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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 418x733, 29563EFE-60DA-4AE1-A340-81D38CA2D53D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55218462 No.55218462 [Reply] [Original]

Turkish Femanon here, how does it feel making USD/EURO, bros?

Im thinking about making an onlyfans acc literally bcuz of the collapse of the turkish lira

>> No.55218483

show some pics?
maybe I can save you...

>> No.55218497

What pics do u want
Im not doxxing myself

>> No.55218499

>instead of marrying and having a man support you and your kids, decide to become a whore
Shit women exist everywhere.

>> No.55218501

post tits and tell what are you willing to do, so anon can decide will you be profitable or not

>> No.55218541

guys around me are just having casual hook ups. I want someone pure like myself also im not interested in turkish guys and we have no foreigners here

there is basicially no guy here for me

Im a virgin btw

My tits are good im not sure if i should post or nor ~~~

>> No.55218564

>marriagable men
Pick one.
Wear mask if you don't want to doxx.
Need timestamp as that's rules.
But this is a fake and gay thread trying to distract. You wouldn't ask /biz/ to decide for you.
You would go to
Or any other board where you could actually maximize customer reach.

>> No.55218606

>wear mask
Lmao i dont have that bs at home

Idk what i can post as a pic.
im not showing anything lewd

>> No.55218616

post tits now or good luck with onlyfans

>> No.55218648

>I want someone pure
>I am willing to sell my tits and other body parts online
Woman logic.

>> No.55218666

Ok i will post smth
Im busy rn i can make a new thread if necessary hahaha

I won’t post anything very exclusive on OF
Morally acceptable

And yes im pure

>> No.55218684

turkofag here, on 7 figures $$$ networth wise.

i bought $ from 5.8, and holding since, never hold shitlira, just using it to pay wagies, and buy food and that's usually debt to bank, since it's a shitlira i literally debtmaxxt for the last 6 years and now, within a day, all my debt paid by turkish lira's collapse.

i've fucked lots of camgirls, they don't make shit, i had a sugar relationship with lots of them, they were begging for $1k for most of the time. i know a couple of them actually made it bc they were extremely beautiful and had huge tits and actually know what marketing is.

you bituful melike won't make it on onlyfans, you should be escorting or finding a sugar relationship, but anyone with 2 digit iqs and made it in turkey won't get in a sugar relationship with t*rks. because with same money they can fuck goddess ukrainians or russians.

so your best way is to just kill yourself but please don't do it via metro, it costs lots of money to clean it, you have no contribution to country, so you should just jump off a bridge or something.

>> No.55218803
File: 28 KB, 468x656, 870C68C6-7A29-4365-9EAA-A7C0BFFFFB97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Inb4 marmaray’da intihar edip insanlarin işe geç kalmasını sağlamak

>> No.55218812

ur not busy

>> No.55218942


milike, here's another idea for you to find a sugar relationship, go to yellow pages and try to meet up with sellers of houses or cars worth more than $1m+. actually i got people reached out like this a couple of times. if you are extremely beautiful i'm also looking for a sugar baby. broke up with my russian qt.

>> No.55218971

Turkish woman? Best you can do is to be a whore for germans like the rest of your countrymen

>> No.55218985
File: 126 KB, 680x595, 1675810174962606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come be my sex slave wife. I am a NEET millionaire and I need more sluts in my harem.
are you one of the few whiter turks or are you a roach?

>> No.55219436

LMAOOO good idea but

I really don’t want something like that :((
Relationships must be special

I prefer OF over a sugar daddy

I dont like germans eww

Just add me on discord then. Im really busy rn making a project

Im white af
Ive been told i dont look turkish but i have brown eyes

>> No.55219512
File: 97 KB, 334x377, 1683657396311276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short Lira
long/dca on AVAX
it's that easy.

>> No.55219546

Post tits with timestamp and visible face and I'll send you $50 worth of Hbar I was gonna sell

>> No.55219568

For 50 dollars I wouldnt even post my hands here

>> No.55219570

i promise you it'll be a special thing between us melike traft#1438

>> No.55219586

The market is oversaturated you would have to be amazing or have some kind of gimmick.

>> No.55219592

So you're a Larping faggot and not a poor, desperate, Turkish bitch?

>> No.55219648

ok post discord and ill add

>> No.55219667

I will save you turkish femanon (I love turkish women so much it's unreal)

>> No.55219795


add me on discord plsss, I need a turkish woman in my life

>> No.55219880

I don’t like your personality =( not adding you

I‘m not very poor

My discord ::::>>



Okie adding you…

>> No.55220022

This fucking thread

She left in October. Well. December. Got on the ferry from Beskitas and went to the Asian side. Never saw her again.

I flew to the Philippines because, I knew, I’d never see her again. I told Turkey was going to collapse.

The currency is the least of your problems. There’s about to be a long, bloody civil war starting in October by the latest. It will last five years.

Neither the liberal party nor the hardcore radicalists will win.

>> No.55220310

She just removed me bros, it's ovER

>> No.55220374

Can't you buy dollar or crypto or something similar? Or do they trap you in the Lira somehow?

>> No.55220445
File: 39 KB, 554x554, F8BABC01-FD66-44C5-871C-9D79BAE8AA7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are from bangledesh

I have euros and crypto
We can buy

>> No.55220455
File: 66 KB, 958x946, 314699948_896125537940081_1329223957754864459_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ovER for us currycelbros

>> No.55220489
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>You are from bangledesh

>> No.55220578
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He's literally me

>> No.55220773

Tfw no swiss bf
Aaahhhh I’m gonna cry


>> No.55220823
File: 64 KB, 567x551, 1672399481820866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you literally going to starve without doing sex work?

Like I get the Lira is collapsing but is it the difference between being homeless/starving or just being uncomfortable?

>> No.55220837

I just read Turkey banned onlyfans

>> No.55220882

don't most girls on Only Fans make no money anyway?

like youtube its totally saturated nowadays. every youtube channel has like 10 clone channels with similar looking people doing similar things, its ridiculous.

>> No.55220991
File: 20 KB, 474x415, 1686167874746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: r9k incel orbiters falling for another incels larp financial scam.

>> No.55221013
File: 6 KB, 203x249, 1674580084147492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I wish to send this very bootiful turkish woman some money via wire, how can I profit from this?

>> No.55221057

>Im thinking about making an onlyfans

>> No.55221096

she said she didnt want to post any 'lewd' photos, which makes her likely income on only fans pretty low i would imagine

>> No.55221146


>> No.55221151

>how does it feel making USD/EURO, bros?
i have no idea i only make chf

>> No.55221168

No swiss guy will take a turk when us euro’s have a smorgasbord of absolutely knockout 10/10 women to choose from.

>> No.55221173

>ITT: people think they're NOT talking to a man with a penis

>> No.55221291

I just know it's one of those turkish babe models I see on instagram that made this post

>> No.55221530

Feet and icp principle id if you have nice feet I'll send you 1 (one) icp token

>> No.55221551
File: 105 KB, 728x1322, 2C8E185B-9DC8-4100-8C47-3A287CA22268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmaooo yes they banned onlyfans right after my post. I guess erdogan browses biz. That’s how he fucked the economy of turkey

I’d post my feet. I got compliments from strangers in public a few times

I love you

You never know

Exactly, and I have millions of followers.

Add me on discord lol

>> No.55221598

i spend at least 40 dollars every day buying stuff
Im not that poor and not sending anything for 1 icp

>> No.55221716
File: 43 KB, 577x744, photo_2021-01-20_14-26-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making EURO is the best feeling

>> No.55221864


I just spent the last hour and a half speaking to OP via Discord. The person in question was very demanding and narcissistic, even has a profile picture of a woman literally kissing herself. Spoke in a really frantic and erratic way. I got to know OP more, even got them to share what games they play and their occupation. We got to exchanging pictures and the photo I received from OP was shocking to say the least.
The person wasn't even Turkish in appearance, brown slightly curly hair, glasses but the face was unmistakably male. Pure white skin and lighting that was kind of feminine but obviously not passing.

It's a tranny. When I didn't send a picture back he started threatening me, my family, said he was going to shoot me and come to my address and murder me.

This person is extremely shady and dangerous. I urge everyone ITT to SAGE and report OP and NOT engage with this filthy fucking degenerate tranny or other type of scammer.

>> No.55221894

>It's a tranny.
what a shock, never would have thought

>> No.55221957

So funny

I barely responded to anyone

Spoke to only one person properly and that was for like 10 mins.

Nice bait though. I appreciate the effort

>> No.55222006

>even got them to share what games they play and their occupation

Also I don’t even have steam on my pc
I don’t waste my time playing games


>> No.55222048

Disgusting troon, better being me, a pajeet than a tranny like you

>> No.55222060

Fly out to Canada
You can be a stay at home mom while I impregnate you every two years

>> No.55222103

God willing we will retake Constantinople

>> No.55222149
File: 48 KB, 457x670, 69D9F7A4-D5B6-4826-803D-157CD44C56E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m intrigued

>> No.55222294

Bro it's a tranny,
Several anons have confirmed it

>> No.55222399

I will post my bloody pad soon