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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55187423 No.55187423 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine telling a normie that you make more money than them predicting which lines are going to go up and down and when

>> No.55189331
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A coworker of mine at a lumber mill I used to work at looked over my shoulder to check the time on my phone without announcing himself while I was using my brokerage account to fill out a limit order to go all in on $80,000 of oil stonks at the start of the Ukraine war, he never treated me the same after that.
>I was on nightshift cleanup (the lowest position possible) and he was some kind of team lead or something
>he didn't know I begged hr to be put on nightshift
>hr didn't know nightshift ended right when western markets open
It was such a comfy setup.

>> No.55189339

>predicting which lines are going to go up and down and when

thats not possible

less than 1% of traders are succesful after 2 years

>> No.55189397

that stat is true for non white subhumans, Whites are far more succesfull

>> No.55189437

Share more stories

>> No.55189576
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There was one time I tricked a concrete plant in Ontario to pay me 12k to go on a fishing roadtrip for 3 months and then made them fire me, but that was a special case of me being very autistic and beating an hr lady named Sarah at her own game.

>> No.55189822
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Imagine larping as a trader and talking about "lines"

>> No.55189867

Very based. Disconnected my vpn to post this because you deserved another (you).

>> No.55189905

Why work in a Durty hard labor job? Im cozy researching markets on my freetime in an office. I never get board since i have full access to the internet except 4chan at work