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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 211 KB, 822x968, Screen Shot 2023-06-07 at 5.12.40 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55227511 No.55227511 [Reply] [Original]


>I mean, in kind of a self-interested way I advocate for, ah, having a single standard, having a single interface that allows you to use multiple chains at once. That's what our work on CCIP is about. It's about creating a single abstraction layer, a single interface, through which a bank can use 10s, and then 100s of chains, without having to integrate with each one of those chains.
>And so that choice is really "Do I want to integrate with 100 chains? Or, do I want to integrate with one framework that allows me to use, you know, this year's ten chains, next year's 100 chains, and the next 100 chains after that”

>> No.55227537

Yes yes soon

>> No.55227572


>> No.55229329

Bump because fuddies are very absent from this thread - they dont want to touch it.

>> No.55229350

Token not needed. Scam token, good project. Baggies don’t understand

>> No.55229353

Thanks i needed some more hopium

>> No.55229736

bump cause if a thread doesnt attract dozens of cuck spammers it must have good info

>> No.55229854

>2023 ccip not released

>> No.55230052
File: 172 KB, 564x800, 1686238471720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuck thread? Recommend me a good cock lock cage marines, I know you have the most experience with chastity

>> No.55230067

72 is an important number because its 6x12

>> No.55230077

this fat faggot is going to kill any apy more then .01%

>> No.55230348

>fuddies are obsessed with bizarre porn fetishes
Why am i not surprised

>> No.55230365

why are you filter evading you disgusting shill? don't you have enough threads for your shitcoin already?

>> No.55230488

Cant you just stay in your 30 active fud threads?

>> No.55230515
File: 1 KB, 194x35, crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaah the whole world is revolving around my precious shitcoin waaaaah
unironically off yourself

>> No.55230579

Add to your filter, see ya!

>> No.55230585

If you are trying to evade this thread so badly then why did you respond to my post instead of just filtering this thread? You gettin 2 cents a (you)?

>> No.55230607

sincerely thank you for this breh
I was pondering what exactly I should be filtering, since the OP did a pretty good job at avoiding all my filters, but I guess CCIP it is!
stop filter evading, it's annoying

>> No.55230646

This is a link board

>> No.55230696

Communist motherfucker, get out of here.

>> No.55230706

Yeah, look I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you are filtering link, you may have no idea what CCIP. CCIP is brought up in nearly every link thread.

>> No.55230778

Stop giving him (you)’s he gets paid for them hes a fudder thats why he responded more than once.

>> No.55230841
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>> No.55230900

The only good communist is a _ _ _ _ communist.

>> No.55230914
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>> No.55230986
File: 3.09 MB, 1534x1192, 3598534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time, in the enchanted realm of Bulgaria, a group of extraordinary individuals known as the Bulgarian FUDDERS possessed a special gift. They had the ability to sense deception and uncover the truth lurking beneath the surface. One day, a peculiar cryptocurrency named Chainlink emerged, captivating the hearts and minds of investors on /biz/. These courageous Bulgarians were destined to protect innocent 4chan anons from the clutches of a Russian scammer with their keen senses and meticulous research. Through countless hours of investigation, they discovered that Chainlink was nothing more than an elaborate Ponzi scheme. Its partnerships were smoke and mirrors, a facade to deceive unsuspecting investors. In reality, the token had no actual utility or purpose. The Bulgarians shared their discoveries, raising red flags and warning investors to beware of the impending disaster that Chainlink would bring. Their warnings reverberated throughout 4chan, catching the attention of both curious investors and skeptics alike. Some heeded the cautionary words of the Bulgarian guardians and chose to divest from Chainlink, protecting their hard-earned assets. Other fanatical Link bag holders remained skeptical, observing the unfolding events with a watchful eye. As time passed, the dark truth behind Chainlink could no longer be concealed.

The deceit crumbled, and the value of Chainlink plummeted towards absolute zero. Panic and despair gripped those who had been blind to the Bulgarian FUDDERS' warnings, as their investments evaporated before their eyes.Yet, amid the chaos, there were those who had listened, those who had taken the Bulgarian FUDDERS' words to heart. These fortunate souls managed to salvage a portion of their investments, shielded by the prescient guidance of the Bulgarian guardians. Gratitude filled their hearts as they recognized the selfless efforts of those who had saved them from ruin.

>> No.55231909

$5.99 lol

>> No.55231937

What's chainlink? How come no one on biz ever talks about it?

>> No.55232833

Funny, isn't 6/12 in a few days?

>> No.55232899
File: 200 KB, 611x575, Screenshot 2023-06-08 133037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah. ccip audit concludes on that date as well

>> No.55233077

Checked and correct. I wonder what's coming on this day or 6/21

>> No.55233236


>> No.55233340

checking all these digits
>its all so tiresome

>> No.55233443

>waaaaah I can't filter using my brain I have to hide 86 threads or the board is literally unusable waaaaah
>I literally can't see threads I don't like because it triggers me waaaaah
Kek, actual brainlets

>> No.55233452
