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File: 105 KB, 1467x1508, bat-symbol-wojak-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55167053 No.55167053 [Reply] [Original]

BAT thread. We need some serious help or its over, lads.

Opera GX just literally destroyed Brave in 24 hours. Earning tens of thousands of followers, downloads, retweets, going viral overnight capturing new users from multiple demographics. Proof of how even the smallest amount of marketing can skyrocket engagement (nobody talks or cares about Brave). Embracing a few normie tier memes is enough to catapult them into a league of their own.

Even Edge is getting in on it, embracing the memes, the banter, being "edgy", and is easily beating Brave (dead on every platform) in engagement. Brave Search API tweet is pinned for 3 days and has 700 likes and 20 comments. Opera is currently giving away some $3 PC game codes they forgot in a basement over the years and its better than anything Brave has done for its users since inception.

Brave needs to adpat or its over. Hire someone to handle your Social Media. The competition has buried these old, irrelevant, marketing retarded boomers too busy tweeting about coof vaccines. This is what happens when you sit on a multiple year lead. We can't even get MAU/DAU updates on time, while we're getting meme'd on. I plan on bringing this up in an upcoming Brave Talk. Would love some support on this.

This thread WILL have some TP, so don't worry.

>> No.55167078
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Title shoud've read "bends the knee" but I'm retarded and multitasking :(

>> No.55167079

I am financially DEAD

>> No.55167089

It’s no secret in the browser industry that Brave is incompetent

>> No.55167104

Actually I take back everything I said. Fuck faggots. Eich is based

>> No.55167114
File: 11 KB, 176x176, __AMLnZu8HsdKnPwMjpP9kRdU9LqXAOa40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave is going to stop blocking youtube ads. its truly over.

>> No.55167116

It's not about being competent. BAT was simply a cash grab and Brendan is a scammer.

>> No.55167158
File: 2.66 MB, 1080x1920, 333199086_1608638289614751_695926461893623829_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fumbled the bag so hard. Easily one of the biggest 'What Ifs' in the entire space.

They're literally farming on ez mode. They're pandering like everyone else, but embracing the memes in it, while going viral. They're pretty much clowning on Pride Month.

Speaking of Pride Month...

>> No.55167178


>> No.55167180

wtf I love faggots now

>> No.55167262

Nasty whore should be criminally charged. Imagine a man in a Speedo doing the same!

>> No.55167339
File: 2.86 MB, 720x1280, 331018691_600913341509478_7732808835755611388_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 June

-0.8% last 30 days

1.7% last 30 days

>Imagine a man in a Speedo doing the same!
I see that daily, lad.

>> No.55167535

Where did you read that?

>> No.55167543

If that's true, it might be just the final straw for me.

>> No.55167554

FreeVPN @Opera, BAT just seems like a kikey joo grab at this point.

>> No.55167646
File: 2.07 MB, 720x1280, 300406721_3161577400769480_3592323871165673493_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FreeVPN @Opera
Going to give GX a try. How are you liking Opera? It's been a few years since I've used and the China FUD kinda turned me off from it a while back.

>> No.55168129


>> No.55168235

I only hate gay men and trannys. lesbians are awesome

>> No.55168449

People I know used to use the fuck out of Opera but then it was bought by a chink company and they all stopped using it.
What's the current status of ownership with Opera?
I wanna get off of Brave but literally what's a good alternative?

>> No.55168462

Did you glean that from taking part in their latest survey?
HIGH kek and wew if true.

>> No.55168479

>BATTIES in the car

>> No.55168489

>ponder upon thy pong

>> No.55168493

>2023 June
>-0.8% last 30 days
>1.7% last 30 days
Where do you see this? I can't find it on Transparency page nor Mulks/Eich twitter.

>> No.55168535

What's going on with vBAT then? I stopped going to the community shit ages ago, so I am well out of the loop.
They're still sitting in my browser. I thought Eich was gonna nab those fucking things out of my browser in April.

>> No.55168584

Someone told me that YouTube has plans to block access for those using any form of adblock.
That's Brave done then... unless they can cloak users, I guess.
Maybe that's why Brave were asking about YouTube usage in their survey.

>> No.55168589
File: 2.97 MB, 576x1024, 335697641_652209203376958_763513338524493710_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the current status of ownership with Opera?
Beijing Kunlun Tech Co., Ltd. I honestly don't think it even matters that much. If you ever used TikTok once, you're in the Chinese system for life anyway.


>> No.55168632

Fook me.
Yeah, but that shit niggles me for some reason.

>> No.55168640
File: 2.80 MB, 608x1080, 344631966_1952112951787619_5741748687497407873_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do you see this?

Eich's Twitter is useless for anything Brave related.

>> No.55169238
File: 2.39 MB, 1080x1920, 334103833_234775075597863_6169297821720009505_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone told me that YouTube has plans to block access for those using any form of adblock.
>YouTube is running an experiment asking some users to disable their ad blockers or pay for a premium subscription, or they will not be allowed to watch videos.

>> No.55169962


>> No.55170139

braves basically the only reason anyone uses this shitty browser on mobile. ill uninstall this gay ass shit if i cant block youtube ads with it.

i will never pay for youtube premium though. ill just stop watching anything on it.

>> No.55170164

if that ever unironically happens and there's no way around it, I will finally stop using using that kike controlled shithole of a site

>> No.55170253

Thanks for the link. Interesting.
Nice baps.
No worried, there's tons of mirror sites anyway. I only ever use YouTube if I want a Creator to get my view(s) legitimately anyway.
But I reckon its more than likely YouTube will go ahead with this.
Thing is, it might actually be a good thing by forcing Creators to get their own sites up and running and become independent from the internet ghettos.

>> No.55170257

*Not worried

>> No.55170284

It fucking blows my mind that people actually pay for Premium.
Wasn't Eich harping on about some kind of web3 video platform or some such thing a while back?
On topic: shame BAT tipping never became a thing on streaming sites though.

>> No.55170305

Melatonin? More like smellatunatin KEKKERS.
Fuck I love black panties.

>> No.55170483
File: 2.75 MB, 720x1280, 332585388_1716196748795093_549296031170783607_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You VILL watch four 15 second unskippable ads in a ten minute upload.

>You VILL then watch the 3 minute in video Manscaped or RAID SHADOW LEGENDS ad

Apparently its already rolled out in a few Euro and South American countries. I've seen a few posts of Androids users in the States seeing it time to time as well.

Glad you enjoy. Usually I take time to find and post really good ones, but Diablo IV is way too addicting and I can't be assed to fight good webms right now kek.

I'll give (You) a decent webm of black panties though

>> No.55170621

These whores are the only thing that makes me feel better about my heavy ass bags that Brave keeps dumping

>> No.55170698

As bad as youtube is they've provided a lot of creators an effective way to make money which is more than Brave ever did

>> No.55170760
File: 2.86 MB, 720x1280, 346874826_1487303805348325_8388660303091427539_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same...A few of you lads that enjoy thots and a few OGs are the only reason I'm still around and refuse to dump kek.


(This webm is Social Media friendly, JanJans)

>> No.55170944

Just coomed all over my phone screen

>> No.55170966

why so weak.

>> No.55170991

Im a coomer.

>> No.55171222
File: 13 KB, 399x400, frog look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opera changed their image to literally two faggotniggers kissing and got a bunch of discord trannoids to switch over to their shitty browser for a few weeks before they switch back to Chrome

no serious person should give a single shit about this

>> No.55171229

Oh boo hoo Opera is dunking on Brave while Eich is busy shitting himself over masks.

>> No.55171232
File: 444 KB, 1024x1536, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, AI is going to replace onlyfans coombait in the not-so-distant future. Feels good man

>> No.55171299

man i cant wait to dump this shitcoin

>> No.55171336
File: 85 KB, 1397x802, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does look like alts are getting ready to move and if that happens then bat will at least pump a bit along with the market.

on a positive note, bat hit its lowest point on RSI in its history recently. the expectations on it are so fucking low, that if brave ever does literally anything with bat then it should show some signs of life again. even if it doesnt, a rising tide lifts all boats so it will at least follow other shitcoins (albeit most likely underperform as always)

also know a guy who is the most retarded person ive ever encountered who is the worst trader on the planet, and he dumped his bat at the end of march after holding for a few years which i have annotated on the chart. so thats bullish. i dont believe hes the anomaly here either, i think this coin is largely a ghost town and most of the long term holders have dumped by now which is a good thing to see for a (likely) potential bottom.

hopefully this shitcoin can catch a pump relatively soon, like in the coming months.

>> No.55171403
File: 116 KB, 1366x1584, batcrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also bat and other coins are showing very similar structures to previous crash cycles like tech stocks from the dot com era and previous crypto crashes before they reemerged. so dont kill yourselves just yet

>> No.55171436
File: 110 KB, 885x764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also asked about jewtube ads and got a reply so hopefully that wont be an issue. that would be devastating to brave if they couldnt block ads for that anymore