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55216352 No.55216352 [Reply] [Original]

we lost sapiens sisters

>> No.55216365

Too late to go back.
>the virgin; returning to monke
>the chad; becoming ze robot
not transhumanism though

>> No.55216386

There is literally a pyramid on the US $1 bill. The quiet part was always said out loud.

>> No.55216426


Your welcome to go walk into the woods and eat raw fish and tree bark the rest of your life.

Of course after the first tooth abcess or broken bone, you will be back. Because money and work created all those things

>> No.55216473
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>> No.55216502
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Modern civilization and civilization itself was a bulltrap.

>implying Native Europeans haven't lived without civilization for tens of thousands of years and can do so again after the next carrington event hits
The ones who will perish in Europe are the africans and middle-easterners etc who aren't adapted to live in winter conditions. They'll quickly try to fuck off back to the south.
"How the ENTIRE European Population will be NORDIC in some thousand years": https://files.catbox.moe/w5dd23.webm

>> No.55216517

>Of course after the first tooth abcess or broken bone, you will be back. Because money and work created all those things
Money and work created tooth abcesses? Yes.

>> No.55217072

>broken bone in the US with (((insurance)))
of course kike
>tooth abcess without refined sugar
yes kike, sure

>> No.55217113

The highest IQ thing you can do in society is behave like an absolute nigger.

>> No.55217126

>eat raw fish
You need a loicense for that, payable only in illegal Federal Reserve Notes.

>> No.55217246
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Not 'society', counterfeit money! Remember that MOST of the public debt is from social spending, and that social spending acts as a supply-side labor supply, suppressing the market rate of labor (labor in the broadest sense, "wages and salaries") by reducing the cost of substance (driving down wages and salaries well up the chain). Debt that is printed into existence, the rank debasement of fiat in the last half century! Gee why are the rich getting richer? They've rigged a system where inflation doesn't inflate wages! But there is a way out, stop using counterfeit money. It's that simple. BTC/XMR is real money. In concert they're a workable global currency.
>t-they'll ban it!
Can't. Economic Calculation Problem isn't "commies suck" it's "central planning does not can not work", they didn't ban the internet because they can't, they didn't ban cryptography because they can't, they didn't ban crypto because they can't. The State/oligarchs main means of control stems through Fed funny money, they can't meaningfully control the economy, only influence it through fiat fuckery. Reduce your dependence on fiat, reduce their power. BTC/XMR kills the Fed.