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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55187104 No.55187104 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do all your parents give you? My dad gives me $1,000 per month, wired directly into my account. Anyone got me beat?

>> No.55187120
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must be nice

>> No.55187128

Never got money from my parents. It’s what drove me to eventually buy a $600k house in cash last month. Handouts are for the weak.

>> No.55187134

i just call him when i need cash, he sends between 500 bucks and 3k depending on his mood
i should just kms

>> No.55187140

I think it is on the lower end though, I know a girl who got 1000 a week from her mom and every year her grand parents gave her a check worth 20k. Bitches have it a lot easier

>> No.55187160

I have you beat. Your mom wires me $1000 per week for filling her pussy and asshole with cum. Also your dad cries in the corner with his limp noodle dick in his hand while I do it.

>> No.55187179

how old are you?

>> No.55187181

Those who have it easy will never get to actually learn how to make it and as a result they will be kicked from the gene pool sooner or later

>> No.55187216

I'm always giving my dad money $3k so far this year

>> No.55187224

Speak for yourself, dumb nigger. My childhood was cushy as fuck. All I had to do was emulate my parents and I now have the same success as them.

>> No.55187247

I know you post crap like this to watch people seethe but it's really not something to be proud of

>> No.55187248

That is boomer grind, the new generations do things different.

>> No.55187255
File: 59 KB, 500x520, 0170DA1F-44C4-467C-9CF4-46D6E9F6E5D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to give MY parents money.

>> No.55187263

I rent a house for 1400/mo

>> No.55187297


>> No.55187307

>all your parents
Either this is ESL thread or literally Le My Wife's Son thread

>> No.55187319

He put two tractor trailer rigs in my name when I was 18 without my knowledge. So, in a sense, he stole a million dollars from me.

>> No.55187320

It's the other way around for me.

>> No.55187329

Having a good family is the greatest asset any person can have.

It allows you to take all the needed risk in life since you always a safety net to fall back on. Making a mistake doesn't result in you not being able to feed yourself or not having a roof over your house, it's like you have a respawn point where you can just try again with new free hints to make the next try easier.

>> No.55187338
File: 24 KB, 611x482, 5641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad is buying me a house

>> No.55187342

So you are 1 million in debt? How the fuck did that get approved without you even knowing?

>> No.55187343

My dad is a greedy boomerjew, but I convinced my mom to pay my rent every other month lol. Also I’m gonna ask for a few thousand for my birthday and put it all into ETH

>> No.55187965

I've heard of this phenomenon but never experienced it. My dad will give me junk he finds at thrift stores but that's the extent of their giving behavior.

>> No.55188001

Oh also, he retired from a federal govt job and 48 and has been living on a pension for 25 years. I drive a 27 year old 4 cylindar vehicle one hour to my night shift job.

>> No.55188030

G Gooo onn??

>> No.55188037

Security guard?

>> No.55188038

$1300 something
I win

>> No.55188065

dad died in 2011 and my mom is a lying piece of shit I havent seen in 2 years. imagine needing daddies money to stay afloat. feel bad for you kid.

>> No.55188066

No, I do hospital stuff for $49k a year. He made $60k a year in the 1980s and I always thought we were poor.

>> No.55188092

You sound like you do o.k for yourself. Can I live with you? I'm a neet but I'm good at cooking and cleaning.

>> No.55188101

I am 24 and technically I don't get money from my parents but they did give me the family car in 2018 when they replaced it (probably worth about $6k at the time) which obviously saved me a lot of money early on and I still drive that car. I also still live with my parents and pay $60 a week and the electricity bill every quarter, if I was living with my friends I'd be spending at least $180 a week. Apart from that I'm not reliant on them for anything else I purchase all my own food and pay my own car insurance. So yes I get a lot from my parents but not in the form of money, in the form of savings and security.

I have a friend who is even younger than me and just purchased a $600k house with a 10% deposit, I thought to myself wow how can such a young guy pull that off. Then I found out his parents gave him $100k.

>> No.55188107

I don’t get shit.

>> No.55188436

you are a brave man to have any kind of honor in the current world

>> No.55188486

I don’t get money from my parents, but I live with my dad in his spare bedroom. I give him $300 a month and buy most of the groceries. It’s not bad considering I WFH but the house is pretty run down.

>> No.55188493

Same, only in this 1st world shithole America do nigger parents charge their children rent because of fucking media propaganda or "ALL MY FRIENDS CHARGE THEIR KIDS RENT AND THEY ALL PAY SO YOU WILL TOO" it's beyond fucking disgusting, these assholes can't stop blowing all their money and taking out ridiculous loans and going up to their neck in debt so they make it my problem. When I make it, I'm not giving them a fucking penny. Literally holding me back.

>> No.55188496

The lack of comprehension here, kek

>> No.55188506

That’s called stay off the pole money

>> No.55188509
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Bruh, see pic related. 60k in the 80s was really good pay.

Also, see this to understand the devaluation:

>> No.55188520

That’s fucking rough anon. I’m sorry about your greedy boomer glownigger dad. Have you ever outright asked him for help?

>> No.55188538

My college education was paid for by my parent's cash.

I still live with my parents and I make $8k/month. 90% goes into my savings. I only pay the internet bill.

>> No.55188635

Go to diy and fix it up

>> No.55188938

>its funny cause its true!

>> No.55188969

>All I had to do was emulate my parents and I now have the same success as them.

Why cant supposed third generation wealth do the same thing? It almost always ends up in the shitter. I hear what you say and I think its because you have good parents, good for you anon.

>> No.55189017

I don't think >>55187319 dad literally stole 1 million dollars from him. But semi trucks and rigs do fetch a pretty penny at around 100k for something decent, his dad or whatever could have definetely made 1 million if he worked his ass off with them. I'm going on a whim that this was before shitflation because that would certainly raise a few eyebrows if someone attempted that today. Feelsbadman.

>> No.55189156

Yeah I know. That's why it's so galling now since I have one of these STEM jobs that I was told was so goddamn important and he had a pencil pusher job he got bc he was in the army during the most prosperous time in human history and retired at 48.

>> No.55189184

Not with money. Ill ask him to help me lift something heavy sometimes. He has been a lot of places and lived multiple lives. He's about two inches deep though, unfortunately.