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File: 199 KB, 843x1284, 231849F0-CDAD-494F-A321-9EF2A0CE51FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55178836 No.55178836 [Reply] [Original]

Title and pic is me

I’m 30. NEET natty. Never had a job in my life and lifting for years

I just trade crypto and occasionally get sugar mom money

I look early 20s due to never having a job. Women swoon over my looks and body. + I have zoomer hair

I Get 200+ new women a day on tinder from looks, muscle and d size.

Meanwhile all my peers who entered the wage slave work force all look old as shit. They all look 35+. Especially if they’re in the trades

They’re completely invisible to the opposite sex unless it’s to be a human atm machine/beta bux providing

They traded in their looks and health for validation. Health/looks/muscles is literally wealth and all that matters

>> No.55178848
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>> No.55178858 [DELETED] 

biggest neet cope i've ever seen lmao. top tier mental gymnast

>> No.55178861

>having a smart phone

>> No.55178920

Thanks, but I'd rather not look like a faggot

>> No.55178926

>Never had a job in my life
so what skills do you have?

>> No.55178934 [DELETED] 

Based. The rest pales in comparison

>> No.55178941

Who asked

>> No.55178949

>200 girls
Lol okay ultimate gentleman I bet you don't even own a car

>> No.55178987
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>> No.55178998

>never had a job in my life
bro... working is what makes you a man

you're just a glorified toddler

>> No.55179025

>working is what makes you a man
Did a Jew tell you this?

>> No.55179035

so what happens when ur looks start fading

>> No.55179044
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congrats on your parasitic scheme but remember you're not responsible for building up this society or improving it. You're just a leech and a kike yourself feasting off the labor of more honest hardworking men.

Humble yourself please.

>> No.55179053
File: 231 KB, 1024x1280, 8BF0D737-47D4-4B67-A4B7-740435EF2B65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chaundo tan is 60 and is still smashing wage slaves wifes from looks body and muscles

Ima prob get some filler when I’m 40/mid 40 or some kinda surgery

Also I got big dik(no troll) and that never fades

>> No.55179058

Yes a Jew told me to build my house and grow my food personally. In a dream. His name with Jewsus.

>> No.55179076

Ok now Ur really gay

>> No.55179080

and if your genetics aren't as good as this gooks and you start looking like shit, well you have no skills, no assets, no employment history. lol i have a six figure job doing literally nothing, look similar to you, and have my own house i get to chill in and dont have to perpetually couch surf from whore to whore

but to each his own i guess

>> No.55179086

>Ima prob get some filler when I’m 40/mid 40 or some kinda surgery
you have the mentality of a roastie.

>> No.55179088

future tranny

>> No.55179128


Unless you have a very comfy laid back stress free job most wage slaves do not look like me kek

Because in order to wage slave you have to trade in looks/health for cash

The 9-5 is not biologically healthy period. Back in the caveman days there was probably 8 hours of work a week max once you found food water and shelter

Stressing your body and health beyond repair is self destruction

If you have a job that’s not 9-5 and stress free then kudos to you though

>> No.55179138

Can I fuck ur boy pussy

>> No.55179175


The most work I’ve done was work a harsh manual labour construction roofing type job for like 2 days to see what it was about

Too many retards think damaging your body beyond repair is “tough” / “hard mans work”

And it was exactly what I expected. It’s self extermination. Unhealthy as fuk and damaging/stressing your body beyond repair. Literally self anhilation

>> No.55179259

>calls chores work
Nice try shekelstein, op was talking about a job
You Jews are shady

>> No.55179266

Work more on your arms, they look like sausages on the first pic

>> No.55179298

Pic looks like an ad for Low T.

>> No.55179304

you are the male equivalent of a gym bunny who relies on prostitution for food. congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.55179321

Uhhh oh shit oh fuck uhhhhhhh
>Liquid shits in your retarded thread
Oh god damn was it the Mexican or the Chinese? Oh noo not agai
>My asshole expels a solid stream of brown doodoo juice in your thread, improving it immensely
Jesus Christ. One sec I reallybwanna ask you about all the zoomer sluts you... Oh god not again
>This time there is definitely blood in the spurt, and a distinct scent of colon fills the thread, the first real contribution since its inception
Give me a second bro

>> No.55179356

Chuando is gay, but anw he has a sugar daddy

>> No.55179383


Also why contribute to a society that is against you and your health and meant to enslave you lmao

>> No.55179413


The 9-5 was designed to keep you brain dead like cattle. It’s designed so that you’re to tired to do anything but what brainwash box and pass out on the couch watching tv so you can wake up after 4 hours of sleep and do it again

It’s designed so you don’t have time or energy to even have a single independent thought

To control you

>> No.55179441

damn baby nice tits

>> No.55179442

Reply, "Nice gyno, curlbro." for infinite gainz.

>> No.55179557

Genuinely embarrassing thread.

>> No.55179622

There is no "design". It is simply employers exploiting the labor force as much as they are legally allowed to. Life is constant competition from every angle. Everyone and anyone is trying to get one over on you to better their position. Plan accordingly.

>> No.55179681

OP is based and right about this. I'm around the same age and used to get mistaken for 19-20, but since I started waging for the last two years people think I'm 25

>> No.55179716
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>> No.55179765
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Damn I am exactly the same way... except I am 27, I think I've worked less than a year my whole life, did get a degree tho... just focused on myself physically, mentally and spiritually... have zero financial literacy, all I do is fuck 18-20 years old girls and twinks every weekend, I collect virginities like that star wars general collects lightsabers or whatever lol
Wagies got sold a horrible deal but I respect the necessity of having them to maintain my lifestyle in today's society

>> No.55179766
File: 1.05 MB, 1440x1440, IMG_20230602_110252_924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Pic is me
Wage slaving is good necessary. Teaches you what it's like for the rest of the world and helps you grow as an individual.

Putting yourself in difficult situations and growing as much as possible from them make you strong.

Don't depend on your looks guys, there's more to life than just muscles, but they are fucking great

>> No.55179820



Am Miring but it depends how old are you

If you’re 30 it’s a flex. But if you’re some early 20s dude that’s not a flex at all since you look a bit older than that

Always lol when some 20 year old tries to say you can have an aesthetic pshayue and do manual labor.

You can do that for a couple years then your hormones get shot, get low t, and you done aged 10 years in 2 years from damaging your body beyond repair. You won’t even have the time or energy to lift without gear and even with gear it’s unlikely.

>> No.55179843
File: 105 KB, 588x813, IMG_0322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pshayue wise tho miring good job boyo

I’ve been shredded before. I don’t stay shredded year round

>> No.55179980

Gayest thread on biz rn

>> No.55179988

this is gonna sound cope. but it's okay to look your age.

>> No.55179989

Sorry about your gyno zoomer faggot. No cap youlook like you're on HRT frfr.

P.S. - We can tell you're a manlet from those little bitch tits you think are pecs.

>> No.55179996

Cut a bit and get a wife before you start malding and your face drops

>> No.55180041

stfu boomer

>> No.55180048


I’m actually 6 foot lol u mad wagie

>> No.55180092

I'm 23 and just got a WFH codemonkey job. Shits cash as fuck yo, actually have the time to do whatever I want. Never stressed, no overaching boss, life is good.

>> No.55180192

I'm 6'4 you're a little submissive trap who would beg to suck my cock which you wouldn't cause I'm not a faggot unlike you and this gay ass thread.

>> No.55180209

Hi, Abb. Happy for you!

>> No.55180215


Either way looks, d size and muscles over a couple inches of height

Ur just a seething angry wagie lmao

>> No.55180217
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curly hair
>roid boobs
Lmao read mein kampf and stay in your lane zoomzoom

>> No.55180260


Nah it’s literally by design. If you give a wagie too much time and energy to think then they begin to wake up from their programming

It’s why 9-5 is the standard. So you don’t have time or energy to think and wake up

It’s designed to control

>> No.55180310
File: 1.97 MB, 498x491, 122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even dbi schizo makes a cameo appearance to roast gyno zoomer

>> No.55180328

I don't work, 4 inches is equivelent to 85 lbs of extra weight I can carry around and still look more fit than you.
my cocks longer and thicker.
And I've had sex with over 230 women and 10 trannies.
Ready to be my 11th?

>> No.55180339
File: 20 KB, 512x468, 1657516746501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Anons are unironically taking financial advices from zoomers like OP posting in this board

>> No.55180341

You didn't have to specify...it's kind of obvious lol smol ass nigga

>> No.55180359

lol this whole thread has got to be bait, no one can be this stupid

>> No.55180361

This can't be you, is this really you? You must be fucking with one of your butt buddies...cuz anon... you look like a bitch.

>> No.55180390
File: 8 KB, 250x249, 1669500345563734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking broccolihead zoomer.

>> No.55180396


Waging ages the fuck out of you and wagies to into bitter peons when you point it out lmao

>> No.55180400


I’ve had this hair from 2014 pretty much one of the first broccoli heads. These zoomer NPCs copied my style. Guess I was ahead of the times

>> No.55180408

I'm in the same boat as you just fat and younger

>> No.55180496


I’ve got the perfect pussy slaying pshayue

Just lmfao @ appealing to the male gaze. Imagine trying to impress dudes while getting no hoes kek

>> No.55180533

Based and redpilled.

>> No.55180551
File: 49 KB, 640x734, 1673552077510102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was the first gay sucking cocks, these NPC zoomers copied me

>> No.55180609
File: 109 KB, 817x920, wojak-pre-doomer-unshaved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have you not aged 100 years from the stress of crypto trading

>> No.55180684
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None of this is genetics also. I was a late bloomer. Was hideous/jawless and outcasted from ages 15-18 at high school from dental work

After I graduated hs I found mewing and I hit puberty. Went from 5’7 to 6’0 and my face changed drastically. The way everyone treated me after I changed just changed my whole perspective. redpilled me. It made me realize the power of looks and muscle

I hit my prime at 19 and held it all the way till 30. It’s easy to hit your prime and then age out of it in a year. It’s another to hit it and keep that prime for as long as possible

>> No.55180696

There's no way you found out about mewing 11-12 years ago you lying fuck go kys

>> No.55180711
File: 510 KB, 1271x1581, TFW Fats Try to Shame Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking zoomzoom why the fuck do you have other dude pics saved to your phone jesus christ lmfao the absolute fucking state

>> No.55180722



Literally found out about mewing right when it came out


Back then no one knew about any of that shit.

Jfl at you normie NPCs thinking mewing is new. Shit went mainstream years ago. I was literally one of the first mewers. Probably in the top 30-50 people

>> No.55180727

Back in my day we just called it eating peanuts

>> No.55180808

you're really triggering my early 90s nostalgia with this dope pic

>> No.55180825

wrong board you might want to tell adv about this

>> No.55180837

Good job anon keep living the best life.
The thread is pretty gay though

never had a job either, never will , and higher networth than 99% of biz

>> No.55180841

Im in my mid 20s, I have a dad bod and my wife is pregnant. You are losing in life my friend

>> No.55180878

it was a common hair style in the 80's

>> No.55180992

Exercise is unhealthy and ages you tho.

>> No.55181246

You have the mentality of a teenager as a 30-year-old and are proud of it? Lmao imagine thinking all there is to life is having sex with hoes, working out, and partying. Real men got that juvenile crap out of their system if their high school years. Grow up you fucking child. You are the exact kind of prey that would get massacred in a real crisis.

>> No.55181320


The words “grow up” is a coping mechanism/shame tactic for those who lost their youthful looks and soul to a 9-5 wage slave job. It’s like a crab in the bucket mentality thing. Such an easy read

They want you to be just like them since they themselves have lost there looks, hormones, and years off their life to get validation from other NPCs just like them

>real crisis

Fit neet who knows how to fight > a wagie with a broken back and fuked up hormones lmao. Not only that but In a real crisis most wagies would wake up from there programming and realize the fuckery/enslavement a 9-5 is

>> No.55181344

hard work is a christian value, retard
>Stressing your body and health beyond repair is self destruction
bodybuilding is stressing your body way more than white collar wageslaving but of course you'll never know since you have no skills and can only apply for the shittiest jobs. also building muscles and having a good physique != being healthy. Any white collar wageslave with less muscle mass but who still exercises regularly + cardio is healthier than you.
i also know a guy with a better physique than you who also has a stem phd from a reputable school and now has a high paying job. he mogs you in every category.

nice reddit spacing

>> No.55181351

You're a literal child and don't even realize it. Your perspective is so myopic that you assume everyone else is a 9-5 wage slave. I pity you.

>> No.55181365

You realize there's like a million ways to make money besides being a prototypical 9-5 corporate drone right? Are you this dense or are you just a sheltered faggot?

>> No.55181366

Honestly Im not even mad, good for you if you are happy.
Sounds like a soul crushing empty extistence though.

>> No.55181400


Lifting = 1 hour a day max. The rest is recovery

Why do you think lifters are more swole than tradies? Because they don’t damage their body beyond repair lifting small objects 8 hours a day. Why do you think they are able to repair and grow muscle? Because it’s not damaging


Wake up after 5 hours of sleep. Stress drive to work. Shove 10k McDonald’s breakfast meal in your mouth. Stress for 8 hour straight. Stress drive back. Pass out on the couch watching brainwash box. Wake up after 5 hours of sleep and repeat

You’re beyond retarded if you think that is healthier than hitting gym 1 hour every couple days JFL.

Unlike wagies, gym goers do not stress their body beyond repair, the whole point to my post

>> No.55181419

Why do you look bloated?

>> No.55181420

30 years old with nothing to show except bragging about your body count is pretty sad bro. Especially when you realize that one actually good sexual partner is better then 100 roastie goblinas, but hey atleast they give you money for mcdonalds.
I guess your major goal in life is to find some rich chick and marry her, otherwise in 5-10 years you will unironically an hero.

You still have time to save yourself tho.

>> No.55181426

You look like you just came outta auschwitz

>> No.55181427
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hey op.
I have done studies, and i'm now working part time as a software developper. I could never understand the appeal of wagie lifestyle. i'm different than you but however being 33, most people think i'm 26. i could hit on 20 years old easy but one point you're also missing out is that sex and relationships are also extremely draining. it's true that lot of my childhood friends look 10 years older than me. I wonder if work is the only reason. I also don't drink or smoke, and try to never exhaust me because i have had health issues in the past due to extreme fatigue.

Anyway, just to say i agree with you, most works are inhumane and will either crush your soul or body. I would never accept this lifestyle, even if it meant i had to live in a cabin and grow my own food. (which i did for a year).

however, you might be willing to find purpose at some point in your life because your lifestyle seems pretty superficial.

>> No.55181432

>Especially when you realize that one actually good sexual partner is better then 100 roastie goblinas
His insect-tier intellect cannot comprehend this truth.

>> No.55181449

You’re a loser

Women would still pick me any day over you

Talltroons cannot stop embarrassing themselves with their high estrogen levels

>> No.55181456

>Literally found out about mewing right when it came out
How recessed were you when you first started? Did you have horrible midface recession? Were your paranasals very hollowed?

>> No.55181467

Working is for poorfags and lower class people

I am nobility but not crowned by some illegitimate state but by nature itself (biology)

>> No.55181470

>Wake up after 5 hours of sleep
all my wagie friends sleep 7-8 hours. i also slept 7-8 hours when i was a wagie. you can totally have a good night of sleep if you want it.
>Shove 10k McDonald’s breakfast meal in your mouth
not how it works retard, you can still eat healthy and bring your healthy meals at work. that's what i did and what all bodybuilders who wageslave do.
>Stress for 8 hour straight
it really depends on your job. some are not stressful at all.
>You’re beyond retarded if you think that is healthier than hitting gym 1 hour every couple days JFL.
what happens in case of an emergency when you have absolutely no resources to face it? in case of unexpected medical bills? you're fucked if you're a burger. it's only downhill for you at that point. in 10 years you'll be too old for young pussy and very vulnerable in case of any emergency situation.

>> No.55181472

You sound like a loser with nothing to live for

>> No.55181487

Projection much? What exactly do you live for faggot.

>> No.55181498
File: 52 KB, 720x960, 1655122525418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We look similar bros

>> No.55181524

This is the face of your local Incel. That face exudes pure unadulterated Autism. You can't hide it even if you tried.

>> No.55181583

that pic is a meme. let's talk about your finances: the real question is how can you afford not working at 30? are you living in mommy's basement?

>> No.55181610

Fellow NEET here.

I'm 29 and haven't had a job since 2013.

I highly recommend getting a 9/5 just to avoid large gaps in your work history. I've been unemployed for nearly ten years. So I have to start applying.

That gap makes getting a job more complicated. It doesn't matter where; just get a job once in a while.

>> No.55181632

I'm not the OP, he's the immature 30 yo manchild you are mistaking me for. But I do a variety of things with my time. I'm a private investigator by trade, so a lot of my free time goes into that. I also provide consulting services for a very specific niche that I have past experience in. I also am working on my property developing the land out taking care of my animals and such.

>> No.55181643

How much it cost to investigate why these ticks keep biting me?

>> No.55181655

yeah my bad that post was for op. break down your finances for us op and how you can afford not to work at 30.

>> No.55181851

Why would you want a job thoughever? Nobody respects wagies

This shit is do or die and youre alredy dead

>> No.55181870


>> No.55181938

>Why would you want a job thoughever?
because people who dont live in mommy's basement dont have a choice. tell us how you can afford not to work retard

>> No.55181951

Based, fuck waging.

>> No.55182054

so you guys post naked pictures of yourselves for other guys to salivate over on biz