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55181597 No.55181597 [Reply] [Original]

Why nobody ever shills https://airgap.it/ and instead shill Ledger and Tezos which are both not opensource and send god knows what over usb/bluetooth?

>> No.55181654

you still don't know whether it's exporting your private key or changing address destination after a firmware update, do you inspect the contents of the QR code each time? no.

compile a wallet yourself on an airgapped laptop, know what the code is doing, inspect the output to ensure the wallet isn't exporting your private key or changing addresses, export as a text file and use a webcam and OCR to derive the tx data, QR codes might be easier and cleaner but are just another attack vector as you don't know whether the code generator has changed the destination address

unfortunately you'll never know whether the RNG on your laptop's chip has been exploited at the factory to be deterministic when generating your private keys, but that's your only attack vector other than an IPAA attack

this is only relevant to high net worth individuals