit deisgn? I work with numbers not words. And yes they would pay me and anyone else that knew how to design sateliste communication systems. Its called being smarter than u. U should try it sometime

Im loving all this seething, hope i ruined ur day

>> No.55235551

>space technology
>muh russia and china
Now I know for sure this is a glowie thread.
Muh space. You will never escape planet Earth you filthy masonic whore. Keep larping all you want about muh space travels. Muh elites going to Mars bwhahaha.
Only fucking idiotic niggers (IQ tests were also invented by jews lol) would believe in this crap.

All world leaders (the 10 kings) work together to enslave you niggers just like the story of Atlantis.

>> No.55235552

Dude, chillax. You asked in the first post if it was because you went to a "shitty state college" and I'm just confirming. We have UC INTERNS making what you're making.
Go get your masters at a better school or something instead of just complaining.

>> No.55235568

Muh satelite communication systems
Nigger, these cables are in the ground.
You can trick someone else, not me.

Seethe more you jewish whore
You will have to work a lot of months to get on my level

>> No.55235587

>Im loving all this seething, hope i ruined ur day
you've been in this thread replying like an intoxicated retard for nearly 4 hours

>> No.55235593

>brown hands

>> No.55235595

Im not a gloiwe but i am half jew. Didnt get it from neoptism, my bosses look like they desended from purest german blood, i got it from the fact my race has an average 115 iq. Seeth harder wagie goyim
No fucjing way any intern is making what im making. No fucking way, show proof. Also ye im going back for masters in august, online... if u can show proof they make that i will truly be humbled though. Like u would ruin my week so please send a link to ur delusion

>> No.55235600

>dirty car
>cup in a weird place

>so satalite
Starting to question your narrative.

>> No.55235602

Im slavic lol, it doesnt get whiter than me except norway/finland

>> No.55235626

See im smart, cars a libility and smart people dont purchase exspensive cars beacuse they arent assets. Car is dirty ill give u that but i like to keep it dirty so normies csn seeth when they find out how much farthet i am in life than yhem
Holy fuck im getting exactly what i want from this thread

Btw if anyone doubt i make this in a motnh notice the part were it says "may hours"

>> No.55235676
File: 504 KB, 1691x672, jewQtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half jew
And half what? BWHAHAHHA
Yes, it's clear you are a satanic jew.
Hurr durr I'm half muslim. I only eat some parts of pork meat. You know because I'm only half muslim not fully ;)
You are the dumbest nigger I have ever seen on this board.
>muh wagie

>the fact my race has an average 115 iq
Race doesn't exist. Nationalities do. Jews are not a "race or nationality"
It's a religion. More specific, it's Satan worship.
Jews don't have an "average IQ of 115"
IQ was invented by a satanic whore called Alfred Binet.
He was a filthy jew. Imagine coming out of the pussy of a filthy jewish whore.

>> No.55235698

I dont need an iq test to show me thst we are smarter than u. If race doesnt exist tell thst to the eskimos

>> No.55235720

I didn't go to college make like 20k (only made like $2k this entire year and also went on vacation to japan for 2 weeks lol) and live in a 2 story house
try having a loving family you lonely incels

>> No.55235724

Poorfags seething, I honestly stopped caring what people so much. Congrats man. Remember your happiness is the greatest revenge

>> No.55235782

So ur wife pays for everythiny? Im sure that marriage will last..

Thank u, i deserve this. As i was putting myself through college(while paying rent) there were times were i didnt have enpugh money to take my dogs to the vet and my senpai didnt life a pinky to help and were talking down on me the while time, same with freinds. This time last year i was at 60k and addicted to weed cuz thsy was the only thing that could calm down my ptsd, sober now... I love it when they seeth, i never seethee, i got jelpuse but i never looked at a dudr getting money and made up excuses as to why i couldnt be like him

>> No.55235788

let me guess youre an INTP as well

>> No.55235795

Hey be happy bud you're young and got money and a long happy future.
I'm old now and sick, money means little but I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm jealous of your youth.

>> No.55235835

Whats that?
Im turning 29 next month, not young anymore. Im jaded. All women have douvle digit body counts and are unfit to be mothers let alone wives. All my freinds are either desd or married women who were so toxic they turned them into recluses. The sence of wonder i had is gone. This is my first check from this company and the high lasted 25 mineuts. Have to make wagies on /biz/ seeth to sythen what little dopamean i have left in my brain. Also i went though horrible fuvked up shit and have ptsd.

>> No.55235855

Are you OP?
Stopped reading 10 words in, you're a braggart and now using multiple devices to "reinforce" your demoralization.
I'm dying it's my birthday in 3 hours I don't need this kinda shit.
Be happy faggot life isn't about being a sore winner.

>> No.55235861

You're seven-eight years younger and likely 1500% times healthier.
Go be happy, it's free.

>> No.55235879

How is this demorilization? That i wwnt to college for engineering and worked hard throughout the years and got rewarded for it?
God i hate that band

>> No.55235930

Cause you're a fucking faggot with no taste we got it.
Take your money and blow a massive hole in your brain, that's what I want for my birthday faggot.

>> No.55235985

Did you know that jesus drove a honda accord?

>> No.55236586

I just might
So did jeff bezos when he made his first 10 billion

>> No.55237117

Holy seethe

>> No.55237168

Put some away for taxes
If you bet against apple your an idiot, it's carrying this market atm

>> No.55237286

Jesus Christ this is the most tragic thing I've honestly ever seen.
First of all, I can tell you're not even in shape and look skinny fat and NO, you don't look good wearing anything.
Fashion is not for homosexuals and you're a fucking moron if you believe otherwise. Your clothes are an expression of yourself. Your clothes tell me that you're literally an autistic incel and I know I'm 100% correct when I say this. You are wearing cheap old shitty runners that stink, the cheapest polyester child made garmonds that look like shit and make you look like a child. I actually hate the concept of the "savage" or the intelligent autist. Every autist I've ever met was a fucking idiot that can't understand the basic concept of "perception is reality" and don't understand why everyone laughs at them and doesn't take them seriously.

>> No.55237301

Why are you retards arguing and replying to an idiot who says he'll quit his job because they don't let him work from home?

>> No.55237304
File: 19 KB, 388x406, rs7kpks2sxq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I never cared about fashion...

>> No.55237311

I bet you own ch*inshit and think sir gay is hecking awesome!

>> No.55237375

"Perception is reality" only works during good times.
We didn't get to where we are on it, and it doesn't actually contribute towards progress. It's just a valid way to play when mistakes aren't punished.
All actual progress in the world is made from "perception of reality". This is where all science is done. It's how real progress is made, and you get something as miraculous as a car or air conditioning. "Perception is reality" is how you get Tesla, a company which produces very expensive and shiny things which don't actually solve any problem. It works in the short term, but suddenly some day it doesn't. We are ankle deep in bad times. You'll eventually ruin yourself thinking perception is reality.

>> No.55237450

No, "perception is reality" since the dawn of time. The March on Rome and the March of Berlin was literally a massive bluff that worked out. They had perceived strength. The Spanish Conquistadors in South America absolutely conned there way of taking over. They shot one canon and the guys thought they were gods, with there large beards and nice clothing, the south Americans were on their knees. Their diary's even say it. The reality was they were shitting it and once the south Americans realized it was all a bluff, they were deadmen.

>> No.55237546

>Does zuckerberg or musk or gates wewr fancy clothing?
I was 100% sure some moron is gonna use Zuckerberg or Gates as an argument when making my post yesterday. You are not Zuckerberg or Gates. Both profited heavily from the contacts their family had. You are a fucking nobody and are doing your best to stay a fucking nobody
>Any women that csre about clothing that much is a giant whore. Notice hoe all the trad wives dress like they are in the 50s.
Are you legit arguing with TikTok whores here? Just go out and look at the girls you see in public. I can assure you, that their clothing will tell you a lot about their family background and the girls values.

>I judge other men based on hoe much muslces they have persoanlly
Your Nigger-Genetics are showing. I should have know better when posting around mutt-hours. Best of luck to you

>> No.55237605

Wtf how can you make that much in a month and drive some shitty Honda? Is inflation that bad in America? Or are those Canadian dollars?

>> No.55237616

Who gives a shit about gay gadgets? For money you need to have a good perception.

>> No.55238021

7/10 troll post or if serious 85iq naive retard.

>> No.55238025

Fuck your gay blog post.

>> No.55238202

OP is lonely and feels excluded by society because its not giving him the attention he thinks he deserve for working his way up to a decent salary.. Iam sorry ur parents arent or werent more supportive but u need to find love and confidence in urself. Ur fitness cope or salary cope wont ever fill that gap. Good luck lost soul

>> No.55238210

It’s a lot.

>> No.55238290

hilarious how every faggot on /biz/ claims to be making $300k as a codenigger at FAGMAN or whatever, then OP provides actual proof of money doing something cool (RF engineering) rather than gay codenigger shit (writing gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds) and everyone absolutely seethes, including those minimum wage NEET faggots LARPing about making $300k/year at FAGMAN.

>> No.55238294

Yeah keep seeking attention from a bunch of anons you stupid faggot.
We aren't retarded.

>> No.55238297

>I mever gave a shit about fashion beacuse i am not a homosexual
Press F for /fa/ lol

>> No.55238314

Holy shit, you’re stupid. Go be a stupid normie on Facebook.

>> No.55238347

Dumbass, that may be small but not with someone that is trading with AI tools of reputable track record on the short term and for the long term holding.

>> No.55238407

fucking kek

>> No.55238449

You’re gay, aren’t you?

>> No.55238482

Damn OP, i honestly envy you. I make just 2.5k as a welder in the netherlands.
Oh well, i do envy you in alot of ways, just not the homosexual part.
Die faggot

>> No.55238627

It's somewhere in the neighborhood of five months of the average person's wages.

>> No.55238734

>I judge other men based on hoe much muslces they have persoanlly. I never respect skinny men
You are homosexual.

>> No.55238764

>autist op engineer literally gets so mad at anons posts he starts forgetting how to spell
>doesn't even have any drip

>> No.55238792

>Look how to be a lonely depressed incel for the rest of your short miserable life

Gee golly! I will surely do this!

>Bing bing wahoo!
>*Picks body type 2 in select menu*
>Hair recedes further

>> No.55238858

Nice argument you fucking retard

>> No.55238867
File: 14 KB, 554x554, 1681025385698639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>csn seethe
>I'm slavic
>clearly shitfaced on the job
I'll bet you are buddy.

>> No.55238871

>bros I make 180k a year but I'm functionally illiterate, u mads
He sure memed us huh.

>> No.55238876
File: 34 KB, 555x759, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is honestly depressing in a way.

That's 200k a year right? It's not that much money
>16.7k a month

>> No.55238877

It's also obviously a lie since the top earners in his industry (people with 15+ years of experience) make about 140k.
>bros I have 2 years of experience and make 180k a year
People don't even try to be believable with this shit anymore.

>> No.55238918


If he's on a short term contract he can get paid a lot more

>> No.55238926

Anon, if you know what to do with what you earn, you can multiply it. Mine was lower but invested in BNB, BTC and SOL and sold off at the peak of the last bull run. Buying Metavers utility tokens Ride and Hero now pending the next bull run.
There's so much money to be made in the space but you've got to be smart.

>> No.55238956

It's a cute salary anon, but here we make over 300k.
I don't blame you that you have to go to a neet forum with poorfags living of off their parent's salary or gibz to feel like you're bragging.