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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55206857 No.55206857 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw didn't get the job

Should I kms?

>> No.55207112

what position?

>> No.55207118

Doggy style, judging by OP's pic

>> No.55207168

how many interviews? how far did you make it in the process, what kind of job, anon give us more then we'll see if you should indeed kys.

>> No.55207184

omfg im literally lmaoing at the mall xD thank you kind sir

>> No.55207188

Don't kys, you could be ne with $24 to his name, unemployed no car and about to be homeless next month. Be grateful for what you have.

>> No.55207227

what happened anon
or are you just larping faggot

>> No.55207255

What hasn't happened to me? I've lost everything; construction job closed up in May 2022 and I've been struggling to feed myself ever since. For awhile I was able to subsist and pay bills via CT work and making memes/Twitter posts but the well has dried up, I sold off alot of my irl assets to cover my ass and now I'm desperately hoping my childhood sentimental bullshit will sell so I don't end up homeless.

Anyway OP please don't kill yourself. You've got alot to live for and I guarantee you don't have it as bad as me.