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File: 302 KB, 1218x545, explain cityfag wv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55175800 No.55175800 [Reply] [Original]

cityfag?, explain in 3 paragraphs why you have not acquired rural property

>> No.55175813

I have a family to take care of in society and not an incel.

>> No.55175828
File: 15 KB, 730x228, dual wield shotguns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the food supply is cut off and the grid fails you'll be eaten by melanated individuals

me I'll be dual wielding shotguns

>> No.55175845
File: 51 KB, 1536x2111, 43653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My family can't live on 15 peaceful rural acres
>They need le heckin hustle and bustle!

>> No.55176078
File: 540 KB, 640x427, bizreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap house
>no economy around it so fucked

Do you just buy this thing and sit on it while dividendmaxxing as a citycuck until you passive income make it?

>> No.55176120

>He doesn't know about remote work

>> No.55176393

I tried OP, i really did.
At first i moved to the suburbs, but she followed me there. Then i moved to a small town, but she followed me there. So i moved innawoods, and she followed me there.
I regret not pulling out of your mader.

>> No.55176406

>50 year old septic tank(clogged) about to collapse from concrete failure
>well dry from years of drinking the water
>structure wobbly from termites eating the beams
>roof hasn't been serviced in 20 years
>probable cockroach infestation
>dogshit internet, only hope is for starlink to come to the east
>must drive for an hour to buy meat from a store
>random methheads roam the woods
>corrupt local sheriff won't do anything about them
>religious nutjobs will lynch if degeneracy powerlevel is revealed
The perfect house for a 4chan "I've made it" NEET

>> No.55176439

>Bro just force your family to be socially retarded (like you) and click buttons for a living

>> No.55176455

>Dude just have your kids go to a poor white trash school where the flag outside still has 48 stars and the teacher graduated from a farm school and can't spell their own name
>Just raise your kids in an environment where the only opportunities will be to work at an antique shop, gas station, or Walmart
>Give your kids opportunities to socialize like huffing glue behind a gas station or getting drunk in the woods
>It's muh heckin trad life style!

>> No.55176709

>Let's heckin buy this tiny home on a 1/16 acre lot for $500,000
>Instead of those retards in rural areas, I'll send my kid on a subway where he might get stabbed to a run down public school
>There my kid can learn about faggot sex and cutting his dick off
>This is happening during my hour long commute to my cubicle job to make money for shecklewitz
>During my 5 minute lunch break, I post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum about how great the heckin city life is

>> No.55176789

it's a long process, hoping for the prices to drop somewhat too

>> No.55176891

cheap house

taxes 200 dollars a year

my assets go up 20 percent per year

property stays the same

yea why work, who cares about the economy, hyper inflation only enhances your position

my parents bought me video games when I was a kid, why not blame them first

>> No.55176904

my kids will work on my farm, and make a proportionate wage

they can build a house on my huge estate, or I'll do it for them

the amish are fine, all of you retards are the ones suffering

>> No.55176944

Vicus plebianus, explica

>> No.55177012

the landowners are always the wealthiest, your cuckbox apartment isn't wealth no matter how many goy bucks it is worth

>> No.55177022

>Doesn't even other to refute what I'm saying because they know it's true

Haha enjoy your shitty meth head shacks, at least you don't have to worry about black people stealing your shit, it will just be white meth heads.

>> No.55177029

I did answer, now you're deflecting

>> No.55177281

>Amish larp
Nah, that's not an answer. Btw, the Amish have a huge problem with keeping youth in check and adopting the life style. You can Google it, but you probably won't because it will ruin your trad life larp.

>> No.55177322

>Dude fuck le white trash! Better to live around niggers and spics

>> No.55177355

the amish are successful, even a modern nonreligious version of the amish, which is basically my belief system is solid

what are you mad at again

buying cheap property and not being a slave

>> No.55177677
File: 506 KB, 2560x1920, lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not true, I live in rural area.
Just graduated as well, school was very relaxed and everyone is friendly. Mostly racially homogeneous and majority of people were very well spoken.

Why r you so hostile towards rural people?

>> No.55179467

>Refute what you're saying
You didn't say anything of value for me to refute, retard

>> No.55179519

you have never been on the countryside.

>> No.55179584

He wants you to be a poor, debt slave rentoid for the rest of your life. He’s either jewish or brown. So of course he’s going to fud fulfilling, quiet, peaceful, safe, and LCOL rural lifestyle.