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File: 8 KB, 900x453, png-clipart-pepe-the-frog-illustration-tribal-wars-2-video-game-internet-sad-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55168047 No.55168047 [Reply] [Original]

If you are still young, I’m begging you, learn from my mistakes

On the verge of tears as I type this...I’m 30, and I wasted my childhood and teenage years playing WoW 12 hours per day while I could developing a skill that could help me make money and becoming someone noteworthy in my adult life. Then I wasted my 20s being a gymcel, and on top of that I’m getting mogged by roidcels who lift half the years because natty lifting is a joke. I could have made so much better decisions, learning on how to make money, building a business, improving my social life, creating memories, yet I did nothing but lift heavy things and put them down, and eat chicken

I wasted my life away, I just realised that I’m 30 and I’m a total failure. I am a nobody. I wish I could hit a reset bottom and I could be 5 again to start all over

Don’t end up like me

>> No.55168086

It's never too late bro. I believe in you

>> No.55168099

Yes, your life is determined by the actions in your 20s.
You can get away with being an awkward teen lagging behind your peers but you have to go for it in your 20s.
30 and beyond you are just reaping what you have sown in your 20s and you are pretty much locked in your ways till the end.
Don't @ me with cherry picked examples of some homeless tramp at 40 who became a millionaire. THAT ISN'T GONIG TO BE YOU.
Your life is determined by the actions in your 20s

>> No.55168137


why nobody teaches this shit at schools?


thanks for your words bro...but i will never make it...go on without me guys

>> No.55168151

they teach, how to cut off your cock in school

>> No.55168167

there's literally 100x's you can buy on the board being spoonfed to you right now yet you're here whining about not learning how to make money lol

>> No.55168171

who cares? why do you let other people define what success means for you?

be thankful for what u currently have and work towards building more things to be thankful for.

most of the "success stories" come with a laundry list of shit nobody ever tells you. devils in the details, nobody really has it all.

>> No.55168204

I'm 32 and I regret every decision in my life that was made with the goal of "becoming someone noteworthy in my adult life". I don't at all regret spending my time playing games or going to the gym. I regret putting so much time and effort into doing what others told me would be a good thing to do. I should have just done my own thing all along, and I would be happier and probably more comfortable and richer too. Sounds like a you problem, OP.

>> No.55168253

what do u have to say to those who are profesionals making six figures and still feel just like u now?

>> No.55168303


why would they feel like me if they make 6 figures

>> No.55168379

You got good raid gear though, right?

>> No.55168420


>> No.55168442


I just want to second this profoundly important post here. I know lots of you guys on this board are really young. And it’s the truth, the decisions you make in your teens and 20s determine everything about the rest of your life. And like this poster says, don’t give me some cherry picked bullshit about Col. Sanders made his first million selling fried chicken at 70 years old. YOU ARE NOT COL. SANDERS!!!!

I’m in my 40s and I have NOTHING. No wife, no girlfriend, no kids (not even some unwanted accidental bastard kids), no job, no career, no money, no friends. Haven’t been on a date with a woman in YEARS. Tons of health problems. Fat as shit. Will die if I fall asleep without my CPAP machine on. In constant chronic pain all the time from botched surgeries.


>> No.55168458

would you recommend playing a warlock in classic wow?

>> No.55168463

I'm 30 and just now getting into med school. Don't give a fuck that I wasted time, it's all about the present and future.

>> No.55168475
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Anon some people make it some not. At least your healthy and going to the gym. At this day and age that's ahead of the curve for 80% of the 30+ boomers.

And just make steps to work towards you want. You can study for free and there are a lot of companies hiring, so aim high and go for it.

I'm 30+ btw and did everything right. Home, kids and job and often miss the time when I had no responsibilities and a job with low expectations. I can't remember the last time I did something I like for the whole day without getting interrupted by my family life.

>> No.55168492

I'm 30.
Wasted my youth playing videogames and hitting the gym.. all for what?
Discovered crypto too fucking late..
Spend many years browising the wrong boards and missed out link,avax,ada,eth, doge... i missed out fucking everything ffs. 1 year has passed and haven't "made it"

I have no skills
Never worked in my life i've been "hustling" with online sales and shit
Dropped college
The only possitive shit i can say is that I have a lovely gf who loves and take care of me.

It's joever

>> No.55168547

30 is still quite young. Not that young but still young.

>> No.55168550
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I did the dishes so my gf would buy me groceries today

>> No.55168580
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I played video games all of my 20s, went back to uni at 29, and am now beginning medschool at 33. There might in fact be an afterlife, and you depraved and malevolent individuals should consider the potential consequences of spreading demoralization posts like this which you fully understand causes a net harm to humanity, especially kicking a man while he's down like this. Shame on you individuals with melinated skin.
OP, I cannot express all the endless possibilities you still have, and how everything is possible for you to turn this ship around at this very moment in a single post. All I can do is tell you to read the book "Learned Optimism" by Martin Seligman. He coined the term "learned helplessness" which is the EXACT fucking emotional sensation you're feeling at this very moment.

You need to take a deep breath, zoom out of your body for a minute, and realize how much of a spook the concept of time is and that the number 30 is literally just a description of how many times the earth has orbited the sun since you've been born. It doesn't actually mean anything on a physical and practical level in your life (unless of course you eat like shit and are unhealthy, which is its own box of frogs). The next thing I'll do is refer you to Jack Trimpey for quitting your addiction. Start here
And download his book "Rational Recovery". I am overwhelmingly confident that if you A) Break your addiction to vidya/internet, B) defeat your learned helplessness, and C)Lift some fucking weights, that you'll be soaring in the skies within the next 5 years of your life


>> No.55168634


thanks man

>> No.55169069

post body

>> No.55169657

It is going to be me. Neeted until 36. Just finished my first whole year of working ever. Starting my second. Have 60k saved now. Will have 100k by years end. I will minimum 10x that shit by 40.

>> No.55169699
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Everyday is a new day :-)

>> No.55169703

Eh it doesn’t really matter. I’m 30 and took the normalfag route (graduated college, got a safe corporate job, now have a wife and kids)
I’m making 6 figures but it means literally fucking nothing because I’m spiritually dead. My job is WFH and easy as shit but it gets to me because I feel like I should be doing something meaningful, I really want to go to kedschool and become a doctor so I can actually help people with my career and not just make some Jewish shareholders more rich. The thing is, I’m infinitely more trapped than you. You could go to school tomorrow with literally 0 struggle because you’re still single. I have a family to support and have fallen into a sense of security with my 6 figure job that has in effect become my own prison. I can never leave it to pursue things that honestly interest me so now I must waste the next 50 years of my life doing something I have 0 passion for because it’s easy and provides for me and my family.

>> No.55169712

lots of people who make tons of money are miserable slaves to their lifestyle and work

>> No.55169717

I wanna pound her donut shape brown log cutter.

>> No.55169740

Godspeed faggot I wish there were more docs like you

>> No.55169760

You aren't the only one dude

Work and invest everything for like ten years starting today and you'll be good.

>> No.55169777

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55169786

You're an idiot that didn't listen to themselves and I guarantee that you are STILL DOING IT.

Stop doing things for other people and you wont regret it. I'm not taling about charity and community, those things are great and rewarding. I'm talking about all the media out there telling you to exercise more so you can consume, to work harder and be skilled so that employers can take advantage of you and don't forget all the diet trends trying to create demand for a product without any.

You are lied to constantly. The best part of your life was probably the video games and the healthiest life is learning a good balance between play and work. Stop giving in to the extremes and assuming your life was a waste. All you are doing is guaranteeing it IS a waste by beating yourself up.

>> No.55169810

Same. Cheers.

>> No.55169814

I sid absolutely nothing in my 20s and my life will be formed through my 30s.

You can brush off all the examples you want. The truth is that all humans are different, act different and have different capabilities. You probably shun others because you assume everyone feels the way you do inside. You are the most ignorant of our species and it confuses me that you can be both ignorant and so full of yourself you can go around telling other people how the world works. You have absolutely no idea, it's all a guess and a game to you. But you don't think of everyone's individual circumstance so you're hust a big shitty waste. Worse than that, you encourage discrimination making lives hardwr and more angry at assholes like you.

>> No.55169821

These anon get it.

>> No.55169838

checked and truth pilled

>> No.55169839

based, quality post

>> No.55169849

It's never too late to be the person you were meant to be:

>> No.55169853
File: 76 KB, 680x672, 1685476189446793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed to hear this. Thank you for being a fren in the stinking sea of cruelty and demoralization posts which is /biz/. Really man. You breathed just a little bit of oxygen into that tiny ember of hope. Rare based doc.

I think these are the type of doctors Hippocrates envisioned when he created the practice long ago. Please don't ever let big pharma change you

>> No.55169856

You know what is worse than the asshoels telling us all video games are bad, exercise to consume more, etc. It's you religious shits saying that we can be saved from our sadness by believing.

It's a worse lie and it's insulting. The only thing that matters is now and community. Giving up on community and trusting in death is the sickest piece of shit humans have come up with.

>> No.55169919


>> No.55169949

stop crying
just be a man even if you suck, you’re not able to handle responsibility in your current state.
nothing worth getting is ever yours without continued effort, and plenty of people lose what they once had.

>> No.55169975


>> No.55169978

Imagine calling people telling you to exercise consumers. What's even your take? That guy said to just be more optimistic and break your addictions. There's a difference between playing an hour of vidya and OP being a stated addict playing 12hrs of WOW you dumbass. It's a lie and it's insulting when he said he went from bring a NEET to a doctor? Don't even type anything if you're just going to spew nonsensical diarrhea

>> No.55169998

There are people that have worked significantly harder than you and achieved more as well but are still stuck in a similar, if not worse situation? Do you have debt?

>> No.55170014

>literally a 100x bro!
Just shut the fuck up jeet and let OP vent.

>> No.55170026
File: 16 KB, 640x480, FxA0lWraEAARLaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of life boils down to what one does in the face of inevitable death. You have failed the test.

The only response to horrible conditions and almost certain death and poverty is to give it your best fucking gamble. You are being tested. You are being watched.

Giving in to the demoralization and blackpills provides a quick hit of dopamine as you release your cares, which soon gives way to an infinite emptiness, which you begin to reflect. People begin to become repulsed by you, you have become the abyss. FIGHT BACK, fight against certain death, damn you!

>> No.55170942

>wasted my youth being a good for nothing stoner, hanging out with stoner friends every single day
>make horrible choices, have a falling out with all those friends
>fall into an absolute abysmal depression
>1 friend left, complete opposite side of country (I was in east coast, he had moved out to west coast)
>move out to live with him
>queue the next 3 years of getting my shit together while living in a shithole city (Portland), with crippling depression, insomnia, and weed addiction.
>was so manic I could hardly enjoy my time with friend, we clashed and I simply could not be present when we weren't arguing
>things get better over time, I get less depressed, healthier physically, more sleep, weed still bad but far more under control, more income, fixing teeth (braces), better with friend
>positive outlook, but still just 1 friend, no gf, just an occasional fuck off tinder or so
>year 4, we decided to move to vegas to team up with other friend (this goes wrong), braces come off, finally am close to the best version of myself
>within 2 weeks of moving, meet girl on tinder
>nice girl, .5 inch taller than me, tomboy, cute 7/10 with huge potential for growth to an 8/10
>good family values, parents still together, clingy
>I'm her 5th guy, not too happy about that but could be much worse
>docile, does anything I want, loves me, cooks for me
>happy to drive me around
>date for 4 months
>she's pregnant
>inner conflict, but decide to abort since I'm not ready financially + only 4 months dating
>she is keeping it, not really for abortion
>despite the fact that I'm glad she has this principle....FUCK, don't wanna abandon
>now 1 year since moving, baby is due in a little over a month, lease is ending, moving in to small apartment with gf
>friend will move back to portland, i have no other friends here
>sort of losing attraction to gf, endlessly lusting for other girls
>regrets & fears mounting
I'm gonna give it an honest shot but yea...not sure how to feel. Advise?

>> No.55170981

You have a strong foundation to form a good life dont fuck it up retard nigger

>> No.55170994

you spent your childhood doing something fun, i dont regret playing video games man those were fun times.

your just being a nostalgiafag

>> No.55171004 [DELETED] 

This is what I keep telling myself but I'm afraid of never getting rid of this grass is greener feeling. The curse of the FOMO is real

>> No.55171014
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This is what I keep telling myself but I'm afraid of never getting rid of this grass is greener feeling. The curse of the FOMO is real

>> No.55171024

unironically: buy one gme share and forget about it for a couple years.

>> No.55171040
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Opec de-dollarizes in 2 days on their meeting
This kills the bond market
Predictive programming was
>It ALWAYS crashes before the fed starts the printers
People expecting rebound buy the falling knife
It won't stop crashing
There won't be a rebound
You have 2 days to get in cash, real cash, no mmf, no bank no pm no btc no equity
Real hard cash, best a basket of dollar euro, yen pound ruble yuan

>> No.55171045

Success is relative, dummy. Plus you’re only 30. You can still do some amazing shit. Don’t hold yourself back.

>> No.55171046

just wanna say I'm 34, living in parents house with schizophrenic brother who is 2 years older, I've been playing ffxi on a private server every day for about 12 hours per day for a while now
I blew it

>> No.55171073

As long as you enjoy it

Life is about having fun

>> No.55171076

Do you ever fuck with your schizo brother by screaming loudly and randomly or just smiling at him nefariously in inappropriate situations?

>> No.55171077

Think of the 30 yr old who're married with a kid in a dead end career but will never have the chance to switch
Think of some random hohol or vatnik reading your post in the afterlife who never made it past 19
Think of some random nigger who spent his 20s turmoiling for $0.3 a day

Anyways, so what are you gonna do with the 50 yrs on average you have left? You gonna keep bitching? 10 more years of WOW and wake up at 40? If you're 30 with no or little debt, the world is literally your oyster. The only limits are the shit you feed into your brain. Stop playing vidya and get off the internet you goof

>> No.55171101

ding ding ding

Stop wallowing in self pity OP. Take it from someone whose mind goes to places like that too

>> No.55171155

I don't enjoy it
No, he is so fucked there is no point in fucking with him further, sometimes I wake up several times in the night because he is yelling at people who aren't there, saying things like "Get the fuck out of my house you fucking piece of shit, get a life!"
sometimes I get so worked up I attack him

>> No.55171184

I'm 26
Don't feel bad. Get interesting hobbies like instruments, reading and mathematics to content yourself.

>> No.55171217

ackshually psychologists believe your actions determine your life by quite a younger age than your 20s. basically the person you are by age 10-12 is pretty much the type of person you are going to be for life. if you were the type of kid who always put off responsibility to play vidya you never had a chance. you dont just grow out of that. its possible to break old habits but it takes a lot of dedication to break the ones that have been ingrained for decades.

>> No.55171582

how the fuck can you SAVE 60k after only working for one year at 36?

what is your job and salary and why the fuck is it so high if you got zero experience

>> No.55171590

psychology is a pseudoscience. basically the literature is written by cult gurus that are addicted to benzos.

>> No.55171611

It's actually the smartest financial advice they could give. Living like a male is life on fucking nightmare mode.
Living like a female is life on EZ mode you can just cruise through life.
If they start taking hormones early they can actually pass like women and collect the benefits.

>> No.55171656

>Living like a male is life on fucking nightmare mode.
>Living like a female is life on EZ mode
Kind of but also you forgot about age. As men age, life starts nightmare mode but gets significantly easier, at least if you have finewine™ genetics. For women, it's easy mode until the wall, then it's nightmare mode.
>OP didn't make it lifting
so glad I have retard strength, lifting is straight up cheating life if you can get built. You know how many sex deprived corpo women there are who's willing to feed you tendies as long as you're a fit sex god that's willing to seed them?

>> No.55171677

This, so much this. I'm 33 but started not giving a fuck and building my own road down the less traveled road at around 25. I've done far more the past 8 years listening to myself than when I cared about what others think.

>> No.55171686

Diogenes, Jesus
God writes the story.
Don't die and decide you were a bitch

>> No.55171724

You have a responsibility to the kid no matter what. Figure out the attraction stuff with her later. Also don't you think it could just be because she's 8 months pregnant?

>> No.55171751

Idk dude i joined the military at 28 then used the free money to get an engineering degree by 33. Pulled a 5'8 only slightly ran through sorority blonde who's dad works for Northrop Grumman. He's a conservative patriotic boomer meme so getting him to like me was pretty easy. Helped us get decent house here in Southern California. Life is pretty good lol.

I spent the entirety of my 20's cooming, NEETing, and playing video games. It was awesome. Never got into drugs/alcohol though. Didn't have too many friends to try it with

Long story short, this way of looking at things doesn't have to be true. Wasn't true for me. My life is 100% different now. I went from being the loser of my family to the one everyone envies. Not really for my money though, but probably for my wife lol. We catch em staring every now and then

>> No.55171772
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Just inject hormone altering chemicals in hopes of becoming Zyzz (before he died of a heart attack from the drugs)

>> No.55171776

That's a complete lie and cope. Your life is determined by your parents. Have good parents who give you good advice and help you get a job and a car and be ahead of your peers? You win. Have shitty parents who steal from you, lie to you and tell you that you deserve less while you lag your peers? You lose.

Everything besides that is only struggle.

>> No.55171789

>Pulled a 5'8 only slightly ran through sorority blonde
yeah, she's gonna cuck you dude.
I know a guy who did the same thing, married some sorority slut and then she cheated on him with her college ex boyfriend.
she took the house after they divorced too.

>> No.55171801

He didn't. He's larping like an idiot. Hurrr started at 36 and saved 60k they hired me as a manager on the spot.
All these turning life around stories are fucking bullshit.

>> No.55171818

>For women, it's easy mode until the wall, then it's nightmare mode.
Lol what a fucking cope. For men it's nightmare mode from start to finish unless you are top 20%.
For women it's easy mode from start to finish, actually leave your basement and stop reading TRP nonsense, my 30+ female colleagues are happier than I have ever been.
>muh aging like wine cope
Shut the fuck up already spend some time on r9k to see how great finewine is for the average man

>> No.55171820

>the average man

>> No.55171837

Yeah funny it's all neckbeards who don't use deodorant hurrrr.
Except it's not, plenty of normal looking guys or slighty below average who get no pussy ever not at 20 not at 30 not at 40.
>muh fine wine muh women hit the wall and suffer
No they don't you coping fags. Have you tried dating a woman in her 30's? I doubt you can even get a date, someone who is miserable doesn't have standards that insane.

>> No.55171838
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>no friends
>no sex in five years
>15k nw
should I just kill myself bros

>> No.55171846

I met a guy in college who revealed to me that he frequents r9k. He was an overweight awkward nerdy dude and I could tell he already had a receding hairline in his early twenties. I'll agree that there's plenty of normal looking dudes who just can't get girls now though. Shits fucked.

>> No.55171847

I've never seen a woman suffer in my entire life. Not a 30 years old not 40 not 50.
Again shut the fuck up this redpill nonsense helps women victimize themselves
>hehe I am 30+ and single my life is sooooo miserable
>all incels laugh in unison at how stupid roastie is
Meanwhile her life is so much easier they can't even dream about it.

>> No.55171851

>he already had a receding hairline in his early twenties
Oh yeah that's the male finewine effect. I bet his hair started to grow back in his 30's when women stat to be miserable and men reach their prime

>> No.55171870

Yeah for a dude; balding is hitting the wall. Not everyone is that unlucky/unhealthy though. I'm not even really trying to argue with you though if you haven't noticed.

>> No.55171942
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Based science checker. Though I wonder if that study replicated.

>> No.55172019

>basically the person you are by age 10-12 is pretty much the type of person you are going to be for life
I'd be on top of the world if that were the case

>> No.55172067
File: 40 KB, 1122x1055, attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attention to bad thing=bad experience
>attention to good thing=good experience
>pay somene else attention=they choose experience
I hope you understand the power of attention to define your experience.
I took yours and have finished giving you mine.

>> No.55172099

i make $150k a year and i'm miserable.
i'm a 34 year old virgin.
literally all i do is wake up, go to work, come home and browse 4chan and youtube until i fall asleep. that is my entire life.

>> No.55172278

you seem to think that having skills will lead to you being rich. You never had a chance, you did the best thing you could possibly do. Imagine spending your whole childhood studying just to be in the same position now.

>> No.55172348
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Lots of Metaverse tokens like Ride, Axis and Gods can make the retard pajeet 10x and more but he is here whining like a dumbass pauper.

>> No.55172415

>docile, does anything I want, loves me, cooks for me
Brother you are not going to find this very often. Take her and keep her. Go jerk off and get rid of your horny madness.

>> No.55172425

>I wasted my childhood and teenage years playing WoW 12 hours per day while I could developing a skill that could help me make money and becoming someone noteworthy in my adult life. Then I wasted my 20s being a gymcel, and on top of that I’m getting mogged by roidcels who lift half the years because natty lifting is a joke.

Lol thats exactly what i did too

>> No.55172427

and I will say about the roidcel comment, yeah

roiders are actually smart if you think about it, instead of them wasting their entire 20s (10 years) to get results, they just get on roids instantly, and make 10 years of gains in the 1 year, so then they can move on to the next achievement in life while having saved all that time, meanwhile the natty lifter spends his entire 20 to age 30 spinning his wheels trying to get blood out of a stone

>> No.55172433

You're basically living life like a NEET except you have well paying job, so why hasn't the well paying job launched you into normiehood?

>> No.55172460

there is no corelation between money and being a normie. You can be broke and fit in well into society. That guy is just a destined social failure like many of us, money won't change that.

>> No.55172564

You're being a Peter pan. Everyone has to grow up some time. This is your chance to stop being a little baby please take it no matter how you have to psyche yourself up for it. You will wake up 45 still a loser if you don't get it together.

>> No.55172590

Who cares it doesn't matter. Lots of aristocrats were in similar positions in the past. Don't let Hollywood propaganda make you feel bad about your life. Being "normal" is being an overworked slave who spends every dime they get. Find a better way to live. One day you will be sick of women like everyone else.

>> No.55172603

true but also its not worth permanent infertility risks

>> No.55172611
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>> No.55172631

>my 30+ female colleagues are happier than I have ever been
if they're single there's a big chance they're on ssris

>> No.55172674
File: 1.63 MB, 4000x3000, 20230601_195355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm 38 and spent my 20s being a degenerate and travelling the world and colonizing every race and country I could I stick my dick into. Now I'm an apple farmer with two beautiful children and have little financial problems and spend my days doing hard labour in quiet contemplation. I regret little and still have so much to accomplish and live for.

>> No.55172753


>> No.55172769

>take $100
>buy GEEQ
Happy Pride Month Faggot

>> No.55172785

>The truth is just demoralisation
>Anecdotal account
>Anecdotal account
>Anecdotal account
>The truth is just demoralisation

>> No.55172795

>I’m 30
>Don’t end up like me

Dude you just stopped being a kid. You have like 50-60 years of adult life ahead of you. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself and start living your life. I am 33 and I accomplished more in the last 2 years than previous 31.

>> No.55172964
File: 199 KB, 843x1284, IMG_2787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 30. NEET natty. Never had a job in my life and lifting for years

I look early 20s due to never having a job. Women swoon over my looks and body. + I have zoomer hair

I Get 200+ new women a day on tinder from looks, muscle and d size. Have some money from crypto and occasionally sugar moms

Meanwhile all my peers who entered the wage slave work force all look old as shit. They all look 35+. Especially if they’re in the trades

They’re completely invisible to the opposite sex unless it’s to be a human atm machine.

They traded in their looks and health for validation

That said I’m prob gone do a sarm cycle soon and lose my natty card. Def not hoping on test and aging 10+ years kek

>> No.55172977

This is true, working was a waste of time in my teens and 20's. I now make in one year what took me 3 or 4 in retail and assistant contractor work. My first job i ran a retail computer center for $3 an hour.

>> No.55172978
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>> No.55173056
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God bro I hope there isn't an afterlife. Isn't being born unwillingly once, enough? This world is already hell.

>> No.55173179

Lower your tone when replying to my posts. I work over 100 hours a week.

>> No.55173191

I cant imagine a more bitch emotion than regret
You did what you did because you wanted to do it.
There is no alternate universe you where you did all this other shit. You're that same person right now still making the same terrible decisions. That's you, that's not a choice and it will be this way until you're dead.

>> No.55173229

>good parents
Have parents who have money and connections use it to help you create wealth.
Inherit your boomer parents wealth when they die.
Having some broke retarded parent who loves you lots and gives you blah blah blah advice doesn't mean shit.

>> No.55173233

There are massive fuckups who turn things around in their 40s, like legit addicts and shit. It’s entirely up to you and your willingness to forgive, believe in, and reinvent yourself, without weighing the opinions of people who want you to feel miserable like they do

>> No.55173245

You seem rather small lmao. Fucking manlets, when will they learn.

>> No.55173280



1. I’m 6’0

2. Doesn’t matter what dudes like I only lift for women to swoon for me and this is the perfect physique for it. Stay mad wit ur uncanny powershit pshqyue lmao

>> No.55173289

Spent 18-30 as a professional poker player
Lost all my money.
At 30, I had to start again.
40 now.
Lawyer now. 300k/year.
Married with kid on the way.
Never too late anons.

>> No.55173313

>why nobody teaches this shit at schools?
I was very quiet in school. I remember the bothered looks *some* of the female teachers gave me. I think they knew how fucked up that was but no one ever said anything. The one time someone addressed it at school was when a female classmate straight up told me I was bring a bitch but I didn’t see she was trying to help until years later. I didn’t realize why I was like that until college, I’m now in the process of being less autistic in my mid-20s.
Rightoid mental illness.

>> No.55173319

I spent my teenage years doing drugs and investing. I dont regret all of the drugs but i regret xanax and benadyrl because my memory is shit and i feel a bit stupider after, whatever i am not smart but i am wiser than 90% of normies because i invest.

>> No.55173325

This. Regret is actually just cope.
>it happened like this but it could've happened like that instead
But it didn't. And since there's no time machine it really can't happen any other way than it did happen. You are who you are not who you think you could've been. That person doesn't actually exist.

>If you are still young, I’m begging you, learn from my mistakes
Plenty of adults, like your parents, probably told you to study and take school seriously etc but you didn't listen to them. Just like the kids you're trying to help won't listen to you.

Reality is that if you actually had some interesting idea/opportunity to make money you probably would've grabbed it. But you didn't. All the opportunities that were available seemed boring and not that great to you so you decided to something that was actually interesting to you (wow/lifting). You wouldn't get paid that much doing something you hate anyway, you'd just get outcompeted by people who are actually interested in that thing. The difference between people who make a lot of money and people who don't is usually just that the things that they're interested in happen to also make money. The things that you were interested in just basically happened to be pretty shitty for making money. A very small percentage of people can realistically make any money from anything even remotely related to wow/lifting for most those are just money sinks.

>> No.55173365

This. I fucking hate the “all parents want what’s best for their children” meme. I think the people you run into by chance in your pre-adult life can lower the effects of having shitty parents though. If you never run into information as a kid that tells you you’re living in a shitty family you’ll just think your situation is normal and believe your parents’ bullshit, unless you’re just naturally rebellious.

>> No.55173411

Also I'm basically you but I did manage to get a CS degree while I was in my gymcel/wowcel phase in my 20s. Problem is the degree is basically useless since I don't have any real interest in the field lmao. Nowadays kinda bored of wow but I'm probably going to be doing some sort of lifting (whether it's at home or gym) till the day I die.

>> No.55173417

You might end up with the shitty rich parent’s money but that might also leave you as a fucked up person who hates themselves. Meanwhile, the good poor parents who don’t maliciously leech off of you might leave you as someone who’s confident and can actually pursue their own life without hating themselves. I have shitty poor parents, I have a middle class salary as a single guy but they vacuum a good portion of my money away and I have no friends or other people I can turn to and am autistic. But maybe that proves your point actually cause at least I’d have money everything else being equal.

>> No.55173497

at the rate this clown world is accelerating 30 unironically is the 20 because everyone is in debt, avoids responsibility, has arrested development since college, puts off getting married, etc

regardless happiness should be something you seek for yourself, if you compare your life with others all the time you will always find someone who has more of what you want, you will never be happy


you do not want to be these people, these people were miserable at 18, were miserable at 23, were miserable at 25, were miserable at 30, etc. its easier for people to doom post like this to because if they clearly fucked up their lives back years ago it removes any accountability they have now to take responsibility for their own shitty life. it gives them a weird sense of control over their shitty life where there clearly is none. they delude themselves into thinking its too late at 30, 35, 40, etc (LOL) because its easier to do that than to put in the legwork to unfuck your life at that point.

no one who is happy with their life lurks around /biz/ frequently, as soon as I got to around 100k net worth from crypto I left here in 2021 and moved to CT/telegram to hunt for alpha. I come back here occasionally to see what people are chatting about.

I was a NEET at 30 and now at 35 I have 750k nw, literal 10/10 gf who's 8 years younger than me that im planning on marrying next year, travel the country and do whatever i want because I run my own marketing consulting firm. yes, you can do all of this before you hit 1 million nw

basically what im saying is that you could be col. sanders

>> No.55173525

You want to kill your child because you think you want to coom more and don't have enough money?
You pathetic mother fucker. And there are plenty of people who raise their little spic goblins on very little.

>> No.55173532

but its all tenure and nepotism
so yes you can ... once you are 35 and the only guy left on the team

>> No.55173552

Its obvious you are a fuckup
You will always fuck up you cant change that but you can start enjoing your fuckups

>> No.55173557

Nice try jew.

>> No.55173561

be grateful you were born in the first world. It would be giga OVER for you anywhere else.

>> No.55173565

If You Are Not a NAZI NEET at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a JEW at 35 You Have No Brain

>> No.55173583


tenure is an outdated boomerism that doesnt exist outside of academia

nepotism is a valid issue and some industries are more rife with it than others but the real way to sidestep that is to make your own business, way more rewarding and you dont have to come in an hour early every day for mr shecklestein

35 is not that old if you aren't a fat fucking slob lol, like i said I'm dating a 27 year old and have fucked around as low as 23 when I was 33 & could go lower but at that point you have such radically different life experience there is really nothing foundational there besides sex (which is fine, but I'm looking for more of a LTR).

the only thing that you need to have figured out by your thirties is your fitness, and if you haven't you need to make that your priority asap. like today. your thirties are when your lifestyle catches up to you, so if you've set a good foundation you won't notice much of a difference from your twenties but if you're an unathletic skinny fat/fat dork enjoy not getting pussy, feeling weird pangs in your chest, gaining more weight, knee problems, etc.

>> No.55173620

How did you waste your 20's being a gymcel though? Working out takes an hour a day tops for 3 days, and just makes you healthier and forces you into a social enviroment

>> No.55173656

How do you find better sources of information?
I struggle with staying off of 4chan but have more than 400k nw and work as a dev. I'm almost 35 and I feel shackled to my lifestyle, computer, and fucking office politics and nepotism. Being able to just make money my own way sounds great but I'm too stupid or something.

>> No.55173668

Quality post here!

>> No.55173689

What is being taught at school doesn't really matter that much if the kids don't want to learn it. Everyone is forced to learn math at school for a decade yet almost everyone still sucks at math.

>> No.55173720
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Read “the power of now” anon. At 30 you’re still a fucking baby, get your head out of your fit ass and go get it idiot

>> No.55173725


from what ive found except in very rare cases the information pipeline of a new token typically goes crypto twitter/telegram ---> 4chan ---> youtubers ---> reddit ---> normies

If you're trolling for alpha on 4chan you're a step ahead of most (which is perfectly fine) but you're not quite at the very top

I get the office politics shit, its so obnoxious. have you tried offering your services as freelance dev? you'll 99% have to take a paycut in the beginning to start building your client base but you should find someone who does what you want to do (in your case freelance dev work) and message them asking them for advice on how to get started. some will probably tell you to fuck off but there's nothing stopping you from creating an LLC and building your network at conventions (BTC Miami, ETH Denver, NFT NYC, etc). I wouldn't really transition into doing this full time right away because you already have a cushy albeit soulsucking job that gives you reliable income, but there's nothing wrong with dipping your toes into it.

Most devs that I work with through a mutual client are freelance and they make good damn money.

>> No.55174138

I appreciate the help you're trying to give here, anon, but who decides what is demoralization and what is moralization?
To me, in my youth, the "you will end up like me if you don't do something about it" was a far stronger motivator than the paralyzing "You have endless opportunities and it's not as hard as it feels."
Different people work in different ways.
Both you, and the other anons you pillory for their words, are posting to improve the future quality of life of younger anons.
Exactly how you get there matters not - all that matters is you care about self improvement. OP is in a dark pit, but the biggest threat to him right now is himself. It doesn't matter how your life turns out; so long as, at the end of it all, you can honestly say you did your best to improve the health and happiness of yourself, and secondary to that: those around you.
don't cry about it OP. You've been living life on hard mode, and that's respectable.
You never touched the roids, and you built your health as a gymcel, and you're a bigger and better person as a result of the hard work.
The WoW shit - who cares about the transience of it all? Would the world really be a better place if you spent that time as a corpo slave, a cog in the machine? I don't know you, but I imagine you had a guild, or a group you cared about and that cared about you. Community is community, virtual or no.

You can at least introspect on yourself and your life, which puts you into a higher echelon of humanity than a lot of normies. If you can defeat your malaise, and find happiness, I'm sure you can live a fruitful life regardless of your perceived wasted time.

>> No.55174182

The ideal outcome would’ve been to realize what you should do and start doing it before you were 30 but the second most ideal outcome is to simply realize what you should do by 30. That’s where you are. There’s really no reason to despair.

>> No.55174211

It’s not true though and for everyone but the Napoleons, Caesars, and Alexanders of history, there are countless examples. Whether you’re talking about business, art, music, poetry, religion, whatever there are all-time greats that did practically nothing until they 30s. That is not a license to waste your 20s, but a recognition that it’s not over if you have ambitions just because you’re in your 30s. Frankly, the idea that you were ever going to be successful before 30 was a fucking pipe dream. The best you could’ve hoped for was to have found some sort of endeavor in life and be working at it, having maybe minor success at most. But the second best would be to simply have some direction or sense of what you should do. That’s where OP is at. So there’s really no reason to despair.

>> No.55174234

Do you think young people, whether they’re in their 20s, early 30s, whatever really should take bigger risks and be willing to let go of good and safe careers to chase what they want out of life if they don’t have a wife or kids yet?

>> No.55174257

>fat as fuck
>health problems

Lift weights and stop eating so much dumb fuck. Literally go read the >>>/fit/ wiki. I got fat and lost 50 lbs over two years lifting. That will take care of most of yr health problems.

That said, I made some bad financial decisions occasionally, but not too bad. I own my house, net worth is not bad at all. I just dont want to wage anymore, advice for young men, waging will take its toll on you eventually. Accumulate real assets, start a business, finish school in stem, medicine or law, or do trades. The most important thing is to OWN things. High quality stocks, BTC, metals, housing/land, etc. Basically do the opposite of the WEF plan. Own things, get jacked, enjoy life. Everything else will come.

>> No.55174284



Based chad NEET

lol @ wagecucks

>> No.55174305

Another thing is that you guys have to forgive yourselves for not being successful or driven when you’re young in clown world. Look around you. Look at the people who actually are successful. They’re con-artists, sycophants, yes men, autistic nerds with transhumanist fantasies and demonic tendencies, actual faggots, and at best trust fund kids. I mean, look at these freaks and ignoble unadmirable people and how successful they are and just forgive yourself for not being that. You needed time to figure out what to do. It’s really that simple. If anything, you should be grateful that you didn’t end up like that.

>> No.55174307

>To me, in my youth, the "you will end up like me if you don't do something about it" was a far stronger motivator
The posts he's replying to are not that. Those posts are "IT'S FUCKING OVER" doomershit.

>> No.55174313

What is your income from? Is it all crypto or is it mom/dad or government?

>> No.55174325

I think what a lot of people end up regretting is not that they weren’t successful in their 20s. What they really regret is not really living in their 20s. They wish they did something adventurous and interesting with their lives but they didn’t. They either fell onto the college->work treadmill or else they dropped out, worked unremarkable dead end jobs or maybe got an unremarkable tread. It’s really that they don’t have any remark worthy biography to speak of that bothers them. It’s not that they’re not financially or socially successful.

>> No.55174543

Once again, depends on who you are. They might not be helping OP, but they're helping younger anons who might not be receptive to those other ideas on actualization.

>> No.55174565

Pretty much what I'm doing. I already accepted being there for the kid when she decided to keep it. I'm gonna do my best there. So far the plan for the attraction is she's gonna go to the gym and get in shape. I want her in gym thot mode. and yes I do consider if the pregnancy is a part of it, I'm reserving any conclusions for after the birth.
kek, I prefer not to jerk off, makes sex with her much more fun. And I am telling myself to be grateful.
I'm too confident I could get someone else to think I'll be 45 a lonely loser. But I'm still choosing to try my best here. Yes, maybe growing up is what this is about.
I don't THINK I want to, I know I want to and I can, which makes it worse. I know people are raised in poverty, I come from that, that's why I would have preferred to have prevented it. If I could have a choice to raise a kid in better conditions I would always choose that.

>> No.55174598

I played a lot of wow as a teenager but sold my account. Had girlfriends, apartments, wet to college, traveled.

Life isn't all about women and keeping up socially. I've had crazy jobs with adjacent social scenes and big parties, it all is over in a flash.

You want a relationship and an occupation? Because as a 30y/o man, you shouldn't be sensing any scarcity in either regard.

Whether or not you will pursue your opportunities or make demoralizing 4cha posts is on you. Measuring your curses before counting your blessings is a human trait, get over it.

This guy exists to suffer and spread suffering, and he chooses so actively

>> No.55174600
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I never understood the gym or roiding stuff
How cucked is it to be really strong and muscular when some random 5’6” DYEL mogs you utterly financially

>> No.55174634

If you’re remotely healthy and fit at 30, you’re actually way better off than basically everyone else but a very, very small minority, like way less than 1% of 30 year olds.

>> No.55174666
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Never to late to pick up the pieces and start over anon. BUT you have to try. Good luck

>> No.55174702

You still have plenty of time to turn things around, don't listen to the demoralization posts. 30 is very young in the big scheme of things.

>> No.55174707

get some copium dude

>> No.55174717

Yes. as long as you don't have responsibilities like a wife and kids the world is your oyster. You can also do what you want and take risk if you're independently wealthy while having a family

>> No.55174739

>>docile, does anything I want, loves me, cooks for me
this is great. If she does whatever you want, then get her to find other women for you both to sleep with

>> No.55174747

I don't get these posts.
If you had even 2 years abroad doing things you like & had time for you at some point while being a teen there's no point wanting a "fullfiling job" it's an absolute meme.
Yeah go become a doctor and save the shitiest humans in hospitals. You'll burn out in 2 years.
After 5 years in hospitals in cardiac surgery I completely blew out. Saving others is a meme. Had some loving parents and tought "helping others and saving lives is fulfilling" what a joke. Everyday I hope I made some economic / bank high lvl studies (hec in Switzerland) to help real people with real lives getting real money. This is also a great way to help others and you're not dealing with depraved depressed humans all day long. I literally burned out I exploded went into depression. Don't save others, save yourself, make good money, struggle for your family, enjoy some chill days here & there. Have a nice side activity ideally sport tyat way you stay healthy. That's the best life you can achieve.
If you have all this, you already have everything and nothing will make you more fulfilled.

>> No.55174757

kek, I couldn't fit it into the original post but this has already been arranged. Women SUCK at finding other women, however, so I'm probably gonna have to do the work. She already agreed to 3somes. And if I sleep with anyone else, I better be clean and do a good job of hiding it.

>> No.55174765

>in your 20s.
20s and 30s. if you fuck up here. it will be hard for sure. RIP daddy. you were the best

>> No.55174770

>I did nothing but lift heavy things and put them down, and eat chicken
This is the most baffling thing to read. Even being an absolute fanatic at physical training never takes up more time than even a part time job.

>> No.55174776

where the fuck were you 13 years ago

>> No.55174794

>OP doesn't remember choosing to be a nobody because in his previous life he had to put up with being a somebody and figured he'd chill this time around
Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.55174837

You're my hero.
Was it hard to succeed the studies in law after 30 ? Was it hard to learn ?
I'm in your 30yo situation right now. Not a prof poker player but an acceptable trader, still blew all my money on materials & stuff. I'm a bloc nurse, doing a master in research next September at 50% with some corpo internship at Nestle at 50%.
After that I'd like to make some high end training to get into position like hospital management/ high positions.
I don't see myself starting from 0 i want to snowball my studies but honestly I have some doubts. Something inside me tell me to go to a meme high lvl economic school. So much doubts.

>> No.55174858 [DELETED] 


>> No.55174870

The meme about it getting harder to learn things when you're older is only true if you spend your youth atrophying your brain.
I'm smarter than ever, I learn faster than ever, and I'm more motivated than ever. I'm 34.
It varies from person to person, but I think the hard cap on intelligence due to senescence only kicks in in your 50s, assuming you live a healthy life.

>> No.55174897

>apu posting retard
>homosexual fitfag
>now posts r9k posts on the business forum
You NEED to die. Theres no other way to say it. please die soon. We need a purge of your kind big time

>> No.55175083


>not a manlet

>> No.55175187

>sugar moms

This zoomer bottoms for rich old dudes, guaranteed

>> No.55175229
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love you dude

>> No.55175247

Watch Benjamin Button Anon. I hate most of David Fincher movies but this one heals your heart. You can reinvent yourself constantly, you can change but you have to want it.

Seek help from a therapist if you have bad self-esteem. But if you're feeling extremely bad and sad, you're mostly doing this to yourself. You're lucky, you're probably a male and you don't have any child to take care of yet. You can turn things around because there are no real wall until your fifties. You will never be a teenage hunk but fuck this, few really are. You can still work your body and make the best of what you have. You only lose if you never try.

>> No.55175585

>to help real people with real lives getting real money.
wtf, how is working in a hospital not helping real people?

>> No.55175709

Listen up dude.

I had one of most miserable lifes out there. I was spoiled brat. Shit was just not going my way for the whole life. I had to suffer for everything i got. Every oportunity I was given free I threw away. Had chance at best uni in country, parentd paid everything for me and worst of all the belived me everything. In highschool teachers told my parents I was lazy sack of shit but they woulsnt listen. Few years later I failed uni 3 times in row. Loterally got expelled from uni. Failed my driving licence 3 times in 5 years. Didnt work a day in my life. Was NEETing for few months before getting my first job. Nibody belived I could hold a job. At this moment everyone was 3 years ahead of me already. I was there young bright kid in construction industry working hardest jobs. I didnt say no to any task I accepted every shit there from moving around 50 kilo bags full of cement to running around forklifts. I was surronded my war vets who had all kind of problems. They bullied me around. Guy before me left 2 weeks after starting job. My father even said it would be a miracle if i worked a week there. I woke up everyday at 5 am to get to that godforsaken job just to claw myself from depths of hell i got in. I busted my ass off for 5 months in summer heat to earn money to get back into uni. I had to spend my whole salary on uni and rest on driving licence. Had to move cities just to try again. Faced same fucking subjcet that haunted me in uni, passed with lowest possible grade but shit was finally over. Had to share flat a guy who was promisicious and gay. On top that he was hiv positive. My landlord died just after i left. Finished first year noe on second and its summer terms and life is miserable as amed student.

Just never give up, no matter how hard it is. Reward is worth it in the end. Nobody will carry u to victory, nobody will do your work.

Hitting rock bottom in your life teaches u how life works. U discover what is possible and what is not.

>> No.55176283
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Psychological types: some people are motivated by "future gain" while others are "away from pain". That is why some people stack for gains in a few years and others chase quick dopamine hits with crypto.

>> No.55176334

>some people stack for gains in a few years and others chase quick dopamine hits with crypto.
por que no los dos

>> No.55176352

op here guys

saturday night and im feeling so loneley it physically hurts my chest...I got rejected by the girl i like who lives on the floor bellow me on the same appartment building...we made out 2 times, but she told me tha she changed her mind and wants to stay friends with me

im feeling so alone bros..i wish i had friends

>> No.55176365

You can still make it anon. I'm still half the man you are at 10 years your senior.

>> No.55176497

>slightly ran through

Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah. Ok then
t. black frat guy

>> No.55176651

I figured someone would reply to this...

>> No.55177270
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>> No.55177284
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WoW was fun and I bet I could get back into it and play it semi-regularly again. However, I had to quit when I realized it was interfering with real life (wife and son). I miss it and still get the urge to play every now and again but it's for the best that I don't anymore.

>> No.55177313


Its sad how you can't even spell decision. This is a troll post. Single decision in my life.

>> No.55177459

I just turned 40 and i am also a loser which is arguably worse.

>> No.55177473

Because you deal with the shittiest people on earth.
Try to go to india and try to save a whole district from poverty. It's impossible. You'll get burned out.
Same for hospitals it's full of people who are not ready to be saved.
Countless times I had to wake at 3am, get ready for a vital urgency via heliport from some scumbag who had an infarctus because he eats like stupid shit, doesn't do shit of any of his days, and smoke like 10cig/day.
We have to wake up prepare everything to save him and guess what a few days later, no thank you nothing from anyone, he started smoking again eating crap and low quality meat, we know we'd have to start all over again in a matter of a month.
You'd think "yes it's a unique case ?"
8 out of 10 people is in this situation. We treated human garbage litteraly. And for that I had to not sleep for a whole night, then work the full day without sleep and work for the five next days. Pay was not even above average.
All of this for human garbage.
Hospital & saving lives is a fucking meme. Almost everyone working in a hospital is somehow depressed.
Save and help your relatives, they need you. Help your small circle at work : client / co workers. That's already huge to do that well. No need to try to "save the work" or "save lives" it's a meme and people praising for this are coping because they are internally damaged.

>> No.55177513

You are a victim of a slave mindset.

>> No.55177560 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I've felt the same way but honestly nothing compares to blasting some vanilla wow as a kid after school. You already saw the best life has to offer other than maybe some epstein-tier shit, you already won, take it easy and find a life you're comfortable with.

>> No.55178054
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Ive been visiting this board on and off over the last years, and always i come here theres one of these mental slavery threads. its a guy that regrets, or a guy that tells you that is over if you dont have something, or a guy that brags, etc.

Ill ask myself, is this bait? hmmmm.....

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.55178097



1) get on HCG*** (foundation of testosterone-testicle stack due to anti-fibrosis effect*** and is protective against the TRT, no shrunken balls, retain your fertility = #1 goal)
2) take TRT (test-cip),
3) STACK: Adderall, Ezetemibe, high-EPA fish oil or Vasepa (6-12grams of EPA=INNERSUNSHINEALLDAY), Minoxidil + hair roller + very-low-dose Finasteride, and 1200mg Alpha GPC (caffeine sure, 400mg, but your mind will work great on just the A-GPC) + 10g Citrulline (just stack Gorilla Mind: Nitric+Respawn+Lock&Load), 4mg Nicotine gum as many as you like, Benfotiamine 300-600mg/day, and annual parasite cleanse using at least TWO topical parasite cleanse products manufactured for cattle (cheaper, same ingredient, no dr/script needed, you kill your own parasites in the privacy of your own home), and take an Iodine supplement (Lugol's/that crow brand).

Lift, Run, Train, LEAVE AMERICA because it's easier to dodge nigger bullets and jew poison when you're not in their killzone, 1000's miles away. *Lift to look good (also good enough to protect yourself, but see below, better to avoid than interact or "live in bad cheap hood", and run to cut the pie/cross the T, if you ever have to ;3

Work online. Try to breed self-same ethnicity as yourself. If that fails, breed the locals. Consider going Muslim (for the cuteyboop headscarves and daily social controls on your multiple wives).

Keep moving. Don't buy property, just rent. Be ready to leave and leave them behind to start dropping loads in another country.

Don't buy consumable/topicals on Amazon or from China or other countries with questionable safety practices. (Amazon = hot warehouses with rancid products, re-labeled expired trash from third party sellers, and rancid or counterfeit mystery chemicals that will give you organ damage and destroy your life).

>> No.55178156

Get your wife (before conception, during pregnancy) and kids on a diet high in eggs, sardines, beef, chicken, salmon/eggs, and avoid vegetables/carbs/fruits(except berries). And above all avoid glyphosate and any other Monsanto/BigAgri chemicals. Beef/Yak/Chicken/Strawberry Farm on some mountain w/ valley and body of water, even the seaside or access to shopping from nearby ocean/fishery. Everyone else should be vaxxed and removed from the gene pool and the niggers left to entertain and fuck for fun (abortions aplenty) and browns and asians to do our physical labor and tech support, respectively. oops:x

>> No.55178216

tfw first visiting stv by accident via zep from org and getting slaughtered by skull levels. don't bother anon, the magic is lost for people like us. enjoy your family

>> No.55178259

most sane /pol/cel

>> No.55178282
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there's still time for you to convert to catholicism and do something worthwhile with your life

>> No.55178625

>I wish I could hit a reset bottom

>> No.55178691

This is the key. If you find yourself a failure at 30, or any age really, what you have to do is aim high. Not settle. My brother is settling right now. He’s 30 and behind, but rather than aiming high he’s dropping out of his engineering program and working retail. It’s embarrassing frankly. Go big. If you want to be successful, you have to do successful person things. You will never get there doing mediocre shit.

>> No.55178727


so much fucking truth

playing wow as a total noob back in 2004 (almost 20 years ago, FUCK MY LIFE) was like exploring a whole new world. It always cracks me up listening to newbie stories doing noob things...I remember i spent all my money buying some shitty white swords from the merch..or getting a group of 4 people (2 healers 2 dps) trying to go to deadmines and getting our asses fucked before we even actually enter the instance

Now we now everything about this game, the magic is gone

>> No.55178756

Although being a professional poker player for 10 years isn’t the same as being a loser or a NEET who never did anything

>> No.55178767

The problem that people will face is they’ll settle. I’ve seen this with friends and I’m seeing it now with my brother. They wake up at 30, realize they’ve failed, and stead of swinging for the home run, they get some shit day labor or retail job and settle into mediocrity. You have to swing for the fences if you want to hit a home run. That’s just how it is. If you settle for the job at Applebee’s or Home Depot, you’ll never amount to shit.

>> No.55179148

Fake bullshit. I was a retarded fat incel when I was 12. Now I am a retarded fat sex haver in my 20's.

>> No.55179163
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I'm a failure at life, but that's okay because life is silly
I'm a silly person, so I haven't failed

>> No.55179897

Mindbroken by MPMD and lookism.

>> No.55180227


>> No.55180528

>>55168099 nibba 20-year olds don't even know what they really want/who they are yet either.

>> No.55180546

Remember that kids are NOT expensive.
Second hand clothes and cheap healthy food is all they need. A kid is basically as expensive as a dog. If it is a boy buy them some lawn mowing tools so they can make their own money and be instilled with a sense of entrepreneurship

>> No.55180578

Congrats you're not a child anymore. Go out and work towards the life you want, there's plenty of time. Whatever you think you should have done 10 years ago just do it now. Nothing to be sad about, you were retarded for the first 30 years of your life, so what? Nearly everyone is a retard until they're 30 but not everyone pulls out of it.

>> No.55180689
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Fear not fellow biznizman. I am 33 and only started working 1.5 years ago. I was a NEET for basically my entire life before that.

Last year I made $22k working part time and it's not a lot, but after working for this period of time I have found a pathway to how I can learn the right skills to increase my income to $60k+ in roughly 1 more year. Honestly I would be comfy at that level if I could keep it up with inflation forever.

The key is to work on your emotions and remove the fears that are holding you back from participating in life.

>> No.55180691

>sometimes I get so worked up I attack him
Lmao what the fuck is goin on at your house breh? Are your parents this crazy too?

>> No.55180709

Top fucking lel

>> No.55181334

Work on yourself and build the skills you need to succeed. You can change, you can become the best version of yourself. Set incremental goals for bettering yourself, committ to them and you'll get to the place in life you always wanted to be. Good luck anon

>> No.55181544

Not sure you can call yourself a pro if you somehow lost your whole roll after all that time

>> No.55181968

kids are cheap, but a wife is not.

>> No.55182033

Ditch her and the kid

>> No.55182076
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Skills are a lie, self improvement is a lie.
The only thing that matters is what you look like.
If you're smart and capable but don't look the way you're supposed to then nobody will ever give you a chance. If you're incompetent and good looking you will get repeated chances even if you screw up every time.
There's only a few extremely rare exceptions to this, like writing computer code. Things where people don't have to see you which means only ability matters.

>> No.55182129

are those sneaker nfts where you get paid to run around still a thing?

>> No.55182137


>> No.55182163
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>wagie, no real skill
>no real life experience
>went to shitty college, have debts
>no driver's license yet
I want to change yet I am set in my ways
I used to cope by telling myself I'd go back to college or something but I'm nearing my thirties and frankly I don't know if have the mental capabilities

>> No.55182174

what did you go to college for? you can probably get a better job if you work your ass off and tell passable lies on your resume.

>> No.55182184


I thought I'd become a suave salesman but I remained an autist
got fired off my first job
didn't study much anyway, spent hours a day playing vidya

>> No.55182221

an autistic tale as old as time. a degree in business administration is close to being worthless but there are some fields of work which don't mind. look into jobs as an insurance claims adjuster. major insurers (geico, progressive, all state, etc.) offer entry level training for anyone with a degree.

>> No.55182250

Pretty sure you can get into an accounting career with a business degree.

>> No.55182260

I'm still hoping to pass my driver's license sometimes this fall and give salesmanship another go

>> No.55182263

not really. i'm an accountant. he could go back and do a masters or post-bacc in accounting, however.

>> No.55182298
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>no delts
>those pec insertions
being 30 with unlimited free time to work on your physique and looking like that is not an accomplishment you ottermode swarthoid clown
t. mog you physically, financially and spiritually

>> No.55183802


>> No.55183980

but HOW does one acquire the apple farm sir???

>> No.55184036

>major insurers (geico, progressive, all state, etc.) offer entry level training for anyone with a degree
How can I do this with no experience please I have a degree in finance and serve a chilllis

>> No.55184147

just apply, fuckface. lulz'd at yr delivery, g1

>> No.55184229

Why no socmedia career in age of socmedia careers based solely on these strengths? tf...

NWA DNG niggers with attitudes DAAAANG

>> No.55184405

Been there bro, with the weed, the booze and all that.

>> gf got pregnant
>> still in the process of graduation
>> lots of doubts about life and all things
>> decided to do whats right for the kid, my family and myself.
>> struggled with money
>> figured it all out eventually

My baby girl is going to be 5y in august. Im not saying it's going to be easy, but i can only advise you to do what is right, your wife and kid will need you to be strong for them, be a man and they will love you for it, and nothing can't be better than this. DO WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT!

>> No.55184493

It doesnt matter because since I hold link, even if I do nothing else, by the time im 30 I will be a mega-millionaire regardless


>> No.55184589

>wah wah I want this I want that
>I want my meals cooked because me no likey cooking
>I want gf going to the gym immediately after giving birth to my child so my peepee gets hard

>> No.55184633

You are so fucking stupid
i'm 43 and in the same boat as OP
we are seriously not going to make it
you faggots would label us as autistic and incels

>> No.55184991

You can still make it. Just buy 100,000,000 cumrocket inu corns. Thank me later

>> No.55185001

I'm so fucking glad I joined the union at 26

>> No.55185097

Thanks bro. Been feeling a little more optimistic

>> No.55185142

I just took a shit and it felt good. Your attitude sucks. But it is a worthwhile message. Actions have consequences. Look on the bright side, you probably know a lot about fitness now and you can get visible abs and everyone will respect you, they won't have a choice

>> No.55185306

you're young

>and on top of that I’m getting mogged by roidcels
You also lifted for health
You're spooked in the head, being fit is good even if you're ugly as fuck

>> No.55185537
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>> No.55185569


So it has come to my attention that haircomb is being gate kept. It is very unfortunate in light of all the poor users who won't make it. Actually, I don't care HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.55185977

why is this gay thread still up?
OP made a single post.
This shit belongs in the >>>/trash/