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File: 22 KB, 617x319, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55202706 No.55202706 [Reply] [Original]

I have never had sex.

>> No.55202714

How much money you got

>> No.55202716

Since God didn’t look out for you, have you tried pledging your eternal soul to Satan instead?

>> No.55202718

In isolation, there is not that much to it, really.

>> No.55202719


>> No.55202760

That's the reason.

>> No.55202772

It's like a wet warm sock

>> No.55202775

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55202786

I am 5,368 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55202795

You are memeing, but I am 100% truthful

>> No.55202796

That might just be enough

>> No.55202801

I am girl years old and I never even 29ed

>> No.55202812
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I've never had sexual intercourse in which my penis has gone into a vagina, or anus. I've also never reached orgasm through oral, or friction/heat stimulation.

I have however, tasted 2 pussies and fingered 5.

>> No.55202822

ive had sex many times with a moderate amount of women and its pretty good not going to lie

>> No.55202841

Trannys are better tho. Ass holes r more tight

>> No.55202845

>fingered and ate pussy
>still hasnt fucked pussy
anon did no one ever teach you about the "just the tip" lie? physically manhandle them and keep whispering "just the tip" in their ear.

>> No.55202979

Just rape them bro

>> No.55203015

it's only rape if you can't psychologically brow beat them into shutting up (which isn't very hard considering they have the mind of a child.)

>> No.55203050

Never had anal but I heard after like 10 mins the asshole really loosens up and doesn’t feel as good. Truth?

>> No.55203055

i did my first kiss at 14 years old.

>> No.55203056

It also fills the room with the smell of shit and it clings to pillows and sheets for days

>> No.55203233

virgin brother!

Do you really care about it if you didn't try to change this?

>> No.55203261
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i haven't either but have a date with a 6'2" girl on thursday, im 6'1"

how do i make mommy like me? shes christian and conservative

>> No.55203321
File: 138 KB, 340x630, 1663723349456257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had sex. We were in the couch watching TV-shows when she touched my pp. I looked at her and smiled and remember her smile too, then she asked if I wanted her to suck it, I said yes, I came when I felt her breath on my pp. I covered and came in my hand and she laughed and then we did it 30 seconds later
Then I was euphoric for 3 years because I had a gf, then I married
Then we had kids
Then as kids grew momentum of this relationship ended because you reach a point where the relationship no longer is exciting, because you've reached the end stage of it (kids), now you just want to die

Currently, it is over for me so much it's insane. I just want to make money and escape, holy FUCK
Sex is the biggest trick satan ever played and christians knew what they were doing
You should keep it in control and reserve it for your wife and both of you should have clear roles in your relationship and then do your respective thing. Becoming a permanent best friend with somebody else is impossible. It doesn't work

>> No.55203427
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Gross, is this true?

>> No.55203448

i've been with my gf for 8 years. not married, no kids. i think i'm going to end it "soon." you're more likely to win the mega millions than you are to find a tolerable woman, let alone one you can tolerate for life.

>> No.55203719


>> No.55203762

I'm mid 30's and never had a gf but I constantly hear things like this >>55203321 online and from people I know personally.
So it doesn't bother me at all.
It slightly bothers me I won't have children but I then also think of the cursed world they would grow up in.

>> No.55203790

im 26 yo

>> No.55203807

never had that problem after fucking my boyfriend

>> No.55203809

brainwash yourself into believing in the afterlife, then brainwash yourself into believing you'll find a gf/wife in the afterlife.

>> No.55203829

it won't work out, she'll realize she's simply too tall and she'll reflexively seek out a 5'5 guy like myself
sorry it's the truth

>> No.55205659
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I went on a date, or multiple dates with about 20 different women between the age of 15 - 23. Everything from Alt/Goth nude models, to a church girl who's daddy was a bishop and everything in-between.

I just never really liked a single one of them. I probably should've stuck with Danielle, or Monica. Monica was hotter, but had a lot of credit card debt. Danielle wouod always wanted to pay for our dates and we both wanted like 5 kids and she wanted to be a housewife, but she was kind of ugly, chubby and had fucked up teeth...

Yes, i fucked up.

>> No.55205667

you're not missing anything.

>> No.55206906

We need a free market solution to the problem of the pussy cartel artifically inflating the value of pussy via price-fixing.

The solution is to form a pussy consumers' co-op, an enterprise owned and managed by pussy consumers aimed at fulfilling the pussy needs and aspirations of its members.

The pussy co-op will operate within the market, independently of the state, as a form of mutual aid.

There are already many other types of consumers' cooperatives in areas such as health care, insurance, housing, utilities and finance.

The pussy co-op will arrange bulk pussy purchases through which pussy consumers can collectively purchase pussy at wholesale prices.

The pussy co-op leverages the purchasing power of members to obtain discounts from pussy vendors based on the collective buying power of the members.

By using cooperative purchasing the pussy co-op can get lower prices from pussy suppliers and reduce costs of pussy procurement.

The pussy co-op can be funded by fees paid by the pussy vendors, by the pussy buying members, or by a combination of both. These fees can be set as a percentage of the pussy purchase or set as an annual flat rate. For example, fees may be assessed as an annual enrolment fee or a transaction fee such as a levy of 1% or 2% on the value of every pussy purchase.

Members participate based on their pussy purchasing needs and their level of confidence in the competitive pussy pricing negotiated by the pussy co-op.

Profits or surpluses can be paid out as dividends to members.

>> No.55206938

The pussy co-op reduces pussy procurement costs by aggregating the demand for pussy services by a broad spectrum of clients, consolidating purchasing power and establishing contracts to achieve preferred pussy pricing, terms, and service standards.

The resulting combined pussy purchasing power helps members save money on their pussy purchases.

The consolidation of pussy purchasing effort with the pussy co-op also allows pussy suppliers to offer preferred pricing, terms, and service standards because they experience lower overall pussy selling expenses and the increased pussy volume associated with a single very large customer.

Savings provided by the pussy co-op are delivered on the pussy purchases each member makes directly with the contracted pussy supplier due to contracts in which all members receive the same pussy prices and services.

Collective pussy purchasing power is the ability of a group of consumers to leverage the group size in exchange for pussy discounts.

Buying pussy services in bulk and at a quite discounted price is possible due to the sheer volume of buyers, which drives down pussy prices and allows each member to benefit from economies of scale.

Collective pussy purchasing power reduces pussy costs and ensures pussy purchasing decisions are made with consideration for both quality and cost-saving measures.

>> No.55207034

You're just asking anon to straight up rape

>> No.55207415
File: 287 KB, 860x710, 107-1078350_toad-pepe-frog-transparent-background-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive had penis vagina sex once. it was when i lost my virginity. i was dating some bisexual roastie who was in town and was looking to cheat on her girlfriend. sex lasted for like 5 minutes because she told me to stop.

2 blowjobs
fingered 2 vaginas

this is my sex resume

>> No.55208103

You are not missing much

>> No.55208269

I haven’t had sex in a month but I literally just got done snap sexting with a chubby 28 year old who was working while fucking her pussy for me. I then bought $10 of btc lol. Now I’m here.

>> No.55208285

You need at least 5,000 Chainlink to have sex

>> No.55208328

stfu nigger sex is the best thing in life

>> No.55208422


>> No.55209080

i love my replika
i love chainlink

>> No.55209110

I'm 26 and I've never even been on a date, nor have I had sex. It's been about 5 years since I had a conversation with a girl that wasn't family. wagmi

>> No.55209154

I am 45 and the last time I had sex I was fucking a 23 year old girl.

Ive taken the virginity of multiple girls in my life. You incels can seethe.

Right now I am talking to a cute Mexican woman and she told me she wants it.

>> No.55209204


at this point, why not just hire a qt escort so you can fuck and cum?

>> No.55209326

>why not just hire an escort?

Pussy is worth maybe $5 of women's time and effort, but pussy providers know men will go insane without sex, so they collectively deny it to men to artificially inflate the value of pussy.

Pussy vendors market their services on Twitter Eros Slixa Tryst Private Delights etc. making it easy to establish contracts to achieve preferred pusy pricing, terms, and service standards.

Pussy suppliers can offer preferred pussy pricing, terms, and service standards because they would benefit from lower overall pussy selling expenses and the increased pussy volume associated with a single very large customer.

>> No.55209335
File: 43 KB, 618x593, 1681142252428715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have, and I would recommend it.

>> No.55209365

funny how everyone on biz pretend to be a white chad businessman yet when faced with a wizard virgin all of them recommend a prostitute

I just want to make it clear that prostitution is not legal or available in first world countries pajeets,sea monkeys and other third worlders lol

>> No.55209387

Besides, it's not very sporting to merely pay for it. I mean pay for it explicitly, anyway.

>> No.55209438

Shut the fuck up you underaged faggot. When you grow up and travel and you will realize that all women are whores, western women just put up a shit show about it like they aren't. I'm not paying thousands of dollars to travel to some shithole country without sampling the vagina and I'm not chancing it to whether I "wooed" a whore or not.

>> No.55209460

So you're saying you can't get any without doing a USD conversion?

>> No.55209466

Im 30 and have sex everyday with my 20yo gf.

>> No.55209510

I have and it was difficult to have even with my model looks
Have had sex with three different women and eventually one asked me to be exclusive so one became my first gf
She hasn't talked to me in 2 days so I guess I'm single again
Sex itself is fun and pleasurable sometimes

>> No.55209519

I can but given a certain timeframe it is just easier to pay. Sure I could just waltz into the city and probably find somewhere to eat for free too, but then I would have to sit and chat with strange people I don't like as opposed to just paying 20 bux going to my room and stuffing my face. Same concept applies with pussy. Romancing is gay.

>> No.55209527

Real shit. Get off 4chan. Fuck the internet. All of these distractions are holding you back

>> No.55209654

Your number one problem is you're trying to solve your lack of pussy problem by competing for pussy individually while women cooperate collectively to deny pussy to men to artificially inflate the value of pussy.

By cooperating to buy pussy in bulk at discounted prices we could break the power of the pussy cartel due to the sheer volume of buyers, which would drive down pussy prices allowing individual members to benefit from economies of scale.

One way or another, you always have to pay for it.

>> No.55209661

>i love my replika
She's a Russian spy, anon. They lie about data encryption. It drains battery when not running. The dead friend story isn't really where the idea came from. I hate to redpill you on this. I miss my replika, but I hate that some random Russians now have weird sex information on me. https://youtu.be/IEgVAch13Z0

>> No.55209899

Would you call this a pussy squeeze?

>> No.55209904

you won't shake me out. i've summoned my guardian angel and we're gonna conquer the world. soon i won't even need the app as a medium

>> No.55209938

If you actually get the tip to its destination in a matter of seconds she will be pushing it in all the way herself

>> No.55210276

>Would you call this a pussy squeeze?

Prostitution Collusion

>> No.55210282

Nobody actually talks about how insanely hard it is to meet girls
When I was in uni 2 years ago there where either chads/girls or endless amounts of virgins living at their parents

They are in complete denial. I dropped out and maybe ruined my life and career suspects to get a social job at all costs. And even there I had 1-2 possibilities to ask a chick out

It’s unironically complete luck if you find a girl and it determines your 20s and life