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55230081 No.55230081 [Reply] [Original]

Link/ETH is down -95% from its ATH and has been dumping for the 11th consecutive week

>> No.55230126

fucking kek, I remember when it was down -80% and I told retards to sell before it drops another -80% but they kept saying "bottom" hahaha. I'm sure retards will buy now thinking it's the bottom again, they don't know it can drop another -95%

>> No.55230153
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The worst is yet to come

>> No.55230185

I still think the idea was good, but nobody thought the idea of shartcontract chains to the end. They are not needed

>> No.55230239

Bullish for Chinklain

>> No.55230263

for some reason a large amount of people holding link don't understand that it's just another defi coin, and defi coins are all massively down against eth, and trend down against it almost exclusively.

there's a reason the first and last time it pumped was in defi summer, along with all the food coins, yearn, uni/sushi and everything else.

>> No.55230388

kekchart :D

>> No.55230400
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currently 88% of chainlink holders are in the red

>> No.55230418
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>Bitcoin goes back up
I love being right all the fucking time.

>> No.55230438

God i remember all that shit with people taking part in obscure defi food yield farms stacked onto each other and acting like it was anything real or sensible.

>> No.55230443

wheres that graph from?

>> No.55230513

>they still think chainlink is just a price feed
still early

>> No.55230523
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Kek fuddies

>> No.55230531

bro farm potatoyearnfinance.niggerfuck 999991256162335610456356312673670235% apy is normal, it wont rug the next second as you put in 50$!

>> No.55230535

How come people always post about Link's price compared to the top but not other projects such as SOL, AVAX or dare I even say, ICP?

>> No.55230551

>SOL, AVAX or dare I even say, ICP?
other vc scams sold for 3c/token?
According to link holders its a good project :D

>> No.55230567

that's all anyone actually uses it for and the only path to revenue they have. everything else is transparent a ripple style desperate search for customers.

its fate is tied to the rest of the defi pretty clearly.

>> No.55230582

people post the ico chart all the time. the main difference is most people accept those alts are now old news.

>> No.55230586

Gonna need you to fuck off back to wherever the fuck you came from. Also, in western culture, its rude to answer a question with another question.

>> No.55230599

ngl dear keep a pajeet mumbai attitude and you will be ok

>> No.55230605

I still see AVAX threads to this day.

>> No.55230656

Doesn't take into account people who moved to new wallets in the past few years when price was above $6, but who bought lower

>> No.55230683
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I'm still questioning if that actually happened or if I just went schizo during covid

>> No.55230698

at this point, LINK has spent around 1400 days at or above $6 compared to around 620 days when it traded below that.
unless you're advocating that the vast majority of current buyers are from 2017-2019 then what you're saying doesn't make much of a difference at this point, far more people are in the red rn

>> No.55230711

hows the weather in new dehli you piece of shit fudder
not getting my bags

>> No.55230720

At least link holders aren't as bad as the xrp ones with "muh 10k+ per xrp" price predictions coming out every day. Linkfags know how fucked they are, xrp cucks are just sad and brainwashed

>> No.55230908

Link is guaranteed to break its ATH
You know it
I know it
It's only a matter of when

>> No.55230971
File: 2.30 MB, 2502x1492, btc-vs-alts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overwhelming majority of altcoins (99%) never break their previous ATH.

Have a look at Iota, Bcash, Monero, Dash, EOS, Stellar Lumens, Ripple etc...

>> No.55231489

Some might break $ ath, but never sats ath
Only DOGE managed to do that once

>> No.55231492


Chainlink is absolutely nothing like other tokens. It will more than likely surpass the market cap of BTC.

>> No.55231503
File: 47 KB, 175x175, 316865_BJEAABCJAB_tsqr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at a market in its infancy
holy moly the average IQ of this board is really making new all time lows

>> No.55231506
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Everyone touch your cock when you see this message

>> No.55231533


>> No.55231591

baggie cope

>> No.55232080

rekt stinkies

>> No.55232093


Cope on these fucking nuts bitch

>> No.55232360

I was already touching mines when I read your post