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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 259 KB, 620x599, Screenshot 2023-06-03 075027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55174089 No.55174089 [Reply] [Original]

>rent taking up 33% of your income
Staying with your parents is the most wisest financial decision you can make.

>> No.55174102

Sharing costs with siblings seems more ideal to me.

>> No.55174111

I want to live by myself and not be an embarrassment to my old faggots.
I also have sex

>> No.55174132
File: 962 KB, 1470x1205, Screenshot 2023-06-03 095629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or get a job and work hard and be rewarded

>> No.55174317

>save money
>have sex and live alone
renting is worth it just for ur mental health alone, when i used to live with my parents they’d just enable me to be a lazy manchild

>> No.55174488

>Staying with your parents is the most wisest financial decision you can make.
>t. $120k salary remote software engineer

>> No.55174509

I moved out when I got married. Living with my parents when married was ridiculous, especially since they were both retiring around that time. I need peace.

>> No.55174519

pure bs

>> No.55174538

living with parents while married is peak comfy dude.
seeing and talking with both your mom AND wife every day? who wouldn't want that man!

>> No.55174541

I spent my 20s living alone and living with family in bursts. Every few years, I’d move back home for a year or two, save a pile of cash, and then go out on my own again. If you can make the locations work, I don’t see why more people don’t do this.

>> No.55174553

yes for living alone no for having sex
I moved out and still did not have sex

for anyone here do not think you will start having sex if you live alone unless you are ok with fucking disgusting slampig hambeasts

>> No.55174614

My wife is an angel compared to my mother. I grew up thinking bitching about everything was normal

>> No.55174671

My parents are dead though

>> No.55174690
File: 1.44 MB, 1510x1340, Screenshot 2023-06-03 112037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55174694

>only 33% of your income

>> No.55174718

>no video of boomer Bob pushing a dolly around
>no screenshots of a boomer with a dolly outside a bank
>no receipt showing 6 million penny deposit
>just a general pic of a jar with $20 in pennies
Wow I'm clicking this article and sharing it to social media bros

>> No.55174761
File: 49 KB, 740x459, Screenshot 2023-06-03 172915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an insane breakdown. I don't think I'm particularly good with money but here's mine. Also note that 'rent' is my mortgage, that's just how the spreadsheet has it labelled.

>> No.55174771

I'm not using your gay charts

>> No.55174815

Why is other and stuff 2 separate things kek

>> No.55174833

this cuck went from living with parents as a fucking kid to living with a woman as a fucking cuck

>> No.55174838

Charts like that are financial gaslighting.

>> No.55174883

Again, peculiarity of the particular spreadsheet I'm using. Other is acutally my 'charity' spend, which can be anything from buying something on Amazon for my parents to the money we put in birthday cards. 'Stuff' is pretty much what it says on the tin, it's things like clothes, new curtains, concert tickets, basically any of the wants, not needs.

>> No.55174917

Stuff is probably toys and such and other is speeding ticket, etc.

>> No.55174959

If renting a basic, 1 bed apartment is 1/3 of your income, you're problem is you have no fucking income not that you don't live with your parents.