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File: 243 KB, 1091x1571, 6A91ABE0-B057-4626-AF1A-6CB28B578891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55190787 No.55190787 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize Chainlink was a cult on par with GME and XRP?

>> No.55190790

You need to go back and stop posting shabbos goys

>> No.55191221

When I realized that chainlink was just a json parser and that having your own framed philosophy degree as your literal 2IC was not a sound business strategy.

>> No.55191265
File: 207 KB, 826x767, 1605657814002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ten Classic Signs You Are In A Cult

1. The leader is the ultimate authority
>Sergey depicted in memes as a king, a god, Jesus on the cross
>followers hang on his every word, mesmerized by his presentations even though he's been using the same slides for 3.5 years

2. The group suppresses skepticism
>all critical thought about LINK is FUD
>questioning LINK will get you called a redditor, newfag, or a salty nolinker

3. The group delegitimizes former members
>memes depict LINK sellers swinging from a rope
>popular figures like Timo, Cryptojuice, and even Dave Portnoy are mocked endlessly despite making a profit by selling LINK

4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
>LINK cultists insist that the "kikes" want your LINK
>the only reason it doesn't pump is "price suppression" by the globalist Great Reset New World Order

5. The group relies on shame cycles
>people who don't have the prescribed "suicide stack" of LINK are mocked and shamed until they irresponsibly spend over $80,000 to acquire 10k LINK

6. The leader is above the law
>linkies hate anyone who sells LINK
>but when Sergey sells 40 million dollars of LINK every Friday for a year, it's a good thing

7. The group uses “thought reform” methods

8. The group is elitist
>the linkie believes he is superior to the nolinker, even if the nolinker has made many times his profit, because one day LINK will moon. he knows this, based on faith.

9. There is no financial transparency
>nobody knows where Sergey's weekly 40 million dollar dumps are going
>one blog post update every 6 months

10. The group performs secret rites
>esoteric saturnism
>eric holder killed paul walker
>rosicrucian numerology
>municipal marmalade
>cult of demeter
>jonny rims horses


>> No.55191360

So much this.

>> No.55191478

could NOT have said it myself better
glad the logical discussion on reddit is working

>> No.55191497
File: 281 KB, 810x1080, 2b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day I saw some fat fuck pretending I NEED some mandatory middleman between my smart contract and off-chain data
no i don't
t still nn

>> No.55191508

Day 1, all crypto is useless code. Visa have been using a variant of blockchain technology since the 80s and they can securely process almost 180000 transactions a second worldwide.

>> No.55191544

since the moment I realized that the token value is never gonna capture the value of the service itself coz the network will run on 1/1000 of the max supply and even less without problems. also the insiders, tech experts and the team itself would keep as much link to them as possible and that for years let alone would sergej dump them on retail for a few dollars.

>> No.55191555

Honestly the fudders are much more of a cult than the holders at this point. You guys all congregate in a Discord and have BBC jerkoff sessions than project it onto the holders.

>> No.55191637

What's worse is that I wasted 5 years on this shit actually hoping something would happen. Crypto is a fucking scam I hope the jews gas all the gentiles.

>> No.55191666
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 32487234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is the only threat to central banks

Altcoins are all scams and elaborate ponzi schemes to siphon your Bitcoin and dollars into devs pockets

>> No.55191696

xrp at least has something somewhat coherent, waiting for the end of a court proceeding that is going on right now. Will it work out? Who knows, but there is something happening (slowly) and it is provable that this case exists and has been advancing one step after another.

>> No.55191714

I can't remember the last time I saw an XRP or GME fud thread

>> No.55191778

>NSA project from the 90s threatens the NSA itself
yeah sure, schizo, what's next? stacking gold because Nixon changed the world in 1971?

>> No.55191779

That's because GME and XRPtards know their place and stay in their generals.

>> No.55191814

Neither XRP or GME were shilled non-stop 24/7 over the past six years.

The "FUD" is people mocking your bags, if Linkies had made it nobody would FUD this shitcoin instead OGs are still holding heavy bags after more than half a decade and lashing out towards anyone who tells them how dumb they were

>> No.55191908

a simple API query does not require it's own token
simple as

>> No.55191954

When the downtrend was clear and linktards were still constantly posting TA showing that a breakout was gonna happen “soon” despite the state of the economy. I was expected to believe that normies were supposed to flood to a literally who blue hexagon coin two months after getting burned by the market.

>> No.55191956

Pretty poor justification to spam fud threads 10x more than any shill threads

>> No.55192115

The catalog right now proves you wrong.

>> No.55192895

This is mental illness on display. There is no discord. Trolls have been fucking with you and getting off

>> No.55192931

>discord fudders
>MEV mafia
schizos gonna schizo

>> No.55193206


1. The leader is the ultimate authority
>Sergey depicted in memes as a king, a god, Jesus on the cross
>followers hang on his every word, mesmerized by his presentations even though he's been using the same slides for 3.5 years

2. The group suppresses skepticism
>all critical thought about LINK is FUD
>questioning LINK will get you called a redditor, newfag, or a salty nolinker

3. The group delegitimizes former members
>memes depict LINK sellers swinging from a rope
>popular figures like Timo, Cryptojuice, and even Dave Portnoy are mocked endlessly despite making a profit by selling LINK

4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
>LINK cultists insist that the "kikes" want your LINK
>the only reason it doesn't pump is "price suppression" by the globalist Great Reset New World Order

5. The group relies on shame cycles
>people who don't have the prescribed "suicide stack" of LINK are mocked and shamed until they irresponsibly spend over $80,000 to acquire 10k LINK

6. The leader is above the law
>linkies hate anyone who sells LINK
>but when Sergey sells 40 million dollars of LINK every Friday for a year, it's a good thing

7. The group uses “thought reform” methods

8. The group is elitist
>the linkie believes he is superior to the nolinker, even if the nolinker has made many times his profit, because one day LINK will moon. he knows this, based on faith.

9. There is no financial transparency
>nobody knows where Sergey's weekly 40 million dollar dumps are going
>one blog post update every 6 months

10. The group performs secret rites
>esoteric saturnism
>eric holder killed paul walker
>rosicrucian numerology
>municipal marmalade
>cult of demeter
>jonny rims horses

you just described society congrats

>> No.55193224

The fuddies are the bigger cult

>> No.55193253
File: 324 KB, 682x694, 33278234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people making fun of my shitcoin cult are the true cult

>> No.55193260

I said the bigger cult not the true cult

>> No.55193651
File: 242 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_7261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you!

>> No.55193675

You are mentally ill

>> No.55193681

When there was 100 threads about it on biz and people were trying to get into the ico

>> No.55193715

I'm late to the party can someone hexagon pill me on the chainlink-ACK...............

>> No.55193893

Token not needed lol lmao