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55223170 No.55223170 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off of The northeast being covered in smoke? Masks are already ubiquitous

>> No.55223193

good luck with price gauging laws scrapper fag.

>> No.55223196
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How do I long Climate Change?

>> No.55223201

You don't.
slide this shit

>> No.55223209

If you don't know what the chems are get a hazmat suit and a ppm test kit.
Find out what you're actually dealing with and tehn find out what actually happens when inhaled/ingested
Most likely though
>Cancer treatments about to pump
>Disabled babies will likely be born

>> No.55223233

>dad has covid

I kind of hope that doesn't go well, so I can move to Malaysia and neet

>> No.55223240

>Canned fresh canadian mountain air (remember spaceballs?)
Just make sure land is higher altitude than sea level
Maybe take insurance out for tsunamis/storms if it's possible for lower altitude areas close to the sea. Will pay out eventually unless they jew you.

>> No.55223295
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Hoard Perri-air

>> No.55223315

>my location
Howdy neighbor

>> No.55223335
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New Hope, Pennsylvania neighbor

>> No.55223930
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Do goyim actually think that an ill-fitting piece of toilet paper tied to their ears will prevent smoke inhalation?

>> No.55224634


>> No.55224811

West Phillyfag checking in

>> No.55224854

Hope you're a gentrifier anon

>> No.55224901
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just buy healthcare IXJ....you never loose on US health

>> No.55224911
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I actually consider myself to be an "urban youth".

>> No.55224941
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>tree catches on fire
Schizo preppers... we won

>> No.55225025
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>Ayyye yooo frfr

>> No.55225047
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Hongcouverite here, this shit happens over here like every 3 years since our province is too pussy to do controlled burns, man up easternfags

>> No.55225107

Greetings my fellow Philadelphians
North East suburbfag here

>> No.55225110

if you live there, go sell n95 masks door to door with a premium

>> No.55225130

this happens every day in california, youll probably be fine

>> No.55225164

I'm asking how to profit retard, kys

>> No.55225185
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invest in the company doing pic

>> No.55225186

South phillyfag here but I used to live in the northeast and still go to those Russian supermarkets every week or so

>> No.55225261
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>go to those Russian
why do you support putin ?

>> No.55225364

Good finds at those Russian stores. Unfortunately, every one of them is at least a twenty minute drive from where we live. My family only hits them up when we are passing nearby. My dad loves going to NetCost for their fruits selection

>> No.55225499

Northeast has a jollybee now apparently

>> No.55225521

why u mad tho lmao

>> No.55226130
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