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55220258 No.55220258 [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong

>> No.55220269

2014/15 reloaded. Necessary

>> No.55220277

Shitcoiners must perish before the next bullrun can begin

>> No.55220283

>btc at 26k

>> No.55220299

I checked this, and it was on 111 dma for the whole time, it is the same, FOR NOW!
>INB! a bobo appears with a cherry pickled single bearish indicator on a single timeframe.

>> No.55220301

It's not even a bear market, it's a death market. The Great Satan will kill it for good this time.

>> No.55220318


>> No.55220325

>Ta voodoo
It become worse. Past performance is no indicator for future performance. But opec scaling down production for 2024 doesn't speak of hope a quick recovery

>> No.55220327

Unironically this. As long as people have hopes for shitcoins, it diverts fiat inflows from bitcoin, slowing down the bullrun. Then when the shitcoins collapse, as they always do, the new users who lost money act like an anchor dragging on the seabed, discouraging new investors.

It's going to take time and a lot of education, but I think people will eventually learn to stick to bitcoin and ethereum and enjoy comfy 300% average annual gains. Yes druggy losers will keep losing their weed money on dog coins, but as long as they're a quiet fringe it's okay.

>> No.55220332


won't lie, it's a tough one. Craziest part is seeing how simultaneously delusional + toothless us regulators have become. They're going to shit and cry and piss their pants one last time and then we have one hell of a bull run ahead of us for anything that survives.

>> No.55220350

>And Ethereum
Your shitcoin dies too. For good this time

>> No.55220357

You're new. Shitcoins are a part of crypto
I'm from 2018 btw aka not a mentally ill maxi

>> No.55220375

You are the problem and are going to be purged

>> No.55220393

You're new and don't know how markets work

>> No.55220423

I said for now, it can be anything, but I would be happy with a 2 and a half year constant climb, probably wont happen.

>> No.55220426

Says the 2018 nufag
Piss off kid

>> No.55220447

And what if tether implodes due to bond market fuckeries? It could go back to 2012 levels if political beating and the purge + depression drag out

>> No.55220465

Says the 2020-2021 kiddo Lol
You don't know anything

>> No.55220471

2012, fart huffer
Stop posting

>> No.55220492

2012? Why are you still here then? Never made it?

>> No.55220502

That's pretty fucking sad if you're from 2012 and still haven't made it, but I know you're larping

>> No.55220524

Why shouldn't I be here? Just because I made it I need to fuck or what and let faggots like you ruine crypto with your shitcoinery?

>> No.55220535

Nigger, you need to leave this space and do something else

>> No.55220940

99% wof cryptos will fail after US regulations happen, the ones that survive will provide generational wealth.

>> No.55220980

Get the fuck out jew and take your nlp for poors with you
>Generatioal wealth
You really deserve dead trust fund jew

>> No.55221002

How the fuck are you poor if you're here from 2012?

>> No.55221009

You never made it, you *will* never make it. You are destined to die poor.

>> No.55221026

Sorry for upsetting you. Crypto will remain the same for ever. Happy now?

>> No.55221426

I am not poor. I just don't flash my wealth like a nigger and try to play games in arenas I have nothing to do in. I am just interested in knowledge, and that's what I get. No need for power, no need for fame no need for owning mansions or big cars or other nigger bling. I am happy knowing I can use all my life without ever worrying about money
You are an idiot
It has it's place. Being a casino and grift for scammers isn't it's place

>> No.55221659

>Being a casino and grift for scammers isn't it's place
Agree. I assume regulations will just turn crypto into a stock market. Not the outcome that many people want but probably the one that will happen.

>> No.55221859

No. It is going back to the roots, being a mean of transaction for those outside of the good society. And retail as always won't matter, the lessons learned from crypto will be assimilated and used to strengthen stability and balance. Wallstreet were just useful idiots, like always.

>> No.55222181

>22 weeks

So the bullrun is in late 2023?

>> No.55222182

I don't see the governments and banks not using crypto it's too beneficial for them, I assume they will be called digital assets though. There would still be plenty of space for crypto originals to exist still. The ones that will fail are the obvious scammers which would make the place a much better place.
Just my 2 cents.

>> No.55222511

How is it benefitial. All you scam jews pitch is always just coming down to
>bruuhh da futa
>bruhh insdiudtion
You are the most incompetent scammers that ever walked the earth

>> No.55222611

>I am not poor. I just don't flash my wealth like a nigger
Nice way of hiding, bitch. You are poor. Post proof, nigger.

>> No.55222615

Currently banks have to go through swift which gives the old bankers (JP Morgan, Goldman etc) lots of money through fees and charges, transactions takes 3-4 days to complete with a 6% failure rate. If they use crypto the old bankers will lose a lot of money, and payments will be faster. If you don't want banks to use crypto you are basically saying you want JPM and Goldman to keep their power.

>> No.55222628

Stupid ass jew changing ID lol. Poor person. Post your btc bag since you're so rich. If you don't have 7 figs from being here since 2012, you absolutely fucked up

>> No.55222682

You're so new it hurts. Markets repeat the same fucking shit. Normies never learn. If they did, you would have only seen ONE bull market. Instead we have multiple meaning the parabolic moves will return as they always have. No, it's not "different" this time, you stupid ass newfag

>> No.55222718

Tbf. Rather the devil I know than some unscalable spaghetti code single entry bookkeeping dlt run by software companies that are either the same guys or a bunch of tech bruhs that can be fucked by the same guys and or that look to pick a fight they can't win. And the only dlt that would make some sense would be one not controlled or build by an organization. The only dlt that makes sense is btc, all the other untrustable for the only use case dlt has. Settlement between international players that don't trust each other.
You two need to fuck off and take your advertising and grifting to a back alley and get killed. Fr fr

>> No.55222740

>Please hodl
>While i piss off and dump on you
>Chink jew laughter..
Kys, unironically. You have nothing to offer but advertising platitudes. Never post again

>> No.55222746

Post you fucking networth, you stupid ass liar. IF YOU WERE HERE SINCE 2012, YOU'D HAVE BEEN RICH BY NOW
I HATE larping retards. Mentally ill maxi

>> No.55222765

You're a mentally ill maxi larping as a person from 2012 to try to gain more credibility with your takes. In actuality you've only been here since 2020 at the earliest

>> No.55222775

This board doesn't deserve this advice

>> No.55222796

> Rather the devil I know
People said this when BTC came out.

>> No.55222798

Oh. Are you getting angry jew that yo don't play your games, new fag. I have no reason to prove anything to you. Now keep singing the song of your people

>> No.55222804

Retard. Markets always turn into parabolic clownfests during bull markets. That has always been the case and will never change.

>> No.55222814
File: 831 KB, 1242x1240, B1204A1A-CC71-4E9E-AF8E-D92D7997A7A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hasn't posted net worth
>larps as a 2012 fag, but doesn't even want to post a single shred of proof
Okay in that case I have 8 figs. Now shut your mouth. Men are talking

>> No.55222867

You only seem to see price in dollar, which is so fucking retarded and the basic problem that has infested the crypto idea.
Get rich in fiat with crypto, hodl bruhhh dump on your felloe man, be a scammer... The purge needs to be brutal. I really hope for a depression and a regulatory framework that will keep every jew company out of the tech. Maybe then one can try to think about establishing international frameworks to take settlements between states on btc, because it is the only tech that doesn't come with the ballast that is being an organization that in the end is just an expension if some states attempt at keeping power and control over settlement to itself

>> No.55222888

Then post proof if you want to measure dicks. Maybe I post proof, stupid reddit frog.

>> No.55222899

Stop larping as if you're from 2012. You sound like a total midwit

>> No.55222916

Nigger, what? You're the one claiming to be from 2012. I asked you first and then deflect it back to me? LOL what an absolute poser.
Also pepe has been here since biz's inception. If you were here in 2012, you'd have known that, retard

>> No.55222930

You are an idiot. That is all that can be said. If you are 8 figures big and only care about your bank account and not ideas, wtf are you doing here reddit bruhhhh

>> No.55222948

Really piss of kid, you have nothing to contribute even if you have 8 figures, you are worthless

>> No.55222958

>Reddit bruh brub reddit!
Fucking newfag. No one talks like this
>ur a kid! I'm from 2012, I swear!!!

>> No.55222996

I am, and it doesn't matter if you believe me or not, it was not written as an appeal to authority, but only telling you how long I have been in this space and using my brain to think about it. You reddit fags, social media idiot narcissists don't get it. So either lurk more, or go post your material wealth on ig and flex to idiots

>> No.55223018

>Maybe then one can try to think about establishing international frameworks to take settlements between states on btc
never going to happen.
Who do you think Satoshi is?

>> No.55223024

>I am trust me broooo
Okay, I have 8 figs then. Want proof? Just trust me, bro!

>> No.55223060

Fr what I read from him and the exchanges in the mailing list and on bitcointalk, a man that had principles, wanted to solve a mathematical computer scientific problem, solved that problem with the help of others and understood what he created and that the only way forward was to leave it where it was, piss off and leave it be.
>ib4 it was the us military
Highly doubtful

>> No.55223061
File: 58 KB, 743x418, 1531117461035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoins are unironically a great source of money, but only if you treat them like shitcoins. Realize what youre buying is nothing more but a literal ponzi and it WILL go to zero. Only buy them after a dump, only whey they have volume still and sell when you're in profit, never ever hold.
Reality of the matter is there are asstons of stupid people in the world, and they WILL hold and buy high while you dump on them.
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, you're pretty much stealing money from someone if you make money on a shitcoin. So gotta make peace with that. Dunno if God would approve.

>> No.55223088

technically all assets are like this. It's just worse with shitcoins i.e. people bought the highs of btc and got dumped on too. It's just not AS painful as when they do it with a bonafide shitcoin

>> No.55223098

Until we find out who he or they are I don't think its going to be used how you want it to be. As you say Rather the devil you know than an anonymous person.

>> No.55223126

If Satoshi is still around, which he is as shown by the train grandpa episode, all he would have to do is post proof that he doesn't control the private keys of his premine. Then one could trust btc on an international level. The code is open source, there are no unknowns in the btc code

>> No.55223166

Then we can have a system like El Salvador. Awesome.

>> No.55223219

ElSalvador tried it, but I think crypto on national level doesn't make much sense. It's meant for environment where you simply can't trust the other players, Anarchic systems. Nations that are stable and have a somehow balanced institutional set up, don't really need crypto, there are laws and checks and balances

>> No.55223244

> It's meant for environment where you simply can't trust the other players
Yes agree.

>> No.55223306

it is still amazing that people buy something with no intrinsic value and no use case

well okay there is a use case for money laundering and if you live in a failing state with capital controls but both those markets are fairly limited

but exchanging real money like dollars or euros or pounds or yen for imaginary internet money is still mindboggling

>> No.55223325

Let me guess. First year hearing about crypto?

>> No.55223338

Could you make us all a favor and stop posting and get out of crypto and focus on penny stocks

>> No.55223363

we are in a bull market since january

>> No.55223391

I've been here since 2018. You've been here since 2020-2021 and are a btc maxi because you fell for the koolaid narrative :)
I have more experience than you. I have a better understanding of market cycles than you :).

>> No.55223404
File: 266 KB, 1200x1145, 29D74784-9E83-43FA-BE69-57353739B595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. A real bull market is parabolic. Not this crab shit/dumb shit. Ya, btc won't be printing another red year anymore until the end of the next bull, but this isn't bull mode yet

>> No.55223421

No. Again you stupid reddit cuck I have been around since 2012 and have seen fucktards like you come and go. You have nothing to do in this environment. You want to scam people and pull their fiat out of their pockets. And like all those before you, you are going to lose it all. Either like a Ross or like a Sam, because you don't understand the game you play and are picking likely fights you are going to lose. In all honesty I wish dead on your kind

>> No.55223442

You stupid ass bitch. Instead of writing this retarded long winded reddit babble, how about you post proof?
"Just trust me brooooo!!!" isn't proof, fucking jeet

>> No.55223448

Yeah you narcissistic faggot don't understand anything. Get regulated to dead

>> No.55223470

Do you even know what a narcissist is pr do you just like using words that "look big"? LOL

>> No.55223482

>pweease gomerment. I hate alt coins! They hurt my feewings! BAN THEM!!
And you call me the narcissist when you want other coins to die just because you don't like them. Fyi America isn't the world. Retard fuckers will get left behind. Rightfully so

>> No.55223527

Other tokens don't make sense. They are not needed because they all have two big flaws, either companies and foundations that are just extensions of some states private corporate entities and can't be trusted on an international stage or copy pastes of the btc code. And if you are not lying and the 8 figures shitposter I think, you should understand the position btc has regarding hardware and energy, it is always going to flow to the biggest. Doge wont make it, and you picked a fight that will end you. Promised

>> No.55223659
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Stfu this bear market is the best so far, crypto payment has dominated this season more than the previous

>> No.55223787

You write too much like a redditor. Post proof. Simple as

>> No.55223913

Fair enough, a few weeks back I was able to book a flight ticket with crypto through alternative airline, that's the first time I have ever felt crypto is useful aside the pump and dump

>> No.55223954

there would be two ways to proof. either I would sign a message from my cold storage and reveal my address, which I wont do for security reasons or I could post a screenshot that could as well be a fake and proof nothing. I have no reason to proof anything, you either take what I write and reflect on it or you dismiss what I write

>> No.55224251
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Web3payment is the future

>> No.55224261

>uses a debit/cc to pay for the twitch/onlyfans sub

>> No.55224364

>bitcoin technical flaws becoming crippling
>bitcoin dominance constantly decreasing (can't even hold 50% in the middle of a bear market)
>bitcoin value narrative constantly changing to cope
>maxipads still exist

>> No.55224400

Crypto acceptance is growing and it is good to see the adoption rate. I have also made a series of payment using crypto on CryptMi

>> No.55224412

>bitcoin dominance constantly decreasing
because its diluted by more and more 100K mc scams. Close the easy on off ramp for retail and stupid organizations that don't get it, close the incentive for 50K pajeet scammers to dilute btc dominance

>> No.55224478
File: 74 KB, 378x357, 1684153826818919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only pay with crypto because of the 1.5% cashback

>> No.55224606

you write too much like a redditor. Post proof already

>> No.55224710

So my address goes in some database? Call me paranoid, but no. And I didn't come from reddit, never used it outside of throw away accounts for one or two posts, but darknet forums and bitcointalk, and on 4chan, since 2013

>> No.55224774

I make payments through xMoney, I used to use PayPal before, but its fees are so fucking high

>> No.55224803

>buy shitcoin as it crashes bro
Lmao YOU are the exit liquidity

>> No.55224824

You're an idiot.
1. No one can know who you are based on an address LOL
2. Posting an address isn't proof of shit anyways because I could literally just post an address of some random ass whale, retard. That wouldn't be proof either. You'd know that if you weren't new to this
You're a newfag trying to pose as some experienced 2012 person, but you're not. I have more exposure to the markets than you do

>> No.55224827

You could literally say that about bitcoin too, retard. Bear markets are for dcaing. Gambling on shitcoins are for bull markets and only with a small percentage of a portfolio

>> No.55224833

>bitcoin is le shitcoin
Go back

>> No.55224861

>everything I don't like is a shitcoin
You're a fucking idiot

>> No.55224877

btw if you weren't new, you'd know that the ones that made the biggest money were those that bought alts during the bear market. While btc did a 15x, countless others did 100-1000x. Even the well known ones

>> No.55224902

>I have more exposure to the markets than you do
That might be, so? You still behave like a ponzi peddling scammer that is more interested in fiat/crypto, than the idea of crypto on itself, and how to use it beyond pulling poor fools that don't have the time to deep dive into an anarchic heaven for scammers to get scammed.
>No one can know who you are based on an address
Its a public blockchain, of course its possible, it leads to a p2p cex.
>Posting an address isn't proof of shit anyways because I could literally just post an address of some random ass whale, retard
that is what I said above

And again, I wont sign a message. The address hasn't had any activity since 7 years and that wont change because some new fag wants a dick measuring contest. You take what I write and reflect on it, or you don't.
Being wary of my opsec and infosec was the first thing I learned in the bookclub while learning pgp, and getting told, never use bouncy castle and don't trust java

>> No.55225030
File: 210 KB, 1000x1000, FyBanOeX0AYIl0R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$CROOGE literally sold out MINUTES after they launched and a lot of new ppl is trying to buy some rn, meaning that this coin will be one of the most bullish tokens this month, assured

>> No.55225156
File: 136 KB, 1200x1168, 1685802187325733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand well. When was this bear market, can you say tickers and aproximative date of when they bought the bottom?

>> No.55225262

>no proof again
didn't read

>> No.55225272

Look at the fucking chart lol. 2018-2020. Literally look at some alt coins and measure them from 2018-2020 to the peak of 2021

>> No.55225282

Your choice, you have, I suppose a freewill, and I wont enter into your database new fag. At least you are not a nu fag, still a ponzi peddler that got fucked with and learn it thr hard way

>> No.55225328

>I'm gonna keep posing as a 2012 fag!

>> No.55225339

Holy shit, this nigger really changed ID again. I bet this faggoy was samefagging and conversing with himself too LOL. This is fucking pathetic.

>> No.55225341

If you started accumulating in 2018, you would have made it already.

>> No.55225358

I did nearly make it, but then got fucked with btc leverage trading to an unbelievable degree. Pretty fucking sad how btc screwed me. Had I stayed as an alt maxi and away from leverage too, I'd still be in high 6 figs

>> No.55225361

I can't forget what I learned over the years and I wont stop using it, keeping myself from ending like many that didn't make it in the most literal sense ending six feet under.
You have your reasons, I have mine.
I hope you die.

>> No.55225376

You are a retard newfag posinng as someone from 2012 when all ypu do is parrot the same btc maxi kooloid reddit tier bullshit. You're an imbecile

>> No.55225413

No, you haven't. I have been longer in the scene than you might have hairs on your balls. Maybe you have more corn than me, maybe you don't. It doesn't matter.
By the way you write its obvious where you come from and the way I write everyone that needs to know, knows that I am legit. Makes you furious, doesn't it?

>> No.55225426

>No, you haven't.
Scientifically false

>> No.55225430

Easily the worst. Excruciating and painstakingly slow, almost makes me think we’re not going to survive it. They killed the last bull from a blow off top, they can sink us deep into the ground in the bear and never let us back up.

>> No.55225433

Sleep well, may you never wake up.

>> No.55225439
File: 258 KB, 2556x1179, IMG_0600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst ever if you consider all the money they printed

>> No.55225470

May you choke on a bag of dicks

>> No.55225489
File: 621 KB, 1191x1102, B698120F-9F0C-4AF2-A1B3-332BAB83B319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I experienced the 2018 bear marker and even that one wasn't as hellish. Shit is ass. Lost so much fucking money. Basically back to my 2018 initial when I could have been retired right now. Next time tho (but fr having doubts I'll see that money to that degree again).

>> No.55225524
File: 297 KB, 1242x999, 184D29AE-E001-4E98-83F8-B50F37A3A802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just not fair