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55207454 No.55207454 [Reply] [Original]

What am I even supposed to spend money on? Since I'm not in debt and live with my parents, I've been able to save up so much over the past few years by working steadily. Pic related. But I'm not an ambitious person, so I now have all this cash in my account and nothing to do with it. The only thing I regularly buy is pizza delivery every so often and discounted video games.

It just doesn't make sense to me. Lots of people would literally kill for the savings I have, but here I am sitting on it. At the same time, I feel like I'm more averse to spending money than the average person, to my own detriment.

Yeah, I would like to travel, but there's still so much to do at home. Sure, I could use a PC upgrade, but my laptop from 2017 can still do everything. I could buy some nice exercise equipment, but my cheap stationary bike is still working. It's as if the concept of making regular purchases and "treating yourself" doesn't apply to me.

Is there something wrong with my mindset? I'd also like to hear if anyone else has lots of money but is content to just hold onto it.

>> No.55207550

im lookin at your pic and im not seeing money what is this thread about?

>> No.55207623
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Sorry, I forgot I had to use this image for people on /biz/ to actually reply.

>> No.55207651

Everyone has their own guilty pleasures of spending money on what they want no matter how retarded it can be. Don't feel bad if you don't feel like the average person when it comes to your spending habits. That mentality that you have now is the reason why you saved so much money, so be happy that you aren't one of the hundreds of thousands of retards out there in debt and spend money on shit they don't need.
I'm guessing you're still young since you live with your parents but that money may not seem important now but it can be life changing in the future
What if you get into a car accident and your car gets totaled? Or something comes up and you have to go to the hospital and have to pay for those emergency bills? You have the money to fall back on that just in case anything were to happen to you. That comfort alone is worth much more than buying stupid shit on eBay or Amazon. The only advice I would give you is don't keep all your money in cash. Diversify a bit, this isn't to say you should be spending money on shit coins but buy precious metals buy some stock or crypto that's actually valuable because if you just keep all that money in your bank, inflation will eat it away.

>> No.55207672

>It's as if the concept of making regular purchases and "treating yourself" doesn't apply to me.
I've felt this every time I get a work bonus. It's because making money is just a game, the reward is the money, not the goy gadgets
>walking in the woods
Are all free.
Get a nice PC and do some nice budget travels and work on investing. I'd rather travel on a budget than go to the nicest resort or whatever normies dream of.
I'm all cash right now too, so idk about investments, it's a weird time.

>> No.55207677

Get into drugs or smn idk mane

>> No.55207688

Invest it you braincell
lol at least get some decent 1080p screens c'mon how are watching porn

>> No.55207698

i wasn't going to reply but since you posted a frog
idk lol

>> No.55207716

>i must consoooooooome


invest and save, you'll be thankful later when you actually have to do a major purchase, like your own place

>> No.55207731

every month I spend $50 on a hooker for 20 minutes of sexual intercourse

>> No.55207760

Check your privilege white boy. That's not even a lot of money. Just put it in an index fund.

>> No.55207761
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30k is literally nothing, even in my shithole central european country.
Can't even afford a down payment with that.
You can throw it on a fancy car, which is literally a money burner machine.
You can't start a business with that.
You can invest in a shitty etf and get 5%, but that's nothing.
It's too much to throw on a shitcoin but too little to do something good with it.
It sucks, I know, I have $17k saved, and idk what to do with it.

>> No.55207775

save it. once you’re done suckling from the teats of your mortal parents, you’re one medical episode away from losing the house and living uncomfortably on the streets. lots of NEET larpers on this Israeli Temple Merchant forum, but neetbux are hardly enough to live in the most squalid conditions

>> No.55207786
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>> No.55207789

Are you ten years old ? Spend it on whiskey and pussy. You enjoy it and then it's gone, until you want more.

>> No.55207816

If you can't afford a down payment on a house with 30k euros how does anyone live? That doesn't seem right, as in Czechia the average income is 24k which is below poverty level here in the US if you have kids.

>> No.55207825

> invest
How do you invest 30k?
ETF => 7% => you'll have $38k in 20 fucking years
shitcoin => Either $200k or $0, too risky
Start your own businuess => Good luck starting a business with 30k

>> No.55207838

>NEET larpers
My dad is one but I'm not actually. Funny how that works out.
I prefer vodka and nocturnal emissions.

>> No.55207855

Shitcoin it is

>> No.55207869

In Eu most people either inherit, or become rentoids for life.
A decent house is $250 - $400k even in eastern europe (i'm talking about larger cities not in the middle of nowhere), while most people earn less than $40k per year.

>> No.55207885

>live with my parents
Use the money to become an adult?

>> No.55207921

Nah that shit sucks senpai

>> No.55207924

gamble it on the first on chain casino token
search for 0xGambke (1uck)
thank me later

>> No.55207943

Only children don't need money. He doesn't need money because he's a child. If he wants something to spend it on, being an adult is the best answer. Sorry your parents failed you.

>> No.55207964

Buy a boat

>> No.55207982

Is 30k really a lot?

>> No.55208010

>He doesn't beat her up and take the money back
ngmi tbqh fampai

>> No.55208030

It would buy a decent fishing boat

>> No.55208070

It's enough for a few months in some US cities but it could easily last several years basically anywhere else.

>> No.55208092


all of those will make you more money than it sitting in your bank account where you will actually lose money due to inflation

>> No.55208113
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He did it guys!! He posted it!! THIS IS NOW A FROG THREAD

>> No.55208129

Same here. I have 115k saved up from living with my parents. 26yo. Don’t even know what to do with money. Zero interest in paying rent/mortgage right now. My only vices are nicotine and gaming mice. I never go out.

>> No.55208154

>Gaming mice
Favorite brand or model? I've been in the market for a nice one.

>> No.55208173

Currently liking the ol’ reliable GPro Superlight. I fell for the finalmouse meme for a bit but their QC is dogshit. Done with them.

>> No.55208218

>ETF => 7% => you'll have $38k in 20 fucking years
Please be bait

>> No.55208244

Buy a motorcycle and go travel your country

>> No.55208259

Jesus christ this sounds like a pathetic existence. Go meet people and get a hobby that isnt just sitting inside your moms house alone.

>> No.55208284

You are a child.

>> No.55208389

Congratulations on not being a consumer.
>Yeah, I would like to travel, but there's still so much to do at home.
Do the things at home and travel. Or try and return to the childhood mindset you had of 'i want to try that' when you saw something cool before your parents told you 'we can't afford that.'
Maybe it's piloting, sailing, mountain climbing, diving, whatever. These all cost money, not much but more than some have. You can even begin generating money if you find you like it enough and can commit to doing it as a professional. Or maybe you can spend on others if you feel like that but do it professionally. Don't fuck about giving randoms money.
You also don't have that much OP. Depending on where you live of course.

>> No.55208445

This book I’m reading is getting really good. Maybe later.

>> No.55208457


>> No.55208542

Yes im sure you will be in your death bed surrounded by nobody thanking yourself you read those books instead of making memories and meaningful relationships.

>> No.55208622


>> No.55209100

7% for 20 years on 30k will bring you (1.07)^20 *30k which is around 116k.
Will you be happy owning 116k in 20 years, when house prices will start at 2 milli at least?

>> No.55209128

How do you make a hormone?

Don't pay her.

>> No.55209201

Do you want a wife and family? Move the fuck out of your parents. Rent a place to yourself. Go out and meet girls and bring them back there. Put the rest in short term Tbills while you start realizing you need to spend money on life things. Your mommy and daddy have been coddling the fuck out of you and you need to get a life.

>> No.55209230
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>just move out and fork over your entire paycheck to some landlord like the rest of us
>you gotta meet modern girls and have sex with them because....you just gotta, ok?

holy shit
the best thing I ever did was stop listening to broke normalfags and just do what I want to do

>> No.55209234

Not doing that, thanks for your input thoughever.

>> No.55209329


Whatever Peter Pan. The clock is ticking. tick. tock. tick. tock.

>> No.55209361

Yes, the grand majority of normalfaggots I know that tell me this shit are broke as fuck and in deep debt

The moment I stopped letting other people's expectations for me define my existence I was set the fuck free

>> No.55209374

Kek I'm in the same spot.

30 yrs old sitting at $35,500 with an identical lifestyle. If I didn't drive amateur race cars I'd be a little over 60k saved but I recently built a new car basically because I could. Been doing it for 8 years and surprisingly have never crashed once so it's been extremely cheap.

I'm on an $8,333/mo salary, department head, and work from home. I have zero debts, don't drink, don't smoke, drive a used car, and don't binge on apps like DoorDash. For snacks I use 7Eleven points. I'm big into emulators so my vidya expenses are non-existent. I hook up with OF girls when I'm bored, I have one or two that I can text for a once a month thing. If you were smart, you got on this bandwagon during covid and built up a rapport with your favs.

It's very hard for me to spend more than I make, but I've learned to enjoy it. Sometimes I just lay in bed high as fuck enjoying the bliss that I don't owe anyone any money and can buy snacks whenever I want. When shitposting on /sp/ I'll go to my local sports bar and just grab a plate of wings by myself while I call people niggers on my phone. It is the comfiest thing I've ever experienced.

The most crushing thing is I don't really have anyone to share it with. I would like so much to have a girlfriend that got excited during payday or let me buy her cute vidya stuff from Amazon once in a while. A lot of girls I've run into are either locked down or intimidated by me.

Whenever my friends talk about marriage, it's never in a good way.

>> No.55209442

>no gf
>does drugs
>makes $8k/mo yet only has $30k saved
Yikes. Oof even.

>> No.55209453

Buy a nice pair of Zamberlan hiking boots.
And then, I dunno.

>> No.55209492

>the reward is the money
This is it. This is the answer to the uncomfortable feeling I get when I work overtime. I don't want anything. If I want something I'll go and buy it but I can only buy it once. I just like seeing the number go up.

>> No.55210832
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I'm 30, turning 31 in december. Have 29k save up. Recently bought my dad a truck. Live with parents. Sometime, i wish i had some one i could share some laughers with but i accepted that "some people are born to be with someone and some just by them self" Hard pill to swallow but whatever.

>> No.55210852

A used car with 100k miles on it are about that price.

>> No.55212093

He also pays only fans girls so much that he can fuck them lmao
You are a fucking loser

>> No.55212172

fuck you normalfaggot

>> No.55212188


Your attitude sucks bro, you could do so much with that much money.

>> No.55212204

The only fans community thanks your for your financial contribution. Might amaze you but I can fuck girls without paying them. I know insane concept.

>> No.55212232

Keep saving and put it all in a vti index fund, then retire early

>> No.55213659

I have a better option, just invest in a project that's built on PQC which is more secure and has advanced blockchain tech. Anyways I'm doing that already.

>> No.55213676

$30k isn't jack shit. Of course a man wouldn't know what to spend it on, there is nothing to spend it on. At best you can buy a few toys or "save for a down payment", as if that means anything.
Realistically this money will be used to pay for a year of living after you get kicked out.

>> No.55213685

commercial real estate

>> No.55213702

invest some in coins keep the rest as emergency money

>> No.55213713

Feed the needy, sponsor an orphan. If you cant do it yourself theres plenty of 100% donation policy charities which will

>> No.55213723
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Fuck I have to reply now.

>> No.55213736

You should invest it.

The safests would be real eastate, but you might like sufficient income for a loan.

The second best would be ETF stocks / too big to fail tech companies.

Stay away from crypto.

>> No.55213743


>> No.55213747

Yes, he could save a lot more money. But the fact you immediately jumped to seethe proves you're just jealous.

>> No.55213750

Kek for sure he will be thrown out soon. What a lethargic prick he is.

If I had that kind of money I will diversify into crypto investments. I am currently accumulating QANX, QRDO, HAPI and QST.

>> No.55213807

>invest $30k in real estate
In what, a timeshare?

>> No.55213846

Nice Pepe fren
Two problems. You didn't start with Pepe. And you think you might have a problem. There are lots of people in this world who spend millions on advertising to convince you that you do indeed have a problem. They do this so that you will think your problem can be purchased away. This is what all normies do and fall for. The very idea of 'treating yourself' is a cucked consumerist mindset.
With that said, you have 30k. It's nothing. You can't buy a home. You can't support a family. You have a nice starting point to build your wealth. But you are not even close to having money to spend frivolously (computer parts, gym equipment, other larger purchases).
You should be working towards financial security and an early retirement. If you are not, start investing.

>> No.55213847
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Imo it's best to buy tokenized assets. I am waiting for an L1 that will ensure security for the real estate sector with its quantum-resistant blockchain. This is paramount for me over anything.

>> No.55213952

>ETF => 7% => you'll have $38k in 20 fucking years

>> No.55213980

If all you have is 30k it’s not much and if you’re over 23-24 you’re behind

>> No.55213987

You're just healthy.

But you should probably find a purpose to your life

>> No.55214823

stick that 30k in BTC/ETH and awtch it go to 300k in the next bullrun, now you can do whatever you want

>> No.55214884

chainshit solves this

>> No.55215451

what is the name of this frog and is it friendly?

>> No.55216258

Its a based plan but investing would always beat saving in my dictionary anon. I'd put it in alts like DOT and MATIC, while storing it on my Brillion private wallet where I'd interact with defi apps for passive income.

>> No.55217477
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