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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55186959 No.55186959 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't anyone here recommend someone to be a neuroscientist or a lawyer or some other engineering discipline (electricity, chemical)
what's the deal?
pic unrelated, a boy

>> No.55186966

>pic unrelated
You should post AI images, they are hotter. This is trash.

>> No.55186969


>> No.55186974

software engineers are capable of making their companies billions of dollars
there are very few other professions where even a single individual can have such a massive revenue impact

>> No.55186988

>pic unrelated, a boy
>a boy

>> No.55187006

Stfu, cyber-trannie faggot

>> No.55187031
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This is true, we don't get a cut, unfortunately and there are a lot of uselessness, as you may well imagine.
I wrote an API that makes my company $8 mil every 21 days, I got a handshake and an "attaboy". I hate being a wage slave.

>> No.55187379
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Because the art of capitalism is taking something and making it more efficient. Taking something energy intensive and real, physical into the digital realm is a cost cutting cornerstone. Hell its so scary you have anons like >>55186966 that have changed their brain wiring around something real and material into the digital space. Michael saylor nailed it about digitizing everything and until supply chains become literally impossible to maintain this digitizing trend will continue.

>> No.55187443

money printing causing massive supply shock for unprofitable business models

>> No.55187450

Why are there so many fucking coding threads? Some stupid poojet looking for attention, get a gf oh wait lol you're too brown and ugly!

>> No.55187456

SWEs control the means of production, similar to lawyers and doctors.
Not true for any other engineering, who all need factories and expensive tools financed by others.

>> No.55187533

I think Violet Summers is the prettiest girl in the world, all considered.
I can only hope there are hundreds of girls that look like her that were snatched up before they had the chance to get noticed and become whores and are now currently pumping out their 5th baby.

>> No.55187900

Because you can be a brainlet & social retard and make $200k+ coding but you can't do that in those other fields you listed.

>> No.55187922

>too brown and ugly!
And short and smelly.

>> No.55187975

because farming people for the data is more profitable than making real world stuff

>> No.55188078

Doesn't she have implants? Either way she would look better with smaller boobs. Not to say that I wouldn't, because I would as she is

>> No.55188524

I looked it up. It seems people aren't sure.
I've seen her early stuff and she might have just done chest exercises because there are no scars. None under her tits, around her areola, or under her armpits.

>> No.55188556

this but also the chinese copy fucking everything that has a physical manufacturing requirement (for retail goods, industrial still lacks but retail is more profitable)
the competent chinese coders go into western companies and it's much harder to steal an entire database

>> No.55188578
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You made up most of the info in this post.
- The job market for lawyers is terrible.
- Coding jobs will be going away due to AI.
- You don't want to be a coder, you want to be the guy supervising a team of coders.

>> No.55188624

Are you jew, the pick the two first option. Are you smart, pick the two later. If uou are neither but need a well paid job that leaves you virgin for life then pick tech.

>> No.55189317

Fuck off with your psyops glowie

>> No.55189365

I fell for the electrical engineering degree meme, was a waste of time. Shit pay and eternal middle class mediocrity. At the moment coding is a stable way to get an upper class living and its hard enough to filter most retards. Won’t be forever since it’s now been memed into everybody doing it. The new meme is cybersec now but just join an AI company if you wanna be ahead of the curve in 2023. The world will be pumping trillions into it over the next decade and you’ll have a good 20 years of high pay waging.

>> No.55189372

Our leaders openly and overtly make it their goal to have wage suppression as their #1 mission in life, so I'd say that coding being one of the final jobs which pays amicable wages for the white man hasn't gone unnoticed by the powers that be. I say this CS FUD not as someone with anything against coders, I just understand how much the powers that be hate ANY job that's well compensated.

Look what they've done to previous excellent degree - Mech Eng, law, medicine, etc... These of course pay above median house income, but it's not the FUCK YOU money Gen-x made off of them.

>> No.55189395

>I wrote an API that makes my company $8 mil every 21 days,
make your company and products if you that creative/productive instead of working for someone else.

>> No.55189408

Lol, it’s just job inflation. Parents push their kids into these jobs cause they have high prestige and good pay during their time. Literally never listen to your parents for career advice, they’re stuck in the past zeitgeist and just wanna brag to other boomers “my son is a doctor/lawyer”. College used to mean something in their time, back in their time everybody without one was a second class citizen. Why the fuck would your skillset be valuable when they’re pumping them out like a bakery and everybody is doing it.

>> No.55189478

>become doctor
>treat 1 patient at a time
>write code
>serve it to millions of paying users at a time
It's really that simple. No doctor can compete with the marginal utility of a coder unless they exclusively serve billionaires.

>> No.55190011
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Creativeness doesn't pay the bills, though. I have no idea how sales works, wouldn't even know where to begin with that. You can have the best product ever, if you are shit at sales or outreach, it'll all be for nothing.

>> No.55190064

The answer because /biz/tards are so bad at business they can't figure it out is because the last 15 years has seen the government propping up silicon valley for national security reasons, the same reason why boomers got rich in the 1980s from defense industry shit.

Always see where the government is putting its money and go there.

Of course this runs into the problem of "not everyone can be a software engineer".

>> No.55190198

who the fuck want to take out 100k jew loans for indoctrination for 6-8 years, when you can self teach code, go to some jewgle interview and make 60k farting in your underwear, wile being a passport bro

>> No.55191038

coders don't earn more per se, it's just that this board is filled with people without social skills and hence there are lots of coders here that act like they've got it all

and yet doctors earn way more
gee i wonder why that is
maybe because coders are a dime a dozen whereas people who literally save your life have to go through 7 years of medical school

>> No.55191059

i've been coding since i was 12 and the field is now incredibly bastardized by this trend of 'everyone can code' and 'learn2code'. i hate my job with a gigantic passion because of it

at my office more and more niggers enter the workplace with this smug expression on their baboon face because they've been led to believe coding is somehow hard to do
i can't wait for AI to fuck over the entire field so things can fall back in place

i've got maybe 30 filters on this board to try and automatically hide all coding-related threads because it's unbearable to watch

imagine if you were a doctor and because of demand, herbalists start getting accepted into hospitals to treat patients, and they start acting like they're some kind of genius because of it
that's what it's like to be an 'engineer' now

>> No.55191065


>way more

Utterly untrue. At this point experienced SWE's are making as much as low end doctors.

>> No.55191091


>> No.55191181

You hire other wagies to do sales or marketing nigga

>> No.55192376

Its immigration nearly doubling population, the reported numbers are lies...

>> No.55192413

Herbalists are literally in demand because doctors ruined their reputation during covid... Third leading cause of death was malpractice BEFORE this whole plandemic.

>> No.55192541
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It is a chicken/egg situation, though. You need money to hire sales people to get you money.
I swear to god, sometimes I think this board is frequented by more and more by smooth brained monkey niggers.

>> No.55192693

You'll be slave forever that's in your DNA which is refusing to let you work for yourself

>> No.55192968
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Who said that? Nigger, I took a part time sales job to actually learn this shit on someone else's money.
Again, see my earlier remarks about smooth brained niggers, that's you.