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55213721 No.55213721 [Reply] [Original]

what books, sources, etc.. do you recommend to learn about macroeconomics??
At the end, I would like to have the instrument to make good financial decisions.

>> No.55214011


>> No.55214871


>> No.55214972

Paul Samuelson

>> No.55214980

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

jews screech about it and call it anti-semetic, so it must be good and also factually accurate.

>> No.55214997

Thank you, do you mean Foundations of Economic Analysis?

>> No.55214998


But Also Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises, who is jewish. Alot of the 'Austrian' economists that pro-port sound money are actually jewish.

>> No.55215009

meme book for midwits

>> No.55215011 [DELETED] 

Start with an introduction to macro economics. Forget the shit itt. Conspiracy theory and ideology comes later

>> No.55215020

the guy who wrote it was a former director of south africa's central bank, but i'm sure you're smarter and more qualified than he is -- right?

>> No.55215023


the last three or four decades have seen a remarkable evolution in the institutions that comprise the modern monetary system. The financial crisis of 2007-2009 is a wakeup call that we need a similar evolution in the analytical apparatus and theories that we use to understand that system. Produced and sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, this course is an attempt to begin the process of new economic thinking by reviving and updating some forgotten traditions in monetary thought that have become newly relevant.

Three features of the new system are central:

Most important, the intertwining of previously separate capital markets and money markets has produced a system with new dynamics as well as new vulnerabilities. The financial crisis revealed those vulnerabilities for all to see. The result was two years of desperate innovation by central banking authorities as they tried first this, and then that, in an effort to stem the collapse.
The global character of the crisis has revealed the global character of the system, which is something new in postwar history but not at all new from a longer time perspective. Central bank cooperation was key to stemming the collapse, and the details of that cooperation hint at the outlines of an emerging new international monetary order.
Absolutely central to the crisis was the operation of key derivative contracts, most importantly credit default swaps and foreign exchange swaps. Modern money cannot be understood separately from modern finance, nor can modern monetary theory be constructed separately from modern financial theory. That’s the reason this course places dealers, in both capital markets and money markets, at the very center of the picture, as profit-seeking suppliers of market liquidity to the new system of market-based credit.

>> No.55215063

so this is a good intro to money markets

of course this whole institute is funded by soros, so there is that. Their other videos are pretty shit, but at least the teacher is just presenting Bagehot's view on banking
>In Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market (1873) Bagehot seeks to explain the world of finance and banking.[11] His observations on finance are often cited by central bankers, most recently in the wake of the global financial crisis which began in 2007. Of particular importance is "Bagehot's Dictum" that in times of financial crisis central banks should lend freely to solvent depository institutions, yet only against sound collateral and at interest rates high enough to dissuade those borrowers that are not genuinely in need.[12]

>> No.55215069

He wrote a book on Bagehot view applied to 2008

Walter Bagehot’s Lombard Street, published in 1873 in the wake of a devastating London bank collapse, explained in clear and straightforward terms why central banks must serve as the lender of last resort to ensure liquidity in a faltering credit system. Bagehot’s book set down the principles that helped define the role of modern central banks, particularly in times of crisis—but the recent global financial meltdown has posed unforeseen challenges. The New Lombard Street lays out the innovative principles needed to address the instability of today’s markets and to rebuild our financial system.

Revealing how we arrived at the current crisis, Perry Mehrling traces the evolution of ideas and institutions in the American banking system since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913. He explains how the Fed took classic central banking wisdom from Britain and Europe and adapted it to America’s unique and considerably more volatile financial conditions. Mehrling demonstrates how the Fed increasingly found itself serving as the dealer of last resort to ensure the liquidity of securities markets—most dramatically amid the recent financial crisis. Now, as fallout from the crisis forces the Fed to adapt in unprecedented ways, new principles are needed to guide it. In The New Lombard Street, Mehrling persuasively argues for a return to the classic central bankers’ “money view,” which looks to the money market to assess risk and restore faith in our financialsystem.

>> No.55215080

Do you mean any university book related to the subject or have you in got in mind something more specific?

>> No.55216141


Thank you very much. I will give them a look this evening

>> No.55216351

download the playlist from YouTube with jdowloader

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZbmfO7rtVLBGJ4Eu_iFBtSU >1: The Four Prices of Money
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZbVJfl0Se-1eQncA_2ZB4bs >2: The Natural Hierarchy of Money
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZZyyAkEniNUMTTnlJj6qiKW >3: Money and the State: Domestic
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYfVv95KDQWd8-7UrJCJ9Pm >4: The Money View, Macro and Micro
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZZh6zLsntFVt3UIgQ3VqvVv >5: The Central Bank as a Clearinghouse
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZapRsqgacn0gLLO-5zQkcwU >6: Federal Funds, Final Settlement
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZZJrTj6tyB41ollE3V9ICDZ >7: Repos, Postponing Settlement
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZZ0iHoJmCN30Qm0PgyiD4c9 >8: Eurodollars, Parallel Settlement
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYdsq2xV-XMH_BktZzORjM2 >9: The World that Bagehot Knew
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZa6t0f1aooC1QzPJmupu1Lg >10: Dealers and Liquid Security Markets
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYlJeLypSZ5px_JnVHgFmOq >11: Banks and the Market for Liquidity
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZaBnW0RhzOOk6FO91MdsSEc >12: Lender/Dealer of Last Resort
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZa7lHhyQgkwSIhFy9VRF3my >13: Chartalism, Metallism and Key Currencies
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZZT848wo0fKzpjMm0FcOTv2 >14: Money and the State: International
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZZfzK2aL4YHCgJDHIvicnkZ >15: Banks and Global Liquidity
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZaxgF-8EmoGUox54zLH6PC6 >16: Foreign Exchange

>> No.55216356

You are a jew.

>> No.55216361

>17: Direct and Indirect Finance
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZZk--VcZIQCbki7JiVt4-hF >18: Forwards and Futures
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZb_WqDkpWLvzOmROPXf8bzL >19: Interest Rate Swaps
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYv1g1Yp_AE5gFqJ7Ny80Hc >20: Credit Default Swaps
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYl_kIW7KgBDCBNoUraW8zU >21: Central Banking for Shadow Banking
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYAHtKBvxC7dL-eL8apCOGD >22: Touching the Elephant: Three Views

>> No.55216373

>>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009 >>55215009
You are a jew.