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55188625 No.55188625 [Reply] [Original]

will making more money get me a better looking girlfriend? please keep in mind i am a manlet. serious replies only

>> No.55188640
File: 108 KB, 525x717, 1671213519720519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a guy who calculated it for you a few threads ago

>> No.55188641

I know you aren't woods schizo.
Cause it's his wife and his filenames are always retarded.

>> No.55188651

Nope. 2000's was the last time that happened. Now the average woman has 50 simps willing to pay their bills on onlyfans. One man's money does not matter to women anymore.

>> No.55188654

Cope picture. Cope anon. Cope (you)

>> No.55189535

>filenames are always retarded
Kek I guess when you already doxxed your face you won't care about metadata and filenames. He's a sperg not a schizo. Never saw him posted/acted like schizo.

>> No.55189622

>get off work
>scroll through board
>expect to see same garbage twitter threads or /pol/ bait
>see me instead

>> No.55189638
File: 64 KB, 500x478, It Doesn't Have To Be This Way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filenames are always retarded
dox is a cope meme for people who are Fats and ugly. When you look like a God you want everyone to see

>> No.55189649

Never change dumbass.

>> No.55189674
File: 116 KB, 500x666, 1638056219845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he called me a sperg
Yes. I've mentioned having aspergers at least 6 gorillion times

>> No.55189766

If you’re in the 8 figs yeah, you can get a model wife who’s in it for the lifestyle. If you’re an ugly/average 6 figs waging cuck? no way in 2023, women can work too and dont care about money and career as much nowadays despite what people say.

>> No.55189784

I call him schizo like I call him a nigger, it's a term of endearment.

>> No.55189793

For example before the internet if you were some 5/10 looks guy who had a high prestige job like a lawyer or doctor you could get a model tier wife easily since women had no options. Now that they can get the same jobs and aren’t reliant on a man for anything they’ll go for looks and physical attraction every time in rich western countries.

>> No.55189891

You have never called me nigger, schizo

>> No.55189912

To be fair someone who's 25 and has 200k in the bank (also has a car excluding that amount) is doing really well for themselves. And you don't even have to be superman to do it. We all just make such poor decisions that 30k a year slips right through our fingers.