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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 456 KB, 1258x886, pcsales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55189115 No.55189115 [Reply] [Original]

Why not help them by buying a new pc?

>> No.55189122

>Why not help them
Because fuck megacorporations

>> No.55189123

kek, I prefer my iPhone thanks

>> No.55189131

Should also mention I'm posting from an hp desktop

>> No.55189143


>> No.55190029

Thanks, but I'm still sticking with my 2014 laptop which still works great.

>> No.55190052

What is it?

>> No.55190056
File: 212 KB, 1000x750, 4zu3_Asus_G751JY_T7009H_Teaser_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55190078

I'm surprised it still works.
Though I suppose I'd always melted mine through playing gaymes.

>> No.55190089
File: 361 KB, 1500x1000, Back2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because unlike 99% of laptops this one actually has got proper ventilation and cooling.
I mean just look at the tasteful thickness of those heat sinks. Yep, they don't make 'em like they used to anymore *sips monster*

>> No.55190113

Because motherboard manufacturers are all faggot cocksuckers. I am not spending $250 for some basic ass AM5 board.
And HP is awful they don't make one good product. At least Dell has a small handful. ThinkPads are still king of laptops.

>> No.55190123
File: 571 KB, 721x891, 1685694593803374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my trusty 1060 6b and I'm not upgrading. I'm not a goomer anymore and, and even if I were, the cards all took major hikes starting with the 2000 series.

>> No.55190124

I'll buy the liquidations.

>> No.55190151


>> No.55190174

A PC from 10 years ago can do everything you need today, just keep using windows 7/8 and use a good antivirus.
HP has always been dogshit, once my LOTTO bags (BSC token) does a 10x I can finally buy some accessories for my android setup, PC/Mac is dead, finished.

>> No.55190188

>using windows post dxvk

>> No.55190207
File: 55 KB, 625x562, 1648526675552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers are going to university having never used a computer
>they don't know what a file is
>they're going to have to bring back typing classes

>> No.55190226

Fuck HP. The sent me two damaged Omen laptops and refused to do anything about the 2nd one. Won the charge back on my credit card and gave it to my brother. Fuck HP. Their printers suck ass too.

>> No.55190232

>Their printers suck ass too.
This is true

>> No.55190363

Because fuck consooming le latest product. I sold my Raspberry Pi3b at the top for 200€ and bought a minipc (Elitedesk 800g3) for 80€ on the second hand market. Shit is cash and HP will see NO money from be. Next time you'll think twice before locking BIOSes, you filthy kikes.

>> No.55190384

Zoomers don't even know how to start a PC. I saw a little shit trying to use his finger on the monitor.
They are connected to phones 24/7

>> No.55190394

>physical touchpad buttons
Bless you, I hate this shitty fucking trend of buttonless touchpads and thin laptops with shit battery life made for soibois so much it's unreal. You have to buy gaymer shit to get buttons and a thick enough battery.
Fuck the industry I hope they crash and burn.

>> No.55190555

Everyone desperately wants to copy Apple (see: new microsoft surface) but that requires actual engineering, otherwise all you end up with is a chinese clone that looks about right but doesn't work worth a shit.

>> No.55190569
File: 20 KB, 364x302, euroPANTHER5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pft. You call that a laptop? Eurocom panther checking in
>120HZ lcd
>Full sized desktop 980
>the sound of an airplane
Picked it up in Craigs for $500 a few years ago

>> No.55190941

Go I wish someone left Trinitrons on at my door.

>> No.55190962

My devices from 10 years ago still work fine and the older don't even have backdoors

>> No.55190978

I use Linux so dude I'm getting a Dell

>> No.55191013

My first pc was an hp.... the worst pc i have had

>> No.55191051

HP is one of those companies I genuinely want to see burn to the ground. They pissed me off so many times with their printers made shitty on purpose to milk customers as much as possible, from their requirement to have a cloud account to use the scanner, to their $50 cartridges that print 20 pages before locking themselves while still 3/4 full, or the worst is the printers sudoking on purpose after a few years to make sure the customer buys a new one, or again their shitty firmware that works one time out of 5, the printing jobs that fail mid course half of the time etc.... I pray for this company to disappear.

>> No.55191557

Got a gaymen laptop from them. It's OK in terms of build quality and support is pretty good. Would get something less locked down next time, though. I wand coreboot support.

>> No.55191569

>everything costs too much
>refuse to lower prices
>HP is one of the worst companies out there with deliberately shoddy jewish tactics especially on their crap printers

>> No.55191587


>> No.55191600

People bought a shitton in the rona
If these guys thought they wouldn't be a slump these are grade a morans