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55184415 No.55184415 [Reply] [Original]

Is AirBNB rental arbitrage a good way to make money?

>> No.55184681
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I own (mortgage paid off and everything) my airbnb. It's great money but it's also full time work. Automating 90% of it still leaves you answering questions, granting/denying guest requests, taking care of repairs, refills, etc. I could automate (i.e. outsource) that too, but it would significantly cut into my bottom line. Then you have things like insurance, strata/property fees and taxes to pay. But at the end of the day, because I own my place, it's essentially all profit.
You're a poorfag who would have to first be social enough to become a tenant, then social enough to convince your landlord to STR his property and let you keep a significant amount of profit. Then you have to ensure the place is rented out more often than not to cover your rent. Then hopefully whatever pittance you have left at the end of the month you can maybe keep as profit or roll into the next (super risky) rental property.

Good luck. Also, fuck niggers and spics. If you plan to rent in an area full of them, forget it.

>> No.55184691


I live in the ghetto. Like straight up hood. My rent is $1100. My neighbor rents out their apartment for $150 a night, and they just rent it.

In reality, there is a one-month startup cost in terms of furniture. Cleaning it after one night stays. Unclear how rent market does in other seasons. I am surprised it rents at all.

My .02

>> No.55185310

leverage is a great way to make 100k a month til you start to lose money

>> No.55186404
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>> No.55186417

Wow, what a kind dude sharing his 200iq money making strategy all for free! What a swell guy!

>> No.55188044

Anyone who buys into his scam only has themselves to blame, those swarthy little jungle gooks are the new pajeets

>> No.55188053

this, surely he hasn’t run into roadblocks that aren’t worth the hassle anymore